A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1834: Intricate front

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Now Gao Yang no longer cares about Iwan ’s arms, but he can also guarantee that the Angel Mercenary Corps will be supplied with ample arms, and the supply will be more abundant than before. Why? Because Ulyanko and Ivan are experts in this area, and Gao Yang has absolutely enough face in front of them.

The most important thing is that there is no shortage of arms in Ukraine. Now they can mobilize arms from Russia in Ulyanko.

In the past, Gao Yang devoted himself to stabilizing the situation in Ukraine, so he had no spare power to reach Russia, and he also held it in case he was killed by the Djoeus. Then, before a total failure, he would take some more ideas from Ukraine. Never thought about using Da Yiwan's channels in Russia.

Now, Knight has established a foothold in Dongwu, but this is absolutely inseparable from the high support, so the two mercenary regiments of Satan and Angel, in these matters of the Ukrainian sutra alone, to discuss who owes whom The human relationship is really hard to say.

Gao Yang gave financial support to the Angel Mercenary Corps, but Nete snatched a few helicopters and took a big risk to save Satan from the aftermath of the butter knife attack. In terms of danger, it was Angels. Even more dangerous.

Anyway, Gao Yang has made up his mind that he will no longer be involved in Ukraine.

After Donetsk City is the site of angels, it is very convenient to do anything. Knight is very busy now, and he ca n’t look forward to meeting Gao Yang, but he still sent a high Yang acquaintance Sirte to pick it up. Raise them a few.

Sulte took three people and drove an off-road vehicle. When he saw Gao Yang open his arms to embrace, Gao Yang carefully looked at it for a few times before he recognized Sirte.

Sirte can't see it like a German at all. He is wearing a Ukrainian camouflage, but just tied a white cloth strip on his arm. Carrying a handful of ak74 without wearing a helmet, he wore an army green turban to wrap his head. The vest exposed in the camouflage suit was still a sea soul shirt. It looks like a Russian.

"How are you, man. How are you doing recently."

Sult speaks Russian, and the accent is still there. I know that it is not an authentic Russian, but it is much stronger than Gao Yang, and Gao Yang can't help the vibrato in Russian.

"Ha, can opener! Hello buddy."

Hugged with Sirte, and whispered: "Man, are you posing as a Russian here?"

Sirte whispered: "Just know, buddy. Learning Russian during this time has enlarged my head, but it's not bad, and now we're not too bad."

After slapping each other's shoulders, Gao Yang said to Sirte: "How is the situation recently, is it still stable?"

Suhr nodded characteristically, pointed his finger to the west, and shouted: "There has already been a fight there, and it hasn't reached our site yet. But this war is definitely inevitable, and now we are preparing for it. The biggest possibility is to join forces with other armed forces. Our head has been busy with this recently. "

Whispered: "Are you sure?"

Surta scratched his head and smiled: "There must be some grasp, but I do n’t know what the final casualties will be. The battle here, you know. The role of our team can be quite limited. In general, we are still recruits. There are too many. Although the training has been stepped up, those rookies have to learn wars in wars. In this way, it is estimated that the casualties in the early stage will not be small. "

Special forces, mercenaries, and the role they can play in a high-intensity and high-intensity war are really limited. No matter how powerful special forces, it is impossible to hold the rifle and bombard the enemy ’s artillery positions. After getting up, the battlefield was still a regular force. The angels at most were scattered as middle-level commanders, or retained the establishment of the angel mercenary regiment to carry out some special operations behind the enemy.

Nodded his head high and whispered: "Are you dispersed to command various units, or have you retained the organization and are ready to use it in special combat?"

Sirte smiled and said: "This is our secret, but we still tell you well. All of us with command capabilities are integrated into combat units to serve as commanders, but we also retain a special organization for special operations. Twenty Let ’s control the people. If necessary, we will conduct special operations, but so far, there is no time for those who need us to play in person. "

Yang Yang nodded to the people in the car behind Sirte, and whispered: "Looking at the face, don't know them, aren't they angels?"

Sirte laughed: "No, we gathered about two hundred people, all of them are experienced veterans, some of them were from the special forces, and they were assembled to be used as a reserve team. These people followed me. Get up and give you away, so that if you encounter any problems on the road, you have to let you take action, then we have no face. "

After speaking, Sirte waved his hand and smiled: "Don't talk, I'm busy. This team has just been formed, and it's running in. I and the other two are responsible for training and commanding them, busy. "

Gao Yang quickly said: "Don't worry, Knight hasn't come again. I have to ask you something. Is there anything abnormal about the 72 Mechanical Brigade? Have you focused on the 72 Brigade investigation?"

Sur characteristically said: "Scouted ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Nothing special was found. The current battle line is too complicated. Our investigative strength is limited, very limited, and the 72 brigade is directly opposite another armed faction. The 72 Brigade has little to do with us, so during this time our attention was not focused on the 72 Brigade. "

Gao Yang touched his chin and said, "That's not okay. You have to be alert to the 72 Mechanical Brigade. This unit is abnormal. Recently, I'm desperately expanding my strength. What I worry about is that once the 72 Mechanical Brigade breaks through the frontal defense line, it should be done immediately. Facing you, it is better to be careful. "

Sur characteristically said: "We have notified the Donetsk National Army of these situations, that is, the armed factions that are now bordering with the 72 Brigade Front. How can they say that they will pay attention to this news, we will have no control. They are the biggest arm of Donetsk. They are very strong and should not be defeated in a fight. "

Frowned and said: "The strength of the 72 Mechanical Brigade is more than just a brigade. In short, this brigade is very strange. Someone is vigorously supporting it in secret. If it is not possible, the Americans will directly intervene.

Sirte has no impatience at all, because he is discussing a very serious problem, he nodded repeatedly: "Yes, the situation of the 72 Mechanical Brigade is indeed very strange, but we still made some preparations, and we are also very alert. Sure, our chief attaches great importance to the information you give. "

After speaking, Sirte laughed: "You still have to tell Nete about these words. If he has time at night, he will definitely go to you. Now let's go. I will lead the way ahead. You can just keep up." (To be continued.)

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