A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1803: Red team

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U.S. Naval Tactical Research Group, Commander of the Red Team, Lieutenant Colonel Carl Stromson.

The name is extremely simple, and it is attached to the name of the famous SEAL, but the SEAL cannot give any order to the Navy Tactical Research Group, because this Navy Tactical Research Group is directly under the US Navy, the reason why it is attached to the SEAL name The following is just to make it more convenient to ask the Congress for military expenses, and it is not noticeable to use this naval tactical research group.

The US Navy has not only warships, but also naval battles. They also have the strongest special teams in the world, special forces that can perform any type of combat mission, and are more powerful and mysterious than the famous seals. Naval Tactical Research Group.

Few people know that there is a naval tactical team under the world's most famous SEAL, and of course no one can know the existence of Lieutenant Colonel Carl Stomson.

When the Soviet Union still existed, as the most powerful enemy of the United States, the Soviet Union obtained some of the naval tactical research group's existence through some clues and tried to get some basic information, but that's all.

The internal code that the KGB gave the Navy Tactical Research Group is called the three-headed dog, and this is for a reason.

The three-headed dog of Hell, Gerberus, the child of the Greek giant mythical giant Tefon and the snake-body monster Ekedna, guards the gates of hell.

As an enemy, when the KGB coded the opponent's team, of course it wouldn't choose a name that was too nice. The image of the **** three-headed dog was not good. Although it was three heads, it was also a demon guarding hell. But after all, it is still a watchdog.

But no one can deny that the three-headed dog is indeed a strong enough watchdog. perhaps. It is the most powerful watchdog in the world.

The three-headed dog, of course, has three heads, and the reason why the Navy Tactical Research Group received the three-headed dog code is because this mysterious team consists of three teams, and the KGB only knows these, so the three-headed dog is still quite an image. The codename was given to the Naval Tactical Research Group.

What the KGB did not know was that the Navy Tactical Research Group used blue, white and red as the codenames for the three teams, blue, white and red. American flag colored.

The blue, white and red teams have different focus and operational functions. The blue team prefers sea operations, and the white team focuses on air operations, while the red team is not as comprehensive and technical as the blue and white teams, but the red team is the most capable. call taxi.

All combat missions, whether it is to perform beheading operations, to rescue extremely important hostages, or for simple missions that require extreme secrecy and extremely powerful opponents, this is the job of the Red Team.

There are 74 people in the whole red team. There are a total of 74 combatants, plus Commander Carl Stromson. As a combat force, the number of this team is very small, but as one of the most elite combat forces in the world, the number of this team is already very large, at least more than the same elite but also a special tactical research team belonging to the army At least a third.

Lieutenant Colonel Carl Stromson did n’t know that his team had a three-headed dog code. Although the red team belonged to one of the three-headed dogs exactly, when the KGB erected the codename, he actually only knew how The red team may be tasked and completed, so the code name is earned by the red team.

Lieutenant Colonel Carl Stomson did n’t know that the Army Special Tactical Research Group had a butter knife codename, but he knew that the Army Special Tactical Research Group was as strong as his team, because that was the heart of the entire Army, and they Similarly, the skill of fighting has reached the peak of humanity.

Lieutenant Colonel Carl Stemundsen knew that the Army Special Tactical Research Group had just recently encountered a disastrous defeat because he was notified.

Twenty-four of the strongest players, who died in battle in direct broadcast to the president, were left, and the corpses disappeared, and they fought with a similar number of enemies.

With a hard touch, strong to strong, and faceless face-to-face combat, the entire army special tactical research team was completely wiped out, and the entire army special tactical research team had only two teams, so Karl Stromson During this time, I have been thinking about who can end the army's undefeated myth in such an incredible way.

In fact, Carl Stromson did n’t know about the Army ’s special tactical research team. Like his red team, they belonged to the top secret, but the Army ’s failure gave him a chance to understand his peers and understand that he belonged to the United States. Opportunity for another unit of top secret.

At the beginning, Carl Stemundsen even thought that the Army ’s team strength was not so good, but after a little deeper understanding, he put away his contempt, because the Army team was indeed like them At the highest peak, like a climber who climbed Everest, everyone is at the highest point on earth, and no one can be higher because there are no higher peaks.

Now that you know that the Army Special Tactical Research Group is also a companion standing on the top of the mountain, where is the enemy standing?

It's hard for Carl Stemundsen to imagine that someone will be stronger than them.

The best soldiers are very proud, because they are the best, and only proud people can be the best soldiers, thinking that pride makes them not allowed to be defeated by others.

Carl Stromson is an extremely proud person, but no matter how proud he is, he will never forget his greatest mission as a soldier.

Completing the task is the only idea of ​​Karl Stemundsen.

Carl Stromson has a certain understanding of his goals, so he is very curious how an arms dealer can have an unreasonably strong force.

Carl Stemundsen has watched all the combat videos. He clearly knows what happened. The shots of the attacking soldiers falling down one after another made him very shocked. The enemy is very strong, really strong. In the end, the people of the Army were really hit by landmines and directional mines. However, using any correct and suitable weapons to attack the enemy was originally an aspect of the value of an excellent soldier. Those people can successfully use directional finally. Ray is their skill.

Carl Stemundsen really wants to compete fairly with mysterious and equally powerful enemies to see who is stronger, but of course it is impossible to happen, and accomplishing his mission is his best what need to do.

The army was hit hard, and this attack was extremely stimulating to many people, including the president. Anyone who is qualified to reach this level has to start to re-evaluate the goal called Great Ivan, so only After the command of success and no failure was given to the Secretary of the Navy, the admiral intactly communicated the command to Carl Stromson personally, and gave the task to the Red Team of the Naval Tactical Research Group. The Navy was not known. Proud, the sharpest of the tridents in the hands of the Navy's Minister of Warfare, and the sharp one in the middle.

Everyone attached so much importance to this task that the president personally ordered that the admiral personally deployed a task that has never happened in history, and that the entire red team was dispatched.

The reason why the red team had to be fully dispatched was simple because of the army's fiasco.

When you think that simply fighting for quality may not be possible, increasing the number is a must. Fortunately, no, proudly, the United States has a similar strength, but a larger force can be used. This is the only superpower of the United States. The background of great powers.

Leading the most powerful force in American history to carry out an unprecedented operation, Carl Stemondson is under great pressure, because his mission has a very clear requirement that he must catch the target alive, and must not kill the target, even serious injuries, minor injuries It is the greatest degree acceptable to the makers and commanders of this task.

Everyone knows that live catching is far more difficult than killing an important person, and not only to avoid killing the target, but also to ensure that the target cannot commit suicide. The difficulty level is increasing geometrically.

However, Lieutenant Colonel Carl Stemundsen is still confident, because they are tridents, yes, the weapon Trident used by Poseidon is the codename given by the Navy's special tactical research team.

On the Mi-8 helicopter provided by Ukraine, Lieutenant Colonel Carl Stemundsen has been observing the situation on the ground, and the intelligence from all aspects is summarized on the headset he wears.

Twenty-four hours on standby, took off urgently after receiving the order, and quickly found the suspected target. Watching the three small motorcycles rushing on the ground, it is extremely simple to kill them, but before confirming the identity of the target Never allow any action that may cause accidental injury.

Many places that are not in accordance with common sense, but finally found a suspected target, then you must not let go, but you must not kill the wrong.

Finally ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Carl Stemundson said slowly: "The target is about to enter the woods, and may intend to enter a house in the woods. No response was found. Whether to carry out the arrest operation is completed."

"Waiting to confirm target identity."

Soldiers must obey orders, so Carl Stemundsen did not insist on his own idea, that is, to land and capture the target before the target enters the woods, but this is also a deeper reason, that is, the action of landing and intercepting and capturing the target Not the best choice, because the target has a particularly sufficient time to commit suicide.

Therefore, when the target enters a forest building that is thought to be a safe zone, it is not too late to arrest, which is more convenient for the troops to expand, and more convenient to reach the target. When the target is illusory, it can be entered and captured at the fastest speed. He, let the target have no chance to commit suicide.

Finally, the person who spoke to Lieutenant Colonel Karl Stemundsen said in a very excited tone: "The drone found a large number of unidentified armed personnel approaching you quickly, carrying heavy weapons, and it is expected that the fastest in 16 minutes Arrival, although it is impossible to verify the identity of the suspected target, we are very likely to find the right person. The command ordered that the arrest operation be carried out immediately, repeat, and the arrest operation be carried out immediately, completed! "(Unfinished to be continued.)

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