A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1789: Mercenary war

? Ukraine is not the same as Yemen. For Gao Yang, it is different everywhere.

Gao Yang came to Ukraine, just wanted to earn a big vote and left, wanted to start his own company without money, so Gao Yang came to Ukraine with Satan just to earn money, nothing more.

But it was easy to come to Ukraine, but difficult to leave, because Gao Yang was involved in the war between Great Ivan and Djo. Then, he was forced to participate more and more deeply in this war that had nothing to do with him until he became The leader on the side of the war has gained more and more power and more and more money, but has also gained more and more crisis.

The battle with the butter knife almost left Satan completely finished. If it was not because Gao Yang replaced the position of the big Ivan, there was only a mercenary group, and he was not eligible to fight the butter knife anyway.

The crisis is great, but the benefits are also amazing. Now, the biggest goal of high-flying to Ukraine has been achieved, that is, he must have enough money to start a big company.

In Ukraine, Gao Yang found Morgan ’s shotgun and raised a gang with an amazing growth rate. He poured a lot of arms into the Skeleton Gang, five more transport planes, and a lot of expensive arms. This Originally it was all Ivan's things, but now they are included in the high pockets for free, and Ivan will never say anything, because this is the reward he deserves.

Andre borrowed two hundred million war loans, and now falls on Gao Yang, but there is no problem in repaying the loan, because Gao Yang can get more money from the contract with the cleaner, not only to repay the problem, he There is still money to be made, even if this business is finally to be handed over to Da Yiwan, because collecting outdated arms everywhere is not a good thing, but it does not matter. The advance payment received in the early stage will certainly not be handed over to Da Yiwan, so Gao Yang still has a profit.

In addition, Gao Yang can get a lot of unplanned things in Ukraine. For example, the foundation of Antonov Design Bureau, such as the old version of the Black Sea shipyard.

the most important. It was Gao Yang who got the black devil in Ukraine. All other gains are valuable, and the black devil is priceless.

Generally speaking, Satan is really rich in Ukraine. The mercenary team can do everything they can, and the mercenary group can not do Satan.

But in any case, Ukraine is not a destination for Gao Yang, he is just a passer-by. He grabbed a fish and left. Now that he had enough fish, he waited for Da Yiwan to come back. After he could unload the heavy burden on his shoulder, he quickly withdrew .

Ukraine is too dangerous compared to Yemen, so Gao Yang would like to leave Ukraine earlier to go to Yemen to carry out his big plan.

Gao Yang did not like to give up halfway through things, but he did not refuse to let go of Yemen, but it was not because of this. I want to treat Yemen as the main battlefield of Satan's future, perhaps because that is the dream of all Satan.

Form a large group and become the strongest mercenary group. Build an empire of private force and set foot on the highest pinnacle a mercenary can reach, a pinnacle that no one else can touch.

When he first stepped into the business of mercenaries, Gao Yang never thought that he would one day compete for the name of the world ’s first mercenary group, but people will grow, and their ambitions will also grow with them. And growth, when Satan is already the undisputed number one in every aspect, then of course they will want to go further.

dream. Speaking from the mouth of the loser, it is the reason for the mockery of the mediocre people around me. Said in the mouth of the successful, is the material used by some mediocre people to flatter.

For Gao Yang and all his brothers. Dreams are never spoken by others, but they are always the goal for which to work hard. If you have dreams, strive to realize them. There is nothing else to say. For everyone in the Satan Mercenary Corps, the meaning of dreams is here Too.

Yemen is a poor, broken and chaotic place, where Satan ca n’t make money and still have to post money. If the plan is successful, it will be recovered with all benefits. The plan fails, not to mention the money. But it doesn't matter, because Yemen can't be regarded as the place where the dreams of Satan and others start, but it is where they can realize their dreams.

Why must we realize our dreams in Yemen? The reason is simple, because there is no need for a new super company in this world. British Armor Group, Deyang International of the United States, the split South African eo, and the Israeli izo, survive and grow from the cracks of these big companies. It's difficult, the Sanye Jungle is doing well, but it's almost impossible to grow to the same level as these super pmc companies. The Blackwater Group has also worked hard for this, but it has failed.

Born for war, war is the only opportunity for a PMC company to rise, and to rise to become a hegemony PMC company, you need to monopolize a war, or an absolutely profitable war.

However, there is no war that Satan can monopolize, especially large-scale wars. If solar companies want to take a job, they can only eat soup, eat meat, especially fat in markets after Iraq and Libya have been divided by large companies Meat, that's absolutely impossible.

Without war, a war is created. When other companies do not realize that a war will break out, they have controlled the war at the source. This is what Gao Yang needs. It is too difficult to create a war out of thin air, but, It is enough to promote a war that will inevitably happen and take the lead in it.

Controlling the war in Yemen means dragging Shah into the water, and Shah is undoubtedly the best gold owner in the world. To be precise, it is the best injustice. Of course, the war in Yemen is inevitable. It will attract the intervention of those big companies, so it is up to the ability to decide whether to finally monopolize this war or to make wedding clothes for other companies.

Now Gao Yang believes that he already has enough capital. He has the best mercenary group in the world and can act as the sharpest knife in Yemen. He has the black devil as the best behind-the-scenes hand. He has a solar system company. Waiting to negotiate with Shah and be responsible for quelling the Yemeni war as soon as possible, he had the great supply of arms from Iwan.

Of course, these are not enough to ensure that Satan has monopolized the war in Yemen, so in the end it depends on Satan ’s ability, that is, whether he can let him enter Yemen, and die with his competitors who rob business. The ability to die a team.

If another company comes, it is dead, and if the solar system company comes, it is invincible. This is enough. As long as Gao Yang can control the war in Yemen, then this war is a game of left hand and right hand for him, Shah Is there any reason not to hand over all contracts to his solar system company?

If Shah really refuses to give the contract to the Solar System Company, then what Gao Yang needs to do is to continue to make Shah more painful .

Gao Yang's original ambitions were not so big, and he could even be said to have no ambitions, but now his ambitions are also large. When a certain position is reached, ambitions will naturally breed as if they always exist.

But Gao Yang is more willing to call ambition a dream.

Knight Schumacher's dream was to lead the Angel Mercenary Corps to control a country. It turned out that Gao Yang thought Knight's dream was ridiculous and incredible, but now, his dream is bigger and more absurd.

To put it bluntly, Gao Yang has unconsciously greater ambitions than Knight.

Gao Yang does not want to control a small country or build the strongest mercenary regiment. Whether it is ultra-small or small or medium-sized, he now wants a military empire that has no territory but has the strongest private military force in the world. There is no fixed place, but he is in the world.

Having lived in the underground world for a long time, Gao Yang does not want to be a well-known celebrity now. That ’s too stupid. A mercenary who has made everyone know that it must have failed. Just like the CEO of Blackwater, he has become the executioner in the eyes of countless people. Too failed.

What Gao Yang wants is a throne hidden in the dark.

The vast majority of ordinary people in this world will never hear his name, but he can affect the life and death of many people in this world. This is just a side effect after the success of Gao Yang ’s pursuit of goals. It is not what he most wants. .

What Gao Yang wants is a network that spans all over the world. It has a continuous connection with many countries. It seems to be scattered, but it will eventually belong to him, and be summarized in a network of Satan. No one knows the existence of this network. It was his means, but he was afraid to move him when he was known. This is his pursuit.

Gao Yang knows that if he really takes the throne in the dark, he will become the target of countless people and the target that many countries want to destroy, but what does that matter? People are always dying, life is a lifetime If you can have a vigorous scene, you will not be wronged if you die.

Everything has to be worthless, life is actually valuable, the key is to see if life is a bet on whether you can get the things you want most in your heart, Gao Yang never thought that way, but he will now think so, No way, this is the side effect after people breed ambition.

But all of this is just a dream at this moment ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ To achieve it, Gao Yang must first achieve his goal in Yemen.

Of course, even if it is successful in Yemen, it is only the first step of the plan, and this first step is still very difficult.

Even if he has ambitions, Gao Yang will never sacrifice others to achieve his ambitions. Even if others are not, he is not so philanthropic, but his friends, they must never take advantage of them and then stop talking. More than a dozen people from the Satan area played in person.

However, even if you have huge wealth, you still have to fight in person. What does it matter? Gao Yang felt that they could bring the skeletons out to help the soldiers when there were only a few people, and became a team that is now a powerhouse in Somalia and even Africa. There is no reason to fail in Yemen.

Now that Satan has different resources from the original Satan, Gao Yang is confident that he can lead an ultra-small mercenary regiment to win a war, not a commission, but a war to complete his dream and win a war. It is a war of mercenaries.

Yes, this is the war of mercenaries. (To be continued.)

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