A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1716: Boss, you are miserable

The six black devils watched Gao Yang together. He didn't feel nervous or embarrassed. On the contrary, he enjoyed the kind of gaze that was re-recognized.

After watching Gao Yang with a complicated look, Yalebin suddenly turned his head and shouted: "Is there any valuable discovery."

"I got the enemy's handheld mobile communication terminal equipment, which should be carried by the leader of this group of people. In addition, we took two walkie-talkies, and there was no other valuable discovery."

After Lebedev finished his speech, Yalebin nodded and said loudly: "Now, we have solved all the enemies we can find. Before the enemy is found again, the battle can be temporarily suspended. , Then next ... "

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Should we give everyone a break?"

Yalebin shrugged and said, "Resting? No, no, why should I rest? I'm very energetic. At night, it's a good time for general cleaning. Generally speaking, people will be at home, so we go to eat something and look for The whereabouts of the remaining enemies will begin their next work after dark. "

Gao Yang licked his lips and said with admiration: "You are really energetic ..."

Yalebin said with a smile: "I have held back for decades and I have enough rest. You decided to start meeting tonight. We will meet one by one and see those who are most likely to abdicate first."

Gao Yang thought for a while and whispered, "No, I think it ’s up to you to decide to see those people first tonight. I think your judgment may be more accurate. Well, in my opinion, everyone is not suspicious. It seems that everyone's suspicions are very big, and our perspectives are different. So I think it is better for you to choose the priority cleaning object. "

Yalebin was also polite and said directly: "Okay, this is our specialty. Lebedev, hold the mobile phone terminal for me. Now we will withdraw."

Yalebin extended his hand, and Lebedev put a mobile phone on Yalebin.

Gao Yang swallowed, and then rubbed his two eyebrows with his hands while rubbing his face, said helplessly: "You said that the handheld mobile communication terminal is a mobile phone?"

Lebedev raised his eyebrows and shouted, "Mobile phone? Well, it's a very intuitive name. For many years, I have been in the base of Gruu. I haven't been out, and where is it prohibited to use all mobile communication equipment, out Then I found that almost everyone is using this stuff. "

Yalebin took the phone, glanced at it, and handed it to Gao Yang, shouting: "Open, OK, let's withdraw."

Yalebin has already pressed the power button, but the phone he picked up has a power-on password, and he frowned: "I can't crack the password, but this is not difficult. It's easy to find people."

Yalebin nodded and said, "Let's go, take a break, and then go to find a restaurant. We should have a good dinner."

No one talks about the issue of the gun shooting again, and no one talks about the loss of Tarta to Gao Yang, just like this has never happened before.

The six men turned their heads outward and shrugged their shoulders. After a bitter smile, they followed the six old men and walked out.

Yalebin shouted: "Now the boss is responsible for paying for our meals. What do you want to eat? I had veal last night. It's not bad, but I want to eat something special tonight."

Rostowski smiled: "I also want to eat something special. Well, let me think about the famous restaurants in Kiev. I haven't been here for many years."

Lebedev suddenly said: "I want to eat caviar, I haven't eaten it in years. Gruu's canteen does not provide this."

Roztoski laughed: "I am not interested, because I often eat, thieves like to steal expensive caviar, I am affected by him, so I often eat free caviar, this is my habit Question, but it is difficult to find the top caviar outside, I think Kiev is unlikely to find it. "

Yalebin waved: "Yes, Kiev can't find good caviar. It's better not to eat inferior caviar. How about foie gras as the main course tonight?"

Glevatov suddenly said: "Is the thief dead?"

Rostowski nodded: "Yes, he died just the year before."

"How did you die?"

"Brain hemorrhage."


After a few words, Gleevato whispered: "How about that Saitopol restaurant, do you remember? It turns out that everyone who frequents Kiev often visits, and the boss's daughter looks pretty and meaty Soup is also great. "

Tarta said angrily: "Forget it, that pretty daughter should be a fat mom now. You should find the daughter of the boss's daughter. It's about the same."

Yalebin frowned: "I said, I want to eat foie gras, so we should find a French restaurant."

Several people approached their car while discussing what to eat, then Yalebin stopped and pointed to Gao Yang: "Our opinions are not uniform. More than two decades have passed. When we come to Kiev again, we will inevitably find some Do you have any suggestions for your appetite? I need to remind you. "

After a pause, Yalebin raised his head and smiled: "We are going to have a formal dinner tonight, so our requirements are very high, you have to understand that we are the best, so everything we enjoy is also the best , We are very picky. "

Gao Yang thought about it. He thought which restaurant was the last one he went to when he went to the presidential palace with the thirteenth, so he smiled and said, "No problem, I can afford it. Well, how about Ukrainian restaurants? "

After thinking for a while, Yalebin nodded and said, "Which one are you talking about on Greensevsky Avenue? If yes, where is a comprehensive restaurant that can meet our needs? Not bad, Just go there. "

Several people got into the car separately, Gao Yang was still in the same car as Yalebin, but when he was going to drive, Vasily smiled: "I come, I will drive, you are the boss, and now I have no combat mission, I can't let you drive. "

Gao Yang smiled ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ and Yalebin sat in the back seat, waiting for the car to drive, Yalebin suddenly said: "Are you left-handed?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "No."

Yalebin smiled, then said: "I noticed that you just shot with your left hand."

Gao Yang laughed: "For me, there is no difference between left and right hand in terms of shooting alone."

Yalebin tapped the head man, and then he said with a tangled face: "Talta's main hand is the right hand, well, he is really miserable."

Vasily, who was driving in front, looked back at Gao Yang, then he turned his head and said, "Boss, you are miserable, you are in trouble."

Yalebin also nodded in agreement: "Yes, you are in trouble." (To be continued.)

ps: Once again, I will recommend on all channels on the 17th, and on the 18th it will start to erupt. Now I am a little bit embarrassed. It ’s up to you to support it.

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