A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1711: Should we continue

Back downstairs, Yalebin was already standing there, and the four first-coming men were moving in two bodies that had been hammered outside the door.

After seeing Gao Yang and Talta coming down, Yalebin nodded and said, "The street hammer killed the two, and the silent operation can already be regarded as a failure."

After waiting for the two bodies to be thrown into the room, Yalebin shrugged his shoulders and shouted: "Since the silent operation has failed, then we have to hurry up. The enemy at the next stronghold may have received the news. But there may be no news, as long as we move fast enough, so ... Are you hungry? "

The five black devils nodded together, and Yalebin shrugged: "Hungry, then eat something on the road, we must hurry up, move, and go."

Gao Yang was very surprised and said: "Are we going to continue?"

Yalebin smiled: "Yeah."

"But you just said that the silent operation has failed. The movement is so great that when the two people were killed on the street, the remaining people are most likely to have received the news."

Yalebin laughed: "But there may be no news. Besides, even if they knew they were attacked, what would happen?"

Gao Yang didn't know how to answer for a while, then Yalebin laughed: "If the enemy doesn't know, that's good, we continue, if the enemy knows and escapes, then we will chase, if the enemy is ready to fight against us One game, then we will attack, is there any problem? "

Gao Yang nodded immediately and made an ok gesture, shouting: "No problem!"

The black devil always fought this kind of infiltration and then settled silently, so that Gao Yang fell into the mindset, so Gao Yang suddenly awakened after Yalebin ’s strange rhetorical question, knowing that he knew it. Even if you want to make a strong attack, after seeing the blood, the black devils who are excited like the medicine will not be afraid.

Seeing Gao Yang feel happy, Yalebin smiled and snapped his fingers. Shouted: "Why are you still stunned?"

It was then that Gao Yang discovered that the people behind him had all gone.

Accompanying Yalebin out of the house where he had just killed several people, Yalebin was slowly pacing again like an old man in his eighties.

Go back to the car. He drove non-stop towards the next spot.

Gao Yang drove the car very fast, but just after driving out, he slowed down the car again and finally stopped at the side of the road, because the two cars in front had already stopped.

The situation in Kiev is chaotic and dangerous, but life has to continue, so although there are fewer hawkers on the street, as long as the war hasn't burned to your side, someone will always come out to do business. The two cars in front stopped, just to buy some food by the roadside.

There are four or five carts selling snacks on the roadside. Gao Yang looked at one selling Turkish barbecue, one selling Ukrainian dumplings, and another stall selling common sausages in Eastern Europe. At this time, Rostowski and Wa The two of Xili had already got off the bus, and the owners of the stalls were busy.

Seeing the high car stop, Rostowski walked over to their car, then bent over and smiled at the co-pilot Yalebin: "What do you want?"

Yalebin looked at it and said, "My teeth are not good. So give me some dumplings and a few more sausages."

Rostowski looked at Gao Yang, and Gao Yang did feel a little hungry at this time. So he nodded: "I want Turkish barbecue, two."

Rostowski nodded, and then he quickly carried a disposable paper bowl, walked over with a bowl of dumplings, and handed it to Yalebin.

After receiving the paper bowl, Yalebin smiled at Gao Yang: "This dumpling looks good, don't you want to come a few?"

Gao Yang quickly shook his head and shouted, "Forget it, IMHO. The dumplings here, uh. Just like them."

Yalebin shrugged and took a plastic fork to fork a dumpling. Put one in his mouth, then nodded: "Not bad, mashed potatoes with cheese filling."

Dumplings with mashed potatoes and cheese, which is why Gao Yang would rather be hungry than eat Ukrainian dumplings.

After a short wait, Rotstoski and Vasily began to distribute the food that had been prepared and packed in bags to the first two cars. Then Vassily got on the first car and left. After a moment, Roots Tosky sent several bags to the second car, and the second car drove away.

In the end, Roztoski returned to the high-open car with two bags. After sitting in the back seat, he smiled and said, "I'm in this car, boss, drive while eating. Who will let us rush?" What about time? "

Gao Yang took a bag, holding a Turkish barbecue that looked like a steamed bun in one hand, and holding the steering wheel in one hand. While driving while eating, Gao Yang suddenly discovered that he had also eaten in the car in a hurry. , But eating in the car is to quickly go to a new place to kill, he has never experienced such a thing.

Gao Yang couldn't help feeling, it wasn't just because he was in a hurry, but if he was about to go to a very difficult and dangerous battle, he would definitely not be in the mood to stop by the roadside to buy something to eat, or early Ready, eat the meal that should be eaten and then act, or wait until the fight is over and eat again, how could you just kill a bunch of people, and then be on the roadside when you rush to kill another group of people? The stall eats a whole bite, what's the matter?

Yalebin did n’t finish his dumplings ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ After throwing the fork into the rice bowl, he looked at the glass button next to it, then reached out and pressed the one-key lift button, looked at the window The glass fell slowly, and Yalebin said with admiration: "Electric, not hand-cranked, really advanced."

After talking about throwing half-pot dumplings out of the car window and creating a pile of car window trash, Yalebin patted his hands and then raised his hand to raise the glass again, then turned his head slightly to Gao Yang and said loudly: , Your marksmanship is good. "

Gao Yang took a bite of kebab and smiled, "It's okay, many people say that."

Yalebin coughed softly and whispered: "So, will you be the first to attack?"

Gao Yang glanced at Yalebin, then smiled: "No problem, what do I need to do?"

Yalebin laughed: "I'm not sure yet. Let's talk about it. I just want to know your attitude first."

After finishing speaking, Yalebin tilted his head and looked at the glass key of the window, reached down and pressed it, and looked at the window glass that fell again and smiled: "Is the car now so advanced? Very fun." Continued.)

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