A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1707: Borrow gun 1 is good

Gao Yang already knows the name of the old man lying on the window. His name is Roztoski. An old man who always looks gentle and charming, although old, always shows a little loneliness intentionally or unintentionally Feeling.

Rostowski didn't leave immediately. He lay beside the window and whispered: "We need to gather and then go in again, and it's more difficult to be silent during the whole journey."

Yalebin waved his hand and whispered: "Go."

Rostowski nodded, then got up and left. After a few steps, he reached out and took off the hat on his head, then waved his hand seemingly inadvertently.

As he walked to a car, Rostowski opened the door and threw the hat in his hand into the car. Then Gao Yang saw that like the early hours, old men came out one after another.

After Gao Yang turned off the car, he whispered to Yalebin: "What do we do?"

Yalebin shrugged: "This is likely to turn into a tough battle, so just watch and wait for them to finish things and we will leave."

Gao Yang whispered: "Uh, I want to help."

Yalebin looked at Gao Yang and frowned, "You? Go in a bulletproof vest and a helmet? Forget it, let's just wait here."

Gao Yang immediately said: "No, no, now I need to wear casual clothes to approach the enemy, then of course I will not wear any body armor. I just need to bring a pistol, um, but my suit is really bulletproof."

Yalebin laughed: "The rich are always afraid of death, well, since you are willing to go, then go well, in fact, I also want to go, although my actions are not as convenient as before. But now my blood is burning again It ’s really uncomfortable to sit up and wait here, okay. Let ’s go. ”

Gao Yang loaded his m1911 in the car, pulled the gun and put it in the quick-draw holster under his arm. Then he got out of the suit after adjusting his suit.

After slowly walking to the side of the crowd with Yalebin, Rotzowski whispered to Yalebin: "We are waiting for Tarta, we decided to bring a gun, Tarta is monitoring nearby, but He will be here soon. "

Yalebin nodded, but Gao Yang was very shocked and said: "You did not bring a gun this morning?"

No action was fired in the early morning, but it was useless to bring a gun, and it was completely different from not having a gun at all. For Gao Yang, he couldn't even imagine the action without the gun.

The farmer who likes to kill with a pencil looked at him and whispered, "Yes."

No one ignored it anymore, and Gao Yang was still in constant shock.

After waiting for a moment, the old man who always smelled and smelled came. When he walked to the side of the car and opened the trunk, he suddenly stopped his hand and shouted, "Warning you, It ’s okay to borrow my gun. But whoever dares to throw me around or mess with my gun, I ’ll kill him! "

"All right, hurry up!"

Dissatisfied glanced at everyone around him. The drunkard muttered: "I hate those of you the most. No one has a gun. I always think of lending me. No, I have to take a sip first."

"Talta, you really should quit drinking!"

"Be careful that you can't hold your gun."

Ignoring the people next to him, the old drunkard picked up a large bottle of vodka from the trunk, opened the cap and took a big sip, and burped heavily.

"Talta. You should take a shower."

The old drunkard opened a large dusty suitcase in the trunk, full of guns and magazines. Gao Yang noticed that all those guns were equipped with silencers or models that could use silencers. There are mostly pistols, in addition to a submachine gun and a short-range sniper rifle that uses subsonic bullets. In general, it is highly consistent with Pavlovic's previous choice of the black devil.

Picking up a Marklov PM pistol, and then picking up a muffler, the old drunkard said with a drunken expression: "Ah, my favorite, my partner, finally used you again."

Standing aside with the gun, the drunken man whispered while **** the muffler to the pistol: "Choose it yourself."

After picking up a submachine gun, Roztoski picked up two more magazines, put the magazines in the left and right trouser pockets, put the windbreaker upside down, put the submachine gun in the clothes and hid it, low Laughing: "My clothes are big, I use a submachine gun."

Another person picked up a Marklov pb and casually inserted it into the belt. When he pulled the jacket up and pulled the zipper up, he whispered: "Move faster."

Someone picked up a particularly small pistol, and Gao Yang recognized it as a pss. The gun was very small, and its power was also very small.

"You brought this little guy too? Well, I use it."

The old drunkard whispered: "When I left, I brought all the guns I used. Whoever made you not take them, a bunch of fools!"

Yalebin coughed softly and whispered: "I didn't bring my gun."

"Ah! I'm sorry!"

After sighing for a while, the rest took the gun one after another. At that moment, when the drunkard was about to close his box, he whispered: "Sorry, can you lend me a gun? My gun has no silencer, I think Borrow your gun and use it. "

The drunkard looked at Yang Yang coldly, and snapped the lid of the box down, shouting: "No loan!"

Generally speaking, Gao Yang will not lend his gun to others, and no one can do it, so he can only stand aside, but at this moment, Yalebin frowned and whispered: " Be stupid! He is our boss, offended him, do you pay us for future activities? "

The drunkard immediately opened the box with a smile on his face, and said to Gao Yang: "I still have a spare Makarov, not special, but you can use an external muffler ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ , I do n’t have any other pistols, so you must use my spare pistols carefully, otherwise I ... cough! Take it yourself! "

Although the drunkard was laughing, Gao Yang had no doubt that his smile was full of anger, so he quickly took out the last pistol, and then the other hand took the silencer in the grid next to the pistol. He took another magazine out.

After the drunkard's cheek bulged a few times, he closed the box and then closed the trunk.

Gao Yang was quickly attaching the muffler with the screw interface to the muzzle. After the muffler was installed, he glanced at the magazine and then knocked the magazine on his hand to prevent the magazine from being loaded for too long. After the supply of the ammunition was poor, the magazine was put into the empty grip of the pistol after finishing these.

The drunkard stared at Gao Yang and said, "I just checked it. I don't need you to knock it. Do you think this is American?"

Yalebin coughed softly and whispered: "Start."

The drunkard immediately turned and walked away, and then Gao Yang found that he took the hammerhead hidden on his lower back when he turned around, and then thrust the hammer handle into the sleeve, then pinched the hammerhead in his hand. (To be continued.)

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