A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1684: Assembly order

St petersburg.

Talta opened his eyes, he sat up from the bed, reached for the head of the bed and touched a wine bottle, but the weight in his hands let him know that the bottle was empty, so he threw the bottle aside and hit He yawned and looked at the sun outside the window.

After sitting for a while, Tarta jumped out of bed and put on himself a stinky coat. Tarta felt that the clothes might indeed be washed, so he put on After taking off his clothes again, he threw it on the sofa and picked up a short-sleeved t-shirt again, but after finding out that the t-shirt in his hand was more intense, he sighed and took the thrown-out coat again. Come back and put it on again.

Passing through the glass bottles and rubbish, Tarta left his apartment and walked to the street under the sun, walking towards the nearest convenience store.

After buying four bottles of vodka and two big Leba, Tarta started walking towards the way home, and then stopped when he passed a newspaper kiosk on the corner.

Talta put the things in his hands at his feet, picked up a labor newspaper, and turned directly to the advertising page. After a quick glance, he put the newspaper together and put it as is, then picked up his own things. , Slowly and slowly started walking again.

The stall owner is no stranger to this. The old man, who is dirty and smelly, always smells of alcohol, rubs his newspaper every day, but he never delays it for too long, so the stall owner He might have gone, an old and alone drunkard, he wanted to see it, let him see it, maybe he would freeze to death on the street after drunk that winter.

But this time it was a little different. After the drunkard went out, he quickly returned. Then he picked up the newspaper again with a puzzled look, and read it again carefully.

Finally, Tarta rolled up the newspaper. He took out one hundred rubles and handed it to the stall owner, whispering: "A labor report."

The stall owner was extremely surprised. This old drunkard has rubbed his newspaper for eleven years, and as long as he puts up the stall, the old drunkard who will surely come will have to pay for a newspaper today.

The stall owner took the hundred rubles in amazement, and then Tarta turned and walked away, so the stall owner shouted: "Your things haven't been taken yet! Also, find your money!"

"No, it's all for you."

After hurriedly dropping a sentence. Tarta walked faster and faster until he ran.

Running back to his home that can be called a dump, after opening the door, Tarta was particularly surprised why he could live in such an environment for more than ten years. He kicked the garbage off the ground with his feet and came to the bedroom to put Everything on the bed was thrown aside, and the mattress was torn open until a large box was pulled out from under the mattress.

Pulling the box out painfully, looking at the dusty box. Tarta suddenly began to shed tears, and the tears fell on the dusty box, becoming a mud spot.

Tarta opened the box. The box was full of guns, long guns, and short guns. In addition to the guns, they were silencer bullets. After touching the six guns in the box in turn, Tarta closed the box again.

"Something is still there, I'm still alive."

After speaking to himself, Tarta nodded firmly. Shen said: "Then call, let's go!"

When Talta decided to leave. Grevatov outside Voronezh is preparing lunch in his farm.

Grevatov is not like a farmer, but his wife is a very common farm woman. She is fat and strong. She can cope with everything from home to farm. Even nagging is extremely annoying.

"The harvester needs to be repaired. You need someone to fix it for us. It's too late to repair it when the wheat is harvested. It's too late, Olia! Don't spill the soup on the table!"

Grevatov got married late, so his children are too young relative to his age.

After helping the little daughter clean the soup spilled on the table, Glevatov continued to drink his soup, listening to his wife's nagging.

"Your son always wants to go to a big city, he doesn't want to stay here, but he can't study, what can he do to go to a big city, you have to manage him! You can't let him spend all day idle.

Glevatov remained silent until he heard the sound of a car outside, and soon, his wife's idle son returned.

"Dad, your newspaper."

Glevatov lives outside the city and there is no newspaper to buy here, but his son is in school in the city, so he can bring the newspaper back to him when he returns home at night, but today, his son came back early .

After turning over the newspaper, Gleevatov's spoon fell and fell into his soup bowl.

"I'm leaving."

Speaking to his wife and two children who were still chattering, and found that they did not get their attention, Glevatov raised the volume and shouted: "I'm going, I might come back, maybe not came back."

In Moscow, a large supermarket, well-dressed, a gentle gentleman-like Roztoski turned sideways to avoid a clerk pushing a cart, a piece of chocolate had fallen into his sleeve.

Rostowsky likes to take things under the surveillance camera. Although he doesn't like being a supermarket thief, it is time for lunch, so he has to come to prepare lunch for himself.

When passing by the wine rack, Rostowski took several brands of wine and looked at it, but he was not satisfied and put it back. Then he went to the vegetable area and picked a fresh one. Cucumber, and then, he picked a nice apple and a sausage.

Finally, Rostowski walked to the front of the checkout counter, put down a chewing gum, and smiled: "Checkout, how much?"

After paying for a piece of chewing gum, Roztoski left the supermarket, and after looking at it, he started to walk towards a newspaper kiosk. When passing by a man, he quickly pulled out the man and put it in Long purse in the back pocket of the ass.

After quickly opening the wallet and pulling out a ten ruble note, Rostowski yelled at the hurriedly leaving man: "Hi, hi, stop, young man, does this seem to be the one you dropped?"

The stopped young man stopped and looked at Roztoski suspiciously, and then he noticed his wallet, and then said gratefully: "Oh, thank you, thank you so much, this Is my wallet. "

Rootstosky said solemnly: "Be careful, don't put it in the back pocket, it's easy to fall out, and it's easy to be stolen. I just picked it up to see what's missing No."

After returning the wallet to the young man who was grateful to him, Rotzowski walked to the front of the newsstand and took out the ten-ruble super film, shouting: "A labor newspaper."

Holding the newspaper in his left hand and the money in his right hand, but there is also a magazine that adults love underneath the newspaper. Rostowski always likes to play with such little tricks.

Rotostosky came to the park, found a bench without people to sit down, and then he spread out the newspaper, and magically took out the stuff and put it on the newspaper he spread out.

An apple, an orange, a piece of chocolate, a cucumber, a dark bread, a bottle of vodka, a small pot of caviar, a small piece of sausage, just enough for Rostowski's lunch.

While eating lunch, Roztoski was enjoying his magazine. After lunch, Roztoski wrapped the garbage with the front page of the newspaper, and then threw it into the trash together.

Rostowski never reads the news when reading newspapers, he only reads advertisements.

When Roztosky saw the advertisement, he was stunned, and then he began to cry holding the newspaper.

After waiting for a while to cry, Roztoski took out his mobile phone and dialed out according to the phone in the newspaper. After someone called the phone, he still cried: "Hey, I am a magician, you Who is it, why did you issue the assembly order, why did you issue the assembly order now, and why not issue the convening order earlier? The thief is dead, he is already dead, he has been waiting for someone to call him, but he is dead! "

In Churchkovo, Russia ’s General Directorate of Military Intelligence, a headquarters in Gruu, Lebedev left his dormitory as usual and went to the cafeteria to prepare for his lunch.

Gruu was hardly affected by the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and Lebedev came here almost from the first day of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and stayed until now.

Lebedev no longer has any position in Gruu, but everyone who sees him, mainly an officer, will salute him, and then say respectfully to him as an instructor, only those recruits. Only then would I wonder why this old-haired, gray-haired old man always likes to squeeze them in the soldier ’s canteen ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Lebedev did n’t like going to the officer ’s canteen, he just likes to go to the soldier ’s canteen.

Although he has no job and has reached retirement age, Lebedev still has one of his dorms at this base. Only he can wear casual clothes here, and only he can come and go at will without anyone ’s approval. It is his freedom to want to eat in that cafeteria.

After lunch, Lebedev came to the reading room because there were newspapers he wanted to read.

When Lebedev read the newspaper and found the advertisement, he pondered for a long time, very long.

Finally, Lebedev stood up, put the newspaper in place, and then did not return to his officer's quarters as usual, but headed toward the base gate.

Lebedev met a few people along the way, and nodded with each officer saluting him, then continued to walk towards the gate calmly.

Without telling anyone, there was no need to report who, and Lebedev slowly walked out of the heavily guarded base. (To be continued.)

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