A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1682: Signal sent

After chatting with Polovic for a while, Gao Yang finally knew how dark a qualified arms dealer should be.

In fact, it is also simple to think about it. He is not a good way to do arms business. He is a high-risk and high-yield company. He is also a big monopoly buyer and has low profits. Can it be considered as an arms business.

After finalizing the business with Murphy, he didn't offer a quote after so long. Even the cleaners were not in a hurry. This made Gao Yang think that he might really be able to raise the price a bit.

Soothing and comforting Polovic, Gao Yang called Murphy after he got to a place where no one was, and when Murphy answered the phone, Gao Yang first strengthened his confidence in his heart and tried his best. Tell yourself that this is a business, and the business has to follow the rules of the business. Although it is a full-scale cooperation, the money must be paid.

The reason why Gao Yang needs to strengthen his mind this way is because he decided to pay a high price to go out.

"Murphy, I carefully calculated the cost, and now I have a relatively clear figure."

Murphy immediately said: "Did you decide to make an official quotation, right? Very good, how much?"

Gao Yang gritted his teeth and whispered, "5 billion dollars!"

You can repay the money on the spot if you ask for it all over the place, and since you can pay it on the spot, you must of course leave room for the counteroffer first.

Polovic said that 3 billion to 5 billion US dollars is reasonable, so Gao Yang gritted his teeth and reported 5 billion, which made him always a little embarrassed.

"Five billion? Yes, how to deliver."

Gao Yang froze for a moment, then he whispered: "5 billion dollars, did you agree?"

"Yeah. I agree, this is a reasonable price, why don't you agree. Now we should talk about how to pay, pay half first. The goods will be paid in full, or it will be settled in batches, or we will pay all first, you What do you want? "

Gao Yang swallowed and whispered, "This, this, um, a batch of goods is now settled."

Murphy said in a very incomprehensible tone: "Every batch of goods is settled. This is too much trouble. Once the billions of dollars are settled, it is best that we pay all the goods first."

Gao Yang's brain is still down.

Why doesn't Murphy bargain?

Why didn't the cleaners bargain?

This is a large number of old equipment. The old equipment can no longer be old. The actual value is about 500 million US dollars. But Murphy did n’t mean to bargain at all. He also asked to pay the purchase price first.

For normal business, this kind of thing cannot happen at all. Even if it is an arms trade, this kind of thing can never happen. It is the norm to pay by hand and deliver by hand, but Gao Yang has no doubt that the cleaner is willing to settle all the money for him at once, because. That's a cleaner.

Who dares to rely on the cleaner's account to find death.

Gao Yang also thought about getting billions of dollars in hand, but this arms trade is too uncertain. Let ’s not mention that the goods the cleaners are asking for are hard to find. Even if they are found, something unexpected happened during the transportation. It can be considered a breach of contract by Gao Yang, and there is. One year, if all the goods are not delivered by then. This statement is much more.

So Gao Yang really didn't dare to take all the money, even if he didn't dare to do a billion-dollar settlement.

Think about it. Gao Yang was very entangled: "One hundred million dollars in settlement at a time is good, one billion is too much."

Murphy categorically said: "Impossible, one hundred million US dollars? Don't be funny, man. Don't be too courageous, you should take the risk. You dare not sign a billion-dollar contract?"

"Dare not, really not."

After honestly answering, he whispered: "One hundred and fifty million dollars will be settled. You pay first, and then I deliver the goods. After this batch of goods is in place, the next transaction will be carried out.

"Okay, 500 million, when will delivery start?"

"I'm going to start operations right away. I'm already in Ukraine. The first shipments are already being shipped."

After speaking, Gao Yang couldn't help but say: "Murphy, why don't you bargain? The big business of 5 billion US dollars, this is 5 billion US dollars, why don't you even study it carefully?"

Murphy smiled first, and then shouted: "This is a commercial secret, but since we have already agreed, it has not been changed. I know you still have this consciousness, so I will tell you well, I got it. The authorization is 8 billion US dollars, do you understand what I mean? That is to say, the quotation of 8 billion US dollars will be accepted immediately, and more than 8 billion US dollars need to be discussed and studied by senior management. You only reported 5 billion, which is beyond Our most optimistic forecast. "

Gao Yang immediately stunned, and Murphy continued to smile: "Man, you are really kind, if it is a big Ivan, he dares to ask for 10 billion, which is a big business that has not been encountered in 20 years. Ivan will never let go of such a good opportunity, and you, your appetite is obviously much smaller, but it does not matter, what does money mean to us, right? "

While Gao Yang was still stunned, Murphy hung up the phone with a smile, and Gao Yang laughed with a self-deprecating smile, picked up the phone and dialed it out, facing the other side with the humane answer: "Newlandova, you are in The Russian side will do something for me, go to the labor newspaper to advertise, and it will start tomorrow. "

Advertisements such as advertising can be handled by any individual. The important thing is that the content can not be wrong. After carefully explaining Newlandova, Gao Yang returned to the place where everyone gathered ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ loudly said: "Here The things are almost done. Taylor should be here too. When he arrives, we will start to work one step further. During this time, our identity is a businessman, so I will run around in Ukraine, but we do n’t fight. It ’s just a simple businessman, everyone feels relieved. "

He exhaled and said with a helpless face: "At present, the most likely combat mission we have is to kill the Djokovic. This requires waiting for the opportunity. I hope you can recover earlier so as not to miss the hard-won opportunity. Jesse Lee will join us during this time to prepare for our plan in Nice. "

Li Jinfang raised his hand, Gao Yang pointed at him, and then Li Jinfang immediately said: "You can do anything, but can you find someone who can cook first? We are really starving to death. We can't stand it anymore!"

Gao Yang shrugged: "It is a pity that I think the existence of a dietitian is still necessary, so you have to eat nutritious meals for a while, in order to get well soon, um, to appease your injured heart and taste buds, I said Good news, first of all, I found an ideal cooking soldier, and there is an alternative cooking soldier. In addition, the black devil is about to reorganize, and the signal has been sent out. I think you will like these two news. "(Unfinished) to be continued.)

ps: Unsurprisingly, from wet Hainan to dry and cold Hebei, I really caught a cold ...

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