A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1679: Seek the country

Gao Yang walked in a few steps and heard someone shouting: "Here, here, I am here."

Gao Yang turned into the room following the voice. Cui Bo was lying on the bed halfway, with a needle in his hand and water hanging, his neck was wrapped in gauze, his legs were wrapped tightly in gauze, and his arms were wrapped around his arm. With gauze, even a piece of gauze on his face, the whole became a mummy.

Gao Yang only felt that his heart was sour again. If nothing unexpected happened, Cui Bo estimated that this time it was really a mess. The original one would be ugly, and it would be impossible to read it again with scars on it.

Cui Bo was hit head-on by the broken bricks after being blasted. In addition to the protected areas, all the locations were blurred by the broken bricks. The main reason for his serious injury and dying at the time was because of the large wounds on his neck and legs. Blood loss.

Gao Yang didn't visit the wounded patient's consciousness at all. He sighed and said very sadly: "Rabbit, the long one is ugly, this face is full of scars, how can this daughter-in-law find it, brother I'm sorry you."

Cui Bo worked hard and worked hard again, raised his right arm, hurriedly raised a middle finger, and said angrily: "Go!"

Gao Yang sighed: "Don't worry, brother is responsible for finding a girlfriend for you. Even if your face becomes a cannabis, you can't delay your lifelong event."

Cui Bo said angrily: "Who's rolling, who said I've broken my face, I just had a broken nose bone, and my face didn't have flowers! You are blind."

Gao Yang sat down on Cui Bo's bed and sighed, "It's okay, even a long ugly person doesn't necessarily find a girlfriend."

After laughing and cursing with Cui Bo for a while, Gao Yang left Cui Bo's ward and turned into the room next to Grolev.

Grolyov was hit by a bullet through the gap in the body armor after falling to the ground. The bullet rolled and made a big slash from the back of the arm, stirring the back, but it was okay. No organs were hurt.

So Grolev is lying on his stomach.

Sitting on the edge of Grolev's bed, Gao Yang took out the packet and whispered: "I feel better."

Grolev said with a bitter face: "No. I can only lie on my stomach and start to hurt. Yelena and Natalia are all right?"

Gao Yang laughed: "Of course it's okay. They are very good. Natalya asked me to bring you something, with your favorite pickled cucumber."

Grolev immediately said: "Bring me one out, hurry up!"

Gao Yang said with surprise: "Do you want to eat now? Do you want bread?"

Grolev hurriedly said: "If you don't want anything, you must pickle cucumbers. Hurry, give me one."

Gao Yang took out a pickled cucumber from a plastic jar, and Grolev took a bite after biting it. Mumbled in his mouth: "It's a bit salty, but it's delicious, um, it's delicious."

Russian pickled cucumbers are actually not much different from Chinese pickled cucumbers. This stuff is already salty.

After three bites of a pickled cucumber, Grolev wiped his hands on the snow-white sheets, and then whispered: "I let James go back, and it's useless for him to stay, so I let him go back to see the children. "

Grolev is deputy head. When Gao Yang was away, his orders prevailed, and Gao Yang laughed: "I already know that I should let him go back. I didn't think about it at the time."

Grolev sighed: "Who doesn't worry about his children, well, I'm fine here, you go and see other people first."

Gao Yang stood up, and Grolev said, "Wait, give me another cucumber, and give them the rest. Let everyone be happy."

Gao Yang was very surprised and said: "What's the matter? I specially sent fresh vegetables and meat here, and Shawa also said that it didn't break once. Why do you all look like you are going to eat it?"

A few decades old, Grovery now looks almost crying. He said helplessly: "Nite that bitch-fucked bastard, let him find a cook. As a result, the bitch-fed brought a dietitian from Germany! Less salt and no oil, strictly according to what calories to serve , Utterly disgusting vegetable puree, Fak! What to say is good for wound healing, Fak! "

Gao Yang curiously said: "How can it be effective?"

After being silent for a while, Grolev whispered: "I have to say that it still has some effects. The recovery speed seems to be much faster than before, but, but ..."

Gao Yang sighed: "Okay, don't say anything if it works, who hurt you, bear with me, bear with me, it's better to recover earlier than anything else."

Grolyov stopped talking, and finally waved: "Forget it, you go and talk about the business first. These are irrelevant, and they won't die if you eat them."

Gao Yang turned and entered Raphael's door. When he saw Gao Yang, Raphael half lying on the bed immediately said, "Boss, I want a pizza!"

Gao Yang spread his hand, Raphael said firmly, "I want pizza!"

Gao Yang nodded and smiled bitterly, "Well, I'll find it for you."

Raphael nodded and said, "Hurry up!"

"Okay, someone will deliver it immediately."

After leaving Raphael's room, Gao Yang thought about how he felt when he was injured and eating a nutritious meal. After a chill, he quickly walked into Tommy's room.

Tommy's injury was on his leg. The reason for his serious injury was also a lot of blood loss. Now as long as the blood is stopped, the rest is to restore the wound, so his condition is still better.

"You are back, Vita is okay."

Gao Yang put the bag on the side of Tommy's bed and smiled: "Of course she is very good, and you look good."

Tommy opened the bag, glanced up and immediately said, "Did you not read my bag?"

"Of course not, why would I open your bag, what's in it?"

Tommy took the bag back and said in a straight voice: "Okay, let's go quickly."

"I have something to see."

Try to grab the bag ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ When Tommy was scared to hide the bag back, Gao Yang smiled and left.

Standing in the doorway of Pavlovic's room, Gao Yang looked inside, and finally walked in gently opening the door.

Pavlovic is still weak, but he opened his eyes, and after seeing Gao Yang, he said in a weak voice: "You are here."

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, I'm back."

Pavlovic said softly: "I never thought I could meet you alive. You shouldn't save me. You're in trouble."

Gao Yang whispered: "No, no, I don't have much trouble. I still have a big event waiting for you to go help me. Didn't they tell you? You have to help me do a big event. There is nothing like you Experts, I can't figure it out. "

Pavlovic whispered: "What's the matter."

Pavlovic was too weak, and it didn't take long for his eyes to open. Naturally, no one had talked to him about Gao Yang's plan, so Gao Yang decided to give him a strong shot and immediately laughed: "Of course it is a conspiracy! Seeking a country! "(To be continued.)

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