A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1666: irony

Gao Yang had a paper bag in each hand, and there were two hot dogs in each paper bag, so he couldn't hold the hot dog to eat, so he took the hot dog to the homeless man he noticed and whispered: "Hi, brother, If you feel hungry, I can invite you to eat two hot dogs. "

With his head down, holding his knees and throwing a piece of cardboard at his feet, the tramp raised his head. He looked at Gao Yang in surprise. When Yang Yang was found holding a hot dog in his hand, he took it. The hot dog, then nodded and said: "Thank you."

"you are welcome."

Gao Yang opened the paper bag, took out the hot dog, and stood there gorging on to start eating. Then he found that the homeless man around him ate much more than he did.

"Ah, man, you look hungry for a long time."

The homeless man ate three of them and ate two hot dogs in a few clicks, but Gao Yang had not finished eating the first one, so he held the hot dog in one hand and touched the body a few times with one hand, and took out a banknote , Loudly: "How many more do you think you can eat?"

The tramp thought Gao Yang was serious, so he said very seriously: "I think I can eat ten more, I think it's okay."

Gao Yang shrugged his shoulders, handed the bill in his hand to the tramp, and then he whispered: "I have twenty yuan, one hot dog and one five, so it ’s enough for you to eat, but you have to buy it yourself. , I'm still eating here. "

The tramp looked at Gao Yang, got up from the ground, took the money, stood next to the hot dog cart, and then walked back to stand next to Gao Yang every time he got a hot dog to eat together, and then went to the hot dog cart after eating Take one.

When Gao Yang ate the second hot dog and found that he should not be full, he shouted to the tramp standing next to the hot car: "Hi, man, give me another one. I think I need another one. Row."

The tramp walked to Gao Yang with the hot dog. When Gao Yang caught the hot dog and started eating, he handed the money he found to Gao Yang. Then Shen said: "He found ten dollars back, he lost fifty cents."

Gao Yang took the money in his pocket. Laughed: "You said you can eat ten."

"Uh, after being hungry all day and night, I overestimated my belly weight."

Gao Yang shrugged, didn't speak, and continued to stand and eat hot dogs, and then he choked, and while he hiccuped, the tramp shook his index finger. Then he quickly took out a bottle of Coke from his backpack on the ground, unscrewed it and handed it to Gao Yang.

"Drink, please ask you, unopened, you saw it, I just opened it."

Gao Yang drank half a bottle of Coke in one breath, burped, then looked at the tramp and smiled: "Thank you, you helped me a lot."

The vagrant spread his hands and said: "I'm happy to do something for you."

Gao Yang raised the Coke bottle and shook it, then took another sip. He bit the hot dog and said vaguely: "I am very strange, you just said that you are very hungry. But you have cola, although it is not good for your teeth and body, but the calorie of cola is still very high, why are you Don't drink it. "

"The day before yesterday, a kind lady bought me a hamburger and gave me a bottle of coke, but my stomach is not good, and my stomach is too acidic. If I do n’t eat or eat too little, I drink coke, which makes me uncomfortable One night. So I stayed. "

Gao Yang nodded, waiting for him to finish the hot dog. After drinking cola, the tramp reached out to him. A solemn expression: "Thank you, sir, you are a good person."

Gao Yang shook hands with the tramp, and then he smiled: "You're welcome, I just saw the sign you put on, and I'm in a good mood today. Well, I hope this will not damage your self-esteem. Take it, I just hope to help you. "

Gao Yang took out three hundred dollars, he had a total of four hundred dollars in cash in his wallet, and he still had a hundred dollars left to take a taxi home.

Basically, Gao Yang will not give money to beggars, but the sign placed next to the tramp says: "I am just a homeless retired soldier, not a beggar."

Gao Yang just thought that this tramp had to write such a brand, which made him very interesting, so after he was in a good mood and had just made a million dollars, he was willing to help a tramp he thought was interesting. .

The tramp looked at the money in Gao Yang's hand, and then he reached over without hesitation and nodded toward Gao Yang and smiled: "Thank you, man, I am very grateful to you."

Gao Yang shrugged: "You're welcome, man, this money is nothing to me, I hope you have a good mood, good luck, goodbye."

The tramp shook his head and said: "No, it's not thanks for the money you gave me. I haven't had lunch with others for a long time. You are willing to eat hot dogs with me here, which makes me feel good, because I really haven't Eating and chatting with others. "

Gao Yang discovered the special feature of this homeless man very early. The first thing is that he is very clean and has no sour smell. This is very rare for homeless people. Also, he wears a t-shirt on his upper body. There was a purple heart on the shirt.

The level of the Purple Heart Medal is very low in the United States * Medal of Merit system. Anyone who has been injured in combat can get it, so many people have received the Purple Heart Medal, but this low-level Purple Heart Medal is in the eyes of the soldier There is still some status in it, after all, you can only get it if you have been injured on the battlefield.

For various reasons, Gao Yang is willing to help a homeless man who looks unusual, but the simplest is that he is in a good mood.

"Oh, you're welcome, man, you have the Purple Heart Medal, and I have a special relationship with soldiers, so I'm very happy to have lunch with you."

After Gao Yang finished speaking, the tramp looked at the medal on his chest, and then he pouted and smiled at Gao Yang: "Oh, brother, this is what I hang out on purpose, but this is not a manifestation. Honor, I'm satire at this time! Satire some people, I hope you won't be too surprised to know this. "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Oh, this way, I'm really surprised."

"do you know?"

After the homeless man spread his hands ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ confronted Gao Yang with a serious way: "Do you know? There are about 750,000 homeless people in the United States, of which 200,000 are veterans, more than One quarter is very unpleasant, and I am one of them. "

Gao Yang is not interested in contributing to the placement of veterans in the United States. Although he will actually help a lot of people because his company needs a large number of veterans, finding suitable employees and providing kind support are two different things.

So Gao Yang shook his head helplessly and sighed. At this time, the tramp shook the banknote in his hand to Gao Yang, and then put the money in his pocket, then smiled and said: "Thank you Funding, I will pay you back. My name is Jesse Lee, from the Marine Corps, and I am very happy to meet you, sir. "(To be continued.)

ps: At the moment, I am already on my way home, but I will stop by Guilin, oh yeah, Guilin, where I wanted to go since I was a child, and now my wish can finally be realized. In fact, what I want to say is that although I haven't been able to save any deposits these days, I still can't make changes. This is very important, right? Of course, do n’t expect to update on time, because I have to write on the road. In fact, what I really want to say is, you see how dedicated I am, and I continue to change everything. You have not rushed to praise me, and then cast a few monthly tickets to mean it.

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