A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1657: Gunman

Gao Yang didn't know why the three presenters must pull out his old man. He couldn't figure it out. It stands to reason that he is an ally of Forbes. One Reading · 1kanshu ·

There is a topic in Gao Yang, which is worthy of Fox and his long-term good relationship, and their interests are consistent. There is no benefit in exposing his old man, so Gao Yang ca n’t understand why he should be a friendly media, but he must Tugging at his history of not being so visible to people.

It didn't take long for me to be confused, thinking of what Murphy had said to him, Gao Yang suddenly became.

Fox is the producer who is responsible for the production of this program, and the presenters, their position is first of all the media people, and for the media people, everything is false, it is fundamental to create gimmicks to attract attention and improve ratings. , Is what they are after.

It is because of Gao Yang's topicality that Fox is willing to work hard to dig up his history, linking a topical person who has made big news to a hot hero, and finally revealing that this is a person. Restricted by the Witness Protection Law, it is impossible to combine Gao Yang with an identity that will not expose Gao Yang's identity on the premise that Gao Yang is rooted. Is there any more sensational news than this?

In fact, Gao Yang is really scared now. Seeing Rick's confidence, he is really worried that Fox has indeed retained any killer skills to expose him.

Rick said loudly: "Now I have two special guests, why are they special? Because one of them is a star you all know, and she claims to be a loyal fan of Mr. Gao, please ask Kolo Moritz!"

Along with the audience's screaming and applause, a girl ran out, she waved at the audience, and then quickly walked to Gao Yang, staring at Gao Yang's face for a long time, suddenly screamed like a Like the little girl chasing the stars, shouting: "It's you. It's you!"

Gao Yang was a little stunned, because he didn't expect Fox to invite Kolo Moritz, and Kolo Moritz did see him when he played. Kolo Moritz can be said to have witnessed the whole journey.

After swearing inwardly, Gao Yang looked inexplicably and said: "Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about."

Kolo Moritz said confidently: "We met before, in Los Angeles, you can deny. I understand what you are worried about, but I am sure you are him, because I am your admirer, your number one fan ! "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Do I have missing twin brothers and I don't know? Well, Koror, I'm sorry I'm not the idol you think."

Koror can be said to be a child star. She has grown up now. She can't be said to be particularly beautiful, but she must not be ugly. She looks at her very famous fan. One ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ To · 1 to kanshu · Gao Yang can only secretly sigh with emotion: "I didn't look good when I was a kid, it's a long way off."

Kolo Moritz sat down next to Gao Yang, and then extended his hand towards Gao Yang, shouting: "My name is Kolo Moritz, I am really happy to see you and sit beside you. , Now, can you sign me? "

Gao Yang's mouth twitched twice, then whispered: "Uh, I don't know what to say."

Kolo Moritz had already identified Gao Yang, no matter how Gao Yang denied her, she did. She took out a marker, then grabbed her t-shirt and said loudly: "Can you sign me here? I know you can't sign your real name, but you can write your nickname. Marksman! "

Gao Yang was stunned for a while, and then he curiously said, "Swordman?"

Koror smiled: "Yes, Marksman. I voted for the name that suits you best on the Internet. I also voted for this name."

Gao Yang coughed softly, and then said: "Okay. Sharpshooter."

Gao Yang raised the pen and wrote the name Gunman on the hem of Colo's t-shirt.

After Gao Yang finished writing, Rick said with a smile on his face: "Colo, you have already got the signature, so now you have time to identify whether this is your idol?"

Kolo Moritz nodded and said: "Yes, I think he is, whether he admits it or not, I think so, anyway, my words can't be the judging standard, are they?"

Rick clapped twice and smiled directly: "It doesn't matter, we also have a mysterious guest who can make a sufficiently accurate judgment, but I want to remind all the audience that our conclusions are not legally valid, this is just a A game that satisfies curiosity, I hope everyone understands this. "

After speaking, Rick said loudly: "Please come out to Dek Havel and tell you that Mr. Havel worked for a long time. He is an expert in crime investigation and investigation. He has broken through countless major cases. He can Identify the suspect from the crowd accurately. "

Along with the sound of music, an old man came out slowly, Yang Yang jumped up and down, the real expert really made people worry, and he did not know whether Murphy had greeted this person named Dyke in advance, if not In fact, this experienced expert is really worrying enough.

After some introduction and brief introduction of knowledge, the initiative was given to Dyke, and Dyke smiled at Gao Yang: "Mr. Gao, can you stand up and walk a few steps?"

With a baffled expression on his face, Gao Yang stood up and walked a few steps, then listened to Dyke loudly: "Okay, now please turn around and take a few steps."

Gao Yang walked a few more steps, then Dyke smiled: "Okay, please sit down."

Gao Yang sat down, then Dyke shook his head, and said to the host, such as Rick, "Sorry, you are wrong. Although Mr. Gao is very similar to the one you think, he is not."

Gao Yang breathed out in his heart ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ This Dyke really still has to use his way of walking to distinguish, this is no problem, if he ca n’t get through it, he ’s been hit so badly. .

"How do you judge it?"

The question was asked by Gao Yang. Looking at the curious Gao Yang, Dyke smiled and said, "From walking, this can't be changed. Your stride is slightly larger than the one who kicked the stadium. Ordinary people may not see it. Come out, but obviously, your walking posture is completely different from that of the kicking hall. The difference is like the walking way of an elephant and a lion. "

Olaer said disappointedly: "Are you sure?"

Dyke nodded. "Of course, I'm pretty sure."

Kolo Moritz looked at Gao Yang, and then she shook her head: "No, I think they are all alone."

Dyke smiled: "It is a pity that they are indeed not alone. Can I replay the video? I can explain to you why they are not alone."

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