A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1653: Accept worship

Gao Yang barely communicated with the TV station before he was on the show. He gave everything to Murphy, and Murphy did n’t know who he was looking for. In short, Gao Yang only needed to show up on TV to satisfy the public. Explosive curiosity will do.

So Gao Yang still didn't know enough about the program he wanted to go on. He knew that the program he wanted to go on was very special and a very important program. But when he really saw several hosts, he was still shocked because The lineup is too luxurious.

Fox arranged three presenters, one is the ace host Aureli of Fox's ace news program, an old man, known for his sharp teeth, he always likes some tricky questions from interviewees, so this is a very A harsh and difficult host.

Maybe it ’s because the host of an ace show is not enough, or it may be that O'Reilly is too mean and will stiffen the atmosphere, so Fox has sent another ace host, Ryan Seacrest, the host of American Idol. .

O'Reilly is hosting a serious news program, and Ryan is hosting a relaxed entertainment program. This combination is still the first time, but this is not finished, and there is a third.

An Asian female host, Lili Zhang, although not as good as the other two, is also a popular host of Fox, and the reason why Lili Zhang played, her identity of Asian and female played a very important role.

A guest, three hosts, this situation seems to be a bit reversed. When Gao Yang knew these, he was a bit silly. He did n’t know if he could cope with the three hosts, especially the Ole, who is famous for his bitter and harsh mouth. Profit.

"This is a special show, this is a very popular show, because we invite the people you care about most and want to see now? Who is he? Yes, he is the new hero of New York . Gao! Now let ’s welcome, Gao! "

It was Ryan, who started the show, as an entertainment host. He is clearly better at creating an atmosphere than the other two.

The audience stood and applauded, and the three presenters also applauded. Gao Yang came out of the background, waved his hand, and with a little restraint and tension on his face, he walked to the front of the host.

"Hello Lili Zhang, hello, Oles, hi, hello. Ryan, hi, hello everyone, nice to meet you."

After Gao Yang greeted everyone, the oldest Oles reached out and said, "Please sit down, tall, please sit down."

Obviously, Ryan is here to set off the atmosphere, and the main question is Oles.

"I'm a little bit uncomfortable, because this is the first time I have colleagues. And it's the two interviewed with me."

When sitting down on a semi-circular sofa, O'Reilly came first, and Gao Yang immediately smiled and said: "I was flattered. However, sitting with three famous hosts, I seemed to be the most nervous. One."

After a chuckle, the four sat down, and O'Reilly immediately said: "Mr. Gao, I want to thank you first, on behalf of all the people you have saved and all the people who do not want to be hurt by terrorists, Mr. Gao. You saved a lot of lives. "

Gao Yang said slightly: "I'm very happy what I did, and I'm glad I did it."

Lili stretched her finger and pointed to her throat. Then he said with concern: "Your voice still sounds very problematic. I hope our conversation will not hurt your voice a lot."

Gao Yang nodded. Helplessly said: "I also have a hard time accepting my voice, I hope it will be fine, of course I can't really say too much now, but if I keep silent, it seems that you will not agree."

After a chuckle, O'Leary said in a deep voice: "Mr. Gao, what happened last week was a tragedy. I fear that the act of failing to kill innocent citizens is something we would like to see, and this is your credit. But five innocent people were injured, and this is something we do n’t want to see. I ca n’t help thinking why the terrorists can easily carry out the attack, and why there can still be terrorists after 9/11. If the elements launched such a large-scale attack, if it were not for you, the consequences would be serious. "

This is where the tricky question is coming, Gao Yang's heart tightens.

O'Leary has always been polite to ask questions. Now, his first question is to ask Gao Yang to answer difficult questions.

Sure enough, Aureli said in a deep voice: "Who do you think is responsible for this?"

Gao Yang is not stupid, and because of his special status, he does not have to answer O'Reilly's questions, so he said easily: "I don't know."

O'Reilly does not have the experience of co-hosting with other hosts. He is used to being a master, interrupting the interviewee, asking questions he wants to ask, and getting the answers he wants. If not, then Just induce it, but it wo n’t work today, because Gao Yang has expert advice, and Fox arranges others to avoid tit-for-tat situations and avoid embarrassing situations.

Gao Yang is here to accept worship, but not to be questioned.

O'Reilly was very dissatisfied with Gao Yang's answer. He said very quickly: "Don't you think someone should be responsible for this? You are a hero, but if someone has fulfilled their responsibilities, then you don't have to be a hero. "

Gao Yang still said with a light face: "I don't know, I haven't thought about these questions. I'm just an ordinary person. I'm sorry. Unlike the people you interviewed before, I'm just an ordinary person. Well, I happened to be myself. What to do is nothing more than that ... "

Without waiting for Gao Yang to finish, Aureli immediately said: "What you should do is, do you think it is your responsibility to fight terrorists? Isn't it ..."

Gao Yang will also talk about it ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ He immediately shouted: "Yes! Fighting terrorists is the responsibility of each of us, I always think so."

Lili Zhang started round, she said curiously: "Mr. Gao, can you talk about your thoughts at that time? We all know that you do n’t have any weapons in your hand when you stand up, so you are rushing out to stop a game What did you think when the tragedy happened? "

This question must be answered well.

Gao Yang spread his hands and smiled bitterly: "What did you think at that time? I told you what I thought at that time was to lie to you, because I didn't think about anything at the time, I was shocked at that time, maybe I was scared. , I saw the few terrorists shooting, and my girlfriend was still in front of me, so I rushed out, well, I did n’t think about anything. "

After speaking, Gao Yang pointed to his head, and then said helplessly: "Everyone said I was a hero, and my heroic behavior saved many people, but that was just my subconscious move. Stop them, the other, um, I do n’t have time to think about it at all. ”(To be continued.)

ps: I'm not in good health and I'm in a bad mood. Brothers and sisters, let's have a monthly ticket to comfort my body and mind.

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