A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1650: Free supply

Now that most of Satan ’s members are on an angel-controlled site, it ’s convenient to contact Knight.

Gao Yang dialed the phone, and it didn't take long for Nete to get the call. Then, more surprisingly, Gao Yang could hear Nete's rumbling gunfire.

Hearing Knight's voice, Yang Yang frowned, then whispered: "Are you fighting in person, or are you directing?"

"Command, say something quickly."

Knight was fighting, Gao Yang did not dare to talk nonsense, so he immediately said: "You have to be careful, the Iron Madonna wants to avenge you, they have just completed the staff expansion, and now they have completed the training, you need to know that Our Lady of Steel really recruited a lot of powerful guys. "

Nete ​​smiled: "It's coincidence, I have just done an expansion. Are you calling for this? I know."

Gao Yang said angrily: "You have to pay attention!"

Nete ​​said in a deep voice: "Of course I will pay attention. A very real threat is in front of me. How could I not pay attention? I am not afraid of anyone, but it does not mean that I am arrogant, is there something else?"

Gao Yang immediately said: "Is the front line far away from my people? If the distance is too close, my people have to transfer immediately. They don't have any combat capabilities now. I'm a little worried about their safety."

Nete ​​said slowly: "The front line is not too far. The straight line is about 25 kilometers away. The Zhengfu Army strengthened the offensive, but our defense line is very stable. If I want to even launch a counterattack, but I am now on hand Not many. If you push forward, the force will be tight. There is nothing to worry about. If I need to retreat here, I will let your people evacuate first. "

Gao Yang swallowed and whispered, "How many people do you control now? Where are you. Are you completely controlled?"

Knight said lightly: "I now direct about a thousand people directly, but I am not the strongest armed force here, the strongest is the armed forces secretly supported by Russia. They have more people and stronger firepower. And almost all The armed forces are all connected to Russia. This is a frustrating reality. As a mercenary group, it is really unrealistic to want to compete with a big country like Russia, but I will not give up, I will insist. "

Gao Yang exhaled and said helplessly: "Do you need arms?"

"Of course I need. I consume countless ammunition every day, you have to understand that this war is the only decent war in recent years, and the firepower is very strong."

Gao Yang whispered: "I will supply you with arms, free of charge, and send it directly to you. I will give you as much as you want, and I will cover your logistics. Before Russia officially intervenes in the Ukrainian civil war, I guarantee The logistics are more reliable than those sent by the Russians. And I have only one condition to protect my people. "

Knight finally got excited, he shivered: "Fak! I promise. Even if my people die, your people won't die, buddy, when can you send them! I want bullets, shells, grenades. , Rockets, if possible, it is best to give me some anti-aircraft missiles. "

Gao Yang whispered: "Do you want the tank? If you want it, I will give you fourteen t-72s, very close to you. It is estimated that it can be delivered to you within a week, if all goes well. Maybe within three days. Will be in your hands. "

Knight cautiously said: "Are you talking about tanks? T-72? And are you sure it's free?"

"Yes, there are fourteen t72s and four t-64s. I'm not sure that t64 is still in the warehouse, but there are definitely t72s. I just confirmed that. If you want, I will send you."

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Knight said three times without hesitation, and immediately said: "I will not use it myself, but my armed forces are in need of heavy equipment to strengthen the facade. This is very important. Also, are there armored vehicles? Give a few Is it okay? What I really need is the armored vehicles that cover the infantry's rapid assault. "

The cleaners do n’t need tanks, but they want armored vehicles. Although they do n’t know why, Gao Yang is desperately trying to make up the armored vehicles.

As for why Gao Yang suddenly and generously sent arms, it was because he owed the angel ’s favor, and he owed it. The angel went to the airport to grab the helicopter and rushed to Kiev for rescue. This is a matter of words, but Doing that terrible thing, just rushing towards it, and Gao Yang can't help but express it.

What's more, for Gao Yang, the consumption of ammunition for the supply of an army of thousands of people is still at the door of his warehouse. It is not like playing, although the ammunition consumed by 1,000 people every day Living supplies are actually a lot of money, but they ca n’t hold up the big Iwan family.

Gao Yang said slowly: "I don't have an armored vehicle. I still need to find this. So, what do you need in the future? Give me a call every day. I will arrange for someone to deliver it to you. You are welcome. Intelligence? Military intelligence, such as government forces, will have a copy for you every day in the future. You should first investigate and tell me which army is fighting you, so that I can provide you with more accurate information. "

Knight kept silent for a long time, and then he suddenly said: "Ram, you are well developed."

Gao Yang smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "It's considered developed to be developed. My influence on Ukraine is indeed quite large ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ But what I have now is actually more like the one in my hands. The bomb, as long as the first one to die is the one that killed me, so I will use it before this bomb explodes. "

After finishing speaking, Gao Yang immediately said: "Also, I will do almost everything you asked for. Within half a month at most, the job you requested will definitely be able to be plugged into your people, but in the end, can you put When things are done, it depends on whether the people you are looking for are big enough. I still want to say that secretly fostering a new Nai Cui arm, your brain is burning hard enough. "

Nethaha smiled and whispered: "I have been paying attention to this matter, you have done very well."

Gao Yang once sold a batch of arms to Knight, 30 million US dollars, a mixed brigade equipment, now the equipment used by the people led by Knight is basically provided by Gao Yang, but such a battle is only a gun. The artillery is not enough, you have to have a bullet. Now that Nete ca n’t afford to burn any more, Gao Yang burns it for him.

Gao Yang looked at his watch, and then whispered: "Remind you again, pay attention to the Iron Madonna, well, I can't say it anymore, I have to prepare for TV."

Nete ​​said very seriously: "Ram, thanks, and what did you just say? Are you going to be on TV? What do you mean?" (To be continued.)

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