A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1642: Fermenting

Open the satellite map, you can clearly see that the position of the coordinates is a piece of yellow sand. It is really not like a treasure. There may be errors when contacting the satellite map. Gao Yang has expanded the viewing range a lot, but it is the same. A piece of sand.

From the geomorphology, I can't see anything. It's right to think about it. If there are any abnormalities in the place where the treasure is located, then the treasure has been picked up long ago.

After seeing that there was no result, Gao Yang called Donny Jr. immediately, and when Donny Jr. was connected, Gao Yang hurriedly said: "Elisa doesn't understand anything like electronic chips. I just got something that looks like a chip. I want to check if this is a chip. If so, what does the chip do. "

Little Donny smiled bitterly: "In your present situation, you still have the leisure to manage a chip? Well, Eliza is a computer genius, but she is not an expert in computer manufacturing, so I can tell you that she does not understand these, I Think, you should find an engineer. "

Gao Yang whispered: "It makes sense that I should go to Silicon Valley, but I don't have time now. Forget it, put the chip in advance. Let me solve the problem of burning eyebrows first."

Downey Jr. whispered: "You're going to be famous, this looks like it can't be stopped, well, I hope you can get this done as soon as possible."

Gao Yang wanted to find out what the chip-like thing was, but he really had no time, so he had to resist his curiosity first, and then minimize the impact of being a hero last night.

Before waiting for any action from Gao Yang, Taylor called first, and he said nervously: "Boss, I just turned on the TV, and then I found that the world is full of you. How did the attack come back?" thing?"

Gao Yang said helplessly: "I haven't had time to inform you yet. That's right, I'm famous, but the preliminary judgment of the attack last night was just a coincidence. You don't come to me first now, because your identity is more sensitive. It may be troublesome to get together. "

Taylor immediately said: "Then I will go to Seattle today if you are sure there is no danger."

Just after the phone call with Taylor, Bob called, and he yelled, "High, what's going on, I don't want to disturb your two-person world, and in the end, you made such a big deal thing?"

Gao Yang said helplessly: "You just found out?"

"Yeah. I've been playing these days. I wake up until noon every day. What's wrong with your voice?"

"It's okay, I'm busy, and I will tell you later, bye."

As if the appointment was made, everyone's phone calls came at the same time, and Ye Lanna covered her mobile phone microphone and walked to Gao Yang, whispering: "The district police chief last night, he said he wanted you Answer the phone. "

Gao Yang's cell phone broke. So what was left at the police station was Yelena's phone. Gao Yang took the phone and sighed. Whispered: "Hello, hello."

"Ah, Mr. Gao, this is the case. I'm sorry you have to come to the police station. There are still some things that need your cooperation. Our New York General Director wants to meet you. Oh, there is another message I think I need to inform you. Mr. Mayor first meets with you at the City Hall and awards medals to you. This message was told by the Mayor in person. He would like to ask you if it is convenient. Can you communicate with him personally by phone and It ’s okay to meet, if possible, can I tell the mayor your phone number? "

Gao Yang felt his head hurt. He whispered: "Mr. Secretary, I feel a little uncomfortable now. Well, I will go to the police station to cooperate with your work immediately, but other things, such as meeting with the mayor, etc. , Can I think about replying again? "

"Yes, of course. Thank you for cooperating with us. I am waiting for you at the police station. Thank you, Mr. Gao."

Gao Yang put down his phone, looked at the chip he put on the table, and sighed.

Ye Lanna said worriedly: "Is it troublesome?"

Gao Yang nodded and whispered: "It's troublesome, but don't worry, there's no danger."

To meet with the Secretary and the Mayor of New York, if it is normal, Gao Yang will receive a medal issued by the police. The medal issued by the Mayor may also receive a bonus, but the problem is that Gao Yang really does not want to get it. These rewards will only bring harm to him.

What Gao Yang wants to do now is to find out whether he has found the key to a treasure, instead of seeing this person, seeing that person, or will expose his identity and bring him a lot of threats.

There are too many things to consider, let alone, Murphy is still entangled in how to answer Gao Yang.

When Gao Yang felt a headache, the phone rang again, looked at it from Morgan, and was looking forward to someone who could quickly answer the call to Gao Yang, who was in the right direction.

"I'm in New York, hurry and see me."

Asking for a clear place, Gao Yang immediately put down the phone, and then said to Ye Lanna: "I need to see Morgan, you wait for me at home, give me the car key."

He had to pretend to be able to go out, and Gao Yang hurried to meet Morgan. Halfway through, he also received calls from Karima, Lucy, Catherine, and even Adele, telling them the man on TV. It was indeed himself, but after nothing, Gao Yang suddenly found himself quite valued.

When I saw Morgan, Morgan said the first sentence: "Take this as an opportunity to wash yourself and concentrate on your business. The status of a mercenary is no longer suitable for you."

Simon is next to Morgan ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ After Morgan finished speaking, Simon said apologetically: "Sorry, if I was in trouble last night, I don't have to be so troublesome."

After making an irrelevant gesture to Simon, Gao Yang said to Morgan: "I'm washing, but I haven't had time to wash myself until now, and our plan hasn't officially started yet. . "

Morgan nodded and whispered: "It's okay, things are not too bad, as long as the immediate difficulties are resolved, your whitewashing will not be greatly affected, and if it works properly, it will not be famous for you. What a bad thing. "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "I just received the call. I should go to the police station at this time. The director of the New York General Administration wants to see me, and the mayor. He even wants to give me a medal at the city hall. If there is no accident, This must be TV. "

Morgan smiled and said seriously: "If nothing goes wrong, the president should receive you. Wait, you will be invited by the president soon. Now, the impact of this incident is still fermenting. In the middle, it is far from the high dynasty. "(To be continued.)

ps: Although there is no change, I still have to ask for a monthly ticket, I hope you do n’t call me shameless. Well, even if you scold me, I still ask for a monthly pass.

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