A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1622: Not allowed to return

After seeing Morgan, the gun was safely delivered to Morgan's hand, and then it was time to see Lucica.

Portland is not far from Seattle, and it takes less than a few hours to drive, but Gao Yang may need to use a private plane to go to New York, so he still went by plane.

"Boss, after seeing Mr. Reeves, your mood looks good."

After a long conversation with Morgan, the back Yang Yang looked completely different from before. Taylor was curious about what happened, and Bob laughed: "Right, what did you say to my father, you see It's a good mood. "

Gao Yang waved his hand and smiled: "Morgan is wise. Talking with him always makes me feel bright, and the problem that has troubled me for a long time seems to be easy to solve in his eyes. You know I ’ve been under a lot of pressure recently, but after seeing Morgan, what do I say, I wo n’t be confused anymore, I know what to do and how to do it. "

After speaking with a smile, Gao Yang sighed slightly, and said in a deep voice: "I am in a good mood now? Well, actually not, I just feel relaxed now, I don't feel that much pressure anymore, but, Forget it, nothing. "

I have to say that **** is still old and spicy. Gao Yang has been mixing for a few years, and Morgan has been mixing for many years.

On insight, on vision, on network, on status, on experience, which of Gao Yang can be compared with Morgan, even in the fierce degree, Gao Yang can not be compared with Morgan, which has puzzled Gao Yang for a long time, let Gao Yang do it The worrisome crisis seemed like a trivial matter to Morgan, but after talking to Morgan, and getting instructions, he felt a sense of epiphany.

Morgan is not only a good friend, but also a mentor.

After seeing Morgan, say goodbye to now. Gao Yang, who was no longer confused, felt relaxed, but he was not happy, especially after being reminded that Morgan was already terminally ill. Gao Yang couldn't even relax.

If you think about it, you will lose the mentor and friend of Morgan. Gao Yang only feels that his throat is panic. My heart is also heavy. People are born, old, sick and dead. Morgan is more than sixty. Even if his body is healthy, it is normal, but Gao Yang is unable to accept reality.

Except for Gao Yang, no one knows that Morgan is terminally ill, and Bob doesn't know, and the meaning of massage root. Bob is not yet aware of it, so Gao Yang cannot reveal this secret yet.

Although the mood was very low, Gao Yang was strong in spirit and everyone was talking and laughing. Fortunately, the voyage was very short. After a short time, they arrived in Seattle and then took a taxi to Bruce's house.

After Bruce's death, Lucica had been living with Bruce's mother, but although there were only orphans and widows in the family. But Lucica's life is certainly not bad.

Lucica is not a person who refuses to enjoy it. She just won't enjoy it until she leaves the jungle. And after staying in Seattle for a long time, after adjusting to a new life, her life will never have anything to do with hardship, not to mention how much money Lucia and Bruce have earned in Satan. It is impossible for a person to be alive if she is alive.

So, after Lucy ’s belly grew bigger, she could n’t hire two maids after paying for Bruce ’s mother and elder son. In the United States, where labor costs are extremely high, this is a lot of money.

When they were chanted to ring the doorbell. Lucica was walking in the yard with her belly upright, and Bruce's mother sat and watched. There is also a woman who is a private doctor who specifically guides pregnant women how to give birth before birth and how to recover after birth. In general, Lucica is particularly well prepared for her upcoming birth.

When Lucica walked back and forth to see Gao Yang and their party, they screamed in surprise, and then ran to Gao Yang with her arms around her stomach.

After Gao Yang had to close her stomach and hug Lucia, Lucica said in surprise: "How come you are here?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I couldn't come, but I just got free recently, so I will come naturally."

Taylor was a Satan who joined in revenge for Bruce, but Lucica and Taylor were really unfamiliar, so although Lucica was very impressed with Taylor's actions, it was impossible for him to be as close to Taylor as they were like Gao Yang and Donny .

Happy to say hello to Downey Jr. and Bob, and after a few conversations with unfamiliar Karima, Lucica nodded at Taylor, and then reached out to salute Taylor for mercenary.

Lucyca ’s mercenary salute was very meaningful. After saluting Taylor seriously, Lucyka smiled and said, “Hi, Taylor, I ’m so glad to see you.”

Taylor said carefully: "Should it be better to stay in the hospital for labor?"

Lucica laughed: "There is no need for it. Just go to the hospital when you are born. Everything is ready. There are four days to the due date. I can't stand it so early."

Gao Yang walked in front of Bruce ’s mother and hugged her lightly, then whispered: "I haven't seen you for a long time, Mrs. William, your look looks good, what about Kevin? Has he gone to school?"

Bruce ’s mother smiled kindly and whispered: "Yes, he went to school, I know you will come, know there will be a brother, he has always been very excited recently, he likes Lucica, and always It's sticking to Lucica, I had to force him when I was in school. "

Gao Yang nodded and whispered: "What school does Kevin go to?"

Lucia smiled behind her and said, "The best private school ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ know what you want to ask, rest assured, he will receive the best education."

From any point of view, Bruce cannot save the whole Satan too much. Although Kevin is a child born by Bruce and his ex-wife, every member of Satan has the obligation and responsibility to take care of Kevin growing up, not to mention that Gao Yang really likes Kai. Wen, a child, and basically every Chinese person attaches great importance to education, so Gao Yang will inevitably whisper a few words about Kevin ’s education.

After seeing Lucica and having dinner at Lucica ’s house, Gao Yang left. Lucia ’s due date is still a few days away, which is enough time for Yang to do something and return with Yeliana. When Lucica has a baby.

When Gao Yang was about to say goodbye, Lucica pulled Gao Yang aside, and then she looked excited and nervous: "Boss, I will be back in a month after the baby is born!"

Gao Yang shook his head at Lucica, and then said with a serious face: "Don't even think about it! You don't need to talk to me about this problem anymore, you will always be part of Satan, but when will you return to the team, I It's up to you. "(To be continued.)

ps: Today is the two changes, and tomorrow will continue the three changes.

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