A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1603: What is there

Gao Yang stooped down, dragged Taylor and dragged two people who were put down by them into the house, and Antonio was not idle, dragging the woman in.

The three of them, the biggest one looks almost sixty years old, the other one is younger, looking at the forties, and the woman looks at the forties, dressed up as a maid doing some chores at home Judging from what she said, she did indeed appear as a maid at Poroneshko's house.

Dragging the three people into the room, Gao Yang said on the intercom: "Who is this time again?"

"I don't know, but they must be going in. The car stopped at the door."

On the thirteenth, before the voice fell, Downey Jr. smiled bitterly on Gao Yang ’s phone: “It ’s really lively today. The four of them are opening the door, and the door is open. Well, they ’re going in. A gun! Very strange, who are these people? "

Gao Yang hurriedly said: "Whether the captured images can be saved. These people are the best substitutes for the dead ghost. Well, it's not right. Could it be that we or these three people were exposed."

After speaking, Gao Yang whispered to several people around him: "Prepare to fight, this time the other party has a gun, certainly not just to go home."

At this moment, Downey Jr. said strangely: "The two people seem to be going to the security room, but they are back. What do you mean? If they are planning to arrest you, there are too few of these people. Yes, they should at least solve the security problem. "

The door opened, and the four people quietly entered the conference room on the first floor.

This time Gao Yang could not use the Taser, because he had used up all the electric shock bullets, and there was only one left in Taylor ’s hand. This time it was not used. If you do, you can also use non-lethal weapons. It's useless.

Gao Yang pulled out his pistol again. Waiting quietly to see what will happen to the four people below.

At this time, Gao Yang heard a person take a breath and shouted, "Look. I told you that there will be nothing wrong, it is easy to come in. The housekeeper Wacker Paul transferred everyone away, the security guard To maintain order, the servants also helped to arrange the venue for the celebration party. There may be no security left at all, even if there are few people, and they are definitely watching TV. I know these security guards. I am lazy, if Someone is staring at the surveillance and we ca n’t get in at the door. "

After a lot of nagging, the speaker said with a smile: "Okay, let's find out and take away, two million dollars will be available."

A slightly nervous tone whispered: "Why don't you solve the security, this is too dangerous now."

"It's okay, it's okay, rest assured, there won't be anyone here. I'm pretty sure."

"No, Jerry, Sukel. The two of you go to search to ensure safety."

"Search? This house is very large. There are at least dozens of rooms. Are you sure you want to search all? Of course, you have the final say, but my suggestion is that we have already taken things away at this time and put things away. I know where it is, in the owner ’s bedroom on the second floor. We went to get the things and hurried away, better than you searched carefully. "

at this time. A voice hurriedly said: "Okay, listen to him. Take something and hurry! We don't have much time to waste."

"By the way, we don't have time to waste. In a few minutes, two million dollars will be available, guys. Believe me, I'm pretty good."

Gao Yang winked at Taylor, but Taylor said with his mouth: "English!"

Gao Yang nodded, slightly moved his shoulder, and when he raised the gun, his right foot twisted back and forth a few times on the ground.

Along with the rapid footsteps, a voice said: "The bedroom is here, and the safe is hidden in his bedroom. I have inquired clearly. The work this time is very simple, is it too good to make money? Oh! "

With a scream, he kicked out with a kick, kicked the door opener, and then looked at three people who were shocked and saw the ghost.

A man with a gun in his hand wanted to shoot, but Taylor hit the stun gun on his face, and at the same time when he fired, Taylor leaped suddenly towards a face that was originally relaxed, without pistol insurance The opened man punched him.

Gao Yang kicked one, followed by his left hand, and suddenly grabbed the gun in one person's hand and lifted it up, and kicked it out silently with his right leg.

The man with the pistol was suddenly attacked but did not panic. He immediately gave up the gun in his hand, and while his left hand stretched out into his high eyes, his free right hand hit him with a punch.

However, Gao Yang's feet are fast.

Under the training of Li Jinfang and Peter, Gao Yang's leg technique has been accomplished. Even a master, he has the strength to fight positively, not to mention the sneak attack.

There was no sound, and Gao Yang's kicking his legs hit the mark. The person in front of him was originally an eye-digging hand. After he felt a handful of stockings on Gao Yang's face, he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

This is a master of fighting. Although he was knocked down by a high kick, he was still a master. The master's move was originally a hit, so although it fell down in one hit, it does not prevent him from being a master.

The fighting with Taylor was much worse. After being punched by Taylor in the face, Taylor was hit on the back of the head with a single blow, and then fell to the ground and fainted.

Now there are four more people passing out in the room.

Gao Yang shook his neck, and Taylor made a gesture ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ meaning whether to leave a person ready to ask questions, Gao Yang thought for a moment, and pointed to the most advanced person, and then began to rest in the rest Three people make up their heads, whether it is true dizziness or false dizziness, they have to let them pass out completely.

It ’s not good to fall into the hands of mercenaries. They will never get the treatment of prisoners of war. They will be ruthless. The most direct thing is to kill them without leaving alive. .

After a few people were completely dizzy, Taylor and Gao Yang began to squat down and searched carefully to make sure that these people did not have communication equipment on their bodies, otherwise it would be bad to speak out.

Confirming that there was nothing dangerous in the four people, he sighed in relief and whispered: "There is nothing to prove identity, two of the three guns are 1911, one is Glock 17, plus their American Accent, I think they are American. "

Antonio shrugged: "Looking at their clothes, shoes, and the smell on their bodies, you can't be wrong."

Gao Yang scratched his head with a headache, looked at the people lying on the ground, and said helplessly: "These are Russians, these are Americans, they are all looking for things? Faker! What good is there? ? "(To be continued.)

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