A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1600: Pot is good

Gao Yang found Antonio, who was arranging in a study room, and Antonio was standing in front of a safe lying on the floor and meditating.

Hearing the footsteps, Antonio did not raise his head and whispered: "What's wrong?"

Gao Yang coughed softly and said, "Will it work?"

Antonio Shen said: "It is very complicated. This is a safe combination of electronic password and mechanical password, and the electronic password is twelve digits. The password of the mechanical lock is definitely different from the electronic lock, because the password of the mechanical lock only needs six digits. In addition, this safe requires a key to open, two passwords, a key, and three conditions to be opened at the same time. It must be a key thing to put inside. "

Gao Yang whispered: "Oh, it's just a file at this place. We want this to be useless, so let's withdraw now, what do you think?"

Antonio looked back at Gao Yang, looking a little angry. He whispered: "You got what you want, but you have to ask me to leave the rest of the safe. This is what we said."

Gao Yang was a little embarrassed because he really did not intend to keep his promise, so he said with a little embarrassment: "Well, I am willing to pay you two million dollars, don't you open it?"

Antonio frowned, saying: "You know that I didn't come for money, and these safes attracted me."

Gao Yang said with embarrassment: "Well, I'll buy the same for you. Can you go back and study slowly and slowly?"

Antonio shook his head and whispered: "Does it feel the same if you open your own safe and someone else's safe?"

After speaking, Antonio said impatiently: "You got what you want, and you can go. I stay and drive slowly."

Whether to Antonio or the cleaners, Gao Yang promised to ensure Antonio's safety. They all left leaving Antonio alone, and sighed. Helplessly said: "If you insist, then okay, we wait for you, but if you can hurry up, we can't wait so endlessly."

Antonio thought for a while, and then said with a bitter face: "Please report that there are six safes here, but I only found this, and there is one that I can't find. The one that is hidden is the most critical, if time Urgently, I can only open the hidden one, Fak, I need six hours, at least. "

Gao Yang was startled and shouted: "Six hours? What are you kidding?"

Antonio said firmly: "I must open it, no, if I tried it, there is no way to open it. But leave without trying, it is impossible."

Gao Yang had a headache, after rubbing his head hard. With a long breath, he said to Antonio: "Okay! I'll be here with you and give you six hours. I will wait for you to open the safe, but when the time comes, we must leave immediately!"

Antonio nodded and said, "Thanks, I was surprised that you could make this decision."

Gao Yang said helplessly: "Don't be surprised, I always talk and talk. But I stay to help you and protect you, let my people leave first. If they don't leave, I'm not at ease, and finally got the gun. I ca n’t take any more surprises, let them go first, hide my gun and come back to pick us up, is this okay? "

Antonio shrugged: "If you are not afraid, I will be even less afraid."

Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief, then lowered his head and took out a few things from the small bag he carried, and said to Antonio: "Will there be a bug?"

Antonio frowned: "No, I only open the safe and don't use intelligence."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "If you can't install a bug, can you put the layout here as if it has been searched and then restored to its original state, and then steal some other valuables as if they were stealing something? In order to disguise the original purpose, can this be done? "

Antonio nodded: "This is no problem, it's simple, but why do you want to do this?"

Gao Yang said as he should: "Of course, we are looking for someone to blame. We have taken so many things. We always have to find a blame. To look away. This is like an office. The safe should contain documents. , I think it ’s good to lay it out here, whether you can open the safe or not, it will make people know that someone has tried to open the safe once, okay, then you ’re busy with you, I ’m looking for a few secret corners to put bugs . "

Antonio nodded, but then seemed to think of something, and curiously said: "Anti-eavesdropping device to divert your attention. Who do you want to divert your attention to? I mean, who do you want to blame? Will not be affected? Shall we? "

For Antonio, we are referring to cleaners.

Gao Yang waved his hand and smiled: "Of course not, blame me, of course I still have to find the Russians."

Antonio looked at Gao Yang and suddenly said, "How do I do it? I'm curious. With a few taps, you can get the black pot to the Russians?"

Gao Yang shrugged and said with a smile: "Well, it's a Russian, actually a KGB. I know a few KGBs. I know a few things from them, such as how do they get used to installing bugs and how to search for something. I plan to Imitate their methods of doing things, by the way, put a few bugs here, by the way, these bugs, but I spent a lot of money to get them, definitely the bugs that the KGB is really using, it is very laborious, you know ."

Antonio smiled ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Shen said: "It seems that you have done a lot of preparation, okay, I do mine, you do yours."

Gao Yang nodded and began to look for the location to install the bug. This job was handed over to Yake to do a seamless job, so that the work on the 13th was still possible, but neither of them could come. Gao Yang He had no choice but to work on his behalf, but he felt that even if there was no way to be as meticulous as a real agent, the KGB thought it would be difficult for the KGB to throw it away.

As for why the Russians are allowed to blame them, and they want other countries to blame themselves in a hurry, they have no time to prepare. So, Gao Yang is simply throwing the black pot at the Russians, whether it is a trick or a harder special device Everything is available, and it is convenient to put the black pot on the Russian head when needed, and it is very simple.

Besides, in view of the current situation in Ukraine, the Russians are also the most suitable people to blame them.

Gao Yang planned to install the bug, and let Taylor and Thirteen go first, so he called Taylor and Karima and asked the two to dress up, while the three of them were busy with the bug. At that time, I heard the 13th saying on the intercom: "Attention! There is a situation!" (To be continued.)

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