A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1597: treasure house

I searched the entire second floor and found a lot of good things, but I didn't find a safe.

If you do n’t have the second floor, look for the third floor.

Oil paintings, ceramic vases, famous wines in the whole cabinet, and antique decorations scattered all over the place can't be taken away, which makes Gao Yang feel a little sad.

"I wonder if I am in the wrong line. Being a thief may be better for me than a mercenary."

When Gao Yang murmured to himself, Taylor swallowed and whispered: "I understand your mood very well, but I have to remind you, customers like Poroneshko, you have been in your life Will not encounter the second one. "

Gao Yang rubbed his forehead and smiled bitterly: "Don't remind me, I just feel casual."

At this moment, Antonio, who had been looking away, shouted: "I think it is here."

During the talk, Antonio pushed open a door, and then he stood still at the door, and Taylor, who was closest to Antonio, walked over to take a look, and it was still.

Gao Yang questioned: "What's wrong?"

When Gao Yang walked to the door and just took a breath of air, he stood still.

The three men blocked the door tightly, and Karima couldn't see it. She shook her head from side to side and said, "What's the situation?"

Antonio swallowed a spit and turned to Gao Yang: "You came for a gun?"


"Then I think we should call a moving company."

Gao Yang covered his heart and let out a breath, trembling: "You are right."

Antonio stepped in, and Gao Yang followed, and Karima saw the situation inside.

Guns, all guns. The entire large room was full of guns, and a huge safe was placed by the wall directly opposite the door.

Around the walls are guns, and in the middle are shelves. The guns were standing upright on the shelf, and the densely packed ones could not be counted at all. At first glance, Gao Yang thinks that there must be three hundred.

Most old guns, but not all old guns, and antique shotguns only accounted for one-fifth of them, the remaining old guns of World War II accounted for a large part, new guns but high-end custom shotguns also accounted for a part.

Gao Yang felt dizzy. After watching it several times in a circle, he shivered: "Not all are fine products. But there are many fine products. I feel like I have entered a treasure trove."

After speaking, Gao Yang shook his head hard and pointed to the big safe by the wall: "There is only one safe. Obviously what we are looking for is inside, and the things inside are definitely the best. Now, Go open it! "

Antonio nodded and walked to the height of two men, about 1.5 meters in length. In front of the safe with a thickness of 50 centimeters, I took a look and immediately shouted: "This cabinet has been manufactured for a while, a lot earlier than the two we have opened. It has been at least ten years, so this kind of The lock of the cabinet is relatively old and purely mechanical. "

Gao Yang took a deep breath and said slightly nervously: "It's easier, right?"

Antonio shook his head and whispered: "No, it's harder!"

After talking, Antonio looked at his watch and whispered: "If it can't be opened within an hour, then I probably won't be able to open it. Be mentally prepared."

After talking, Antonio took out a stethoscope. Waving: "Go out, don't let me hear your voice."

Gao Yang swallowed. Whispered: "Okay, but wait a moment before you start, because the gun may not be in the safe. I'll take a look first, maybe the gun I'm looking for is here."

Antonio waved his hands impatiently: "Then hurry up."

Gao Yang immediately began to quickly look at the antique shotgun hanging on the wall.

There are too many guns, and the shotgun looks almost the same. It is not easy to recognize the one you are looking for in a hundred antique guns.

But it is definitely okay to look carefully, because the look of the gun is already engraved in Gao Yang's mind.

After sweeping through the rows one by one, and confirming that there was no hanging on the wall, Gao Yang set his eyes on the gun rack placed on the ground. At this moment, Taylor suddenly pointed to a Mo with a sight. Sinagan said: "It was taken out of the museum! This is Ivan Hidorenko's gun! Soviet hero, he shot and killed 500 people with this gun!"

Gao Yang glared at Taylor and said angrily: "Don't disturb me, I'm like playing to find a difference now, uh, what are you talking about?"

Taylor pointed to the gun frame in front of him, and whispered: "Ivan Hidorenko, Soviet WWII ace sniper, shot 500 people, ranked third among Soviet ace snipers, Soviet hero . "

"How did you know?"

Asking doubtfully, Gao Yang walked over, and then saw a card hanging on the gun that Taylor was looking at. It clearly stated the origin of the gun, and it also stated that the gun belonged to Kiev World War II. museum.

Gao Yang took a look at the sign and immediately said, "Take it away! Okay, stop fussing. I have to find the gun. We ... Fak!"

Gao Yang gritted his teeth and scolded, then an arrow stepped to the next gun frame, lightning picked up a double-barreled shotgun, and then trembling: "Good stuff!"


Gao Yang held a double-barreled shotgun with a very obvious Nazi logo on it. Gao Yang raised his gun. Www.novelmtl.com The prize of tank driver Otto Kalyus, which has Hitler ’s signature on it. I just saw this logo, but I did n’t expect to have a signature. This, I won! ”

After he finished speaking, Yang Yang put the gun back on his back, and said in a decisive manner: "It's mine now!"

Karima stood in front of a shelf holding pistols: "Perhaps you should also look at this. It's all history, and almost all have nameplates."

Gao Yang walked over, glanced, then covered his mouth and said: "tt33, p38, p08, Walter pp, Walter ppk, this is the counter of the World War II pistol, well, all are used by some combat heroes, but not Especially outstanding, but I can't take so much ... "

At this moment, Antonio shouted: "What the **** are you looking for? Can you hurry up?"

How could a big loss be caused by a small one, Gao Yang quickly said: "Come, come!"

Quickly put your attention back on the antique shotgun. After looking at it all seriously, Gao Yang finally said with regret: "No, you can start." (To be continued.)

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