A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1586: We have hackers

Gao Yang suddenly realized that he was surprised: "Yes, a special-purpose safe, used to store special shapes or large items, such as a safe suitable for putting a gun, so how to check. ● ⌒ Novels,"

On the 13th, I thought about it and said softly: "D? The company will have a customized list, but how to check is a problem. Such information is in their core secret ranks."

Gao Yang opened his mouth and smiled bitterly: "Here, it's like saying nothing."

On the thirteenth, he shook his head and whispered, "No, there is still a way to check it. I know the company quite well. I know how they operate and their core secrets, such as how to unlock the safe. For example, the composition of materials, etc., only use the original paper as a carrier, stored in their own safe, and only the core two or three people can open the safe.

However, some customers' confidential storage methods are not so exaggerated. For example, who ordered a safe and what type of safe has been ordered. These will be made into electronic files and can be queried on their internal network. If something goes wrong with the safe, they will call up the file and send the corresponding person to repair things like that. "

After speaking, on the 13th, he smiled and said: "So, all we need is a hacker, a top hacker. It is very difficult to understand D? 'S internal confidential network, just like their safes."

Gao Yang laughed and snapped his fingers, very happy and said: "Very good, very good."

Why Gao Yang is happy because he has a very talented hacker.

Osha muttered to herself: "You have a very powerful hacker? Wow, you really are a very powerful multinational theft group. Although you don't understand what you mean, you feel very powerful."

Gao Yang put a smile on his face and said to Osha: "Ma'am, you should leave. Knowing too much is not a good thing for you. It is likely that I don't want to kill you now. But after you know too much, I will have to kill. You, therefore, if you are smart, you should know how to do it. Right? "

It seems that Osha is alive and dead and will not believe that the 13th is a pervert, so Gao Yang has to act like a wicked person. Now he is worried that Osha will not betray them, but that this stupid girl will help the 13th. To death, and then really died in the hands of the thirteenth.

On the 13th, he looked at Gao Yang and said, "I can guarantee that Osage will never betray us. Boss, your suspicion is really too heavy. She has been involved. What can I do if I know more? Can I betray herself? ? "

Osage immediately said: "Yes, I have already participated, so how could I betray you?"

If the thirteenth is simply using Osage, he will not say this, and he does not want Osage to leave like this, because he still wants to kill Osage, but unfortunately Osage does not know this. And she said she didn't believe it.

You can't blame others for your own death. Gao Yang sighed, waved her hand, and said angrily: "Okay, I don't care about this matter. You are willing to seek death by yourself. Don't blame me for regret in the future.

On the 13th, I threw a look at Osha, I will protect your eyes, and then Osha nodded firmly, then smiled lightly: "Now I think. This thing is exciting, really exciting, maybe I You should be a female thief, just like the movie. For example, Leonard, can you teach me? "

Smiling on the 13th: "I don't think this is a good idea, but I can really teach you."

Gao Yang sighed and said in a deep voice: "You talk, I'm gone."

Gao Yang went out. He took the phone and dialed Downey Jr., and when Downey Jr. was connected, he said in a deep voice: "Morgan's gun has a little eyebrow, now we are at the home of Chapoloneshenko, now There ’s a problem, you need to ask your sister to help hack into a company ’s website. "

Downey said immediately: "My sister? Are you saying Eliza? Okay, let her help immediately, you just need to tell me the company name, and the rest of her knows how to do it."

Gao Yangsheng said: "Very good, then you have to do a few things, go to order a few emergency bulletproof suits, then, Jack made a new shotgun for me, you go to the United States to help me Take it, take Karima by the way, and send it to Kiev in person. "

Donny Jr. said in surprise: "Karima, sister of number 13, why did you send her to Kiev?"

Gao Yang said angrily: "There is no way to say, on the 13th, these days are crazy. I hope this **** on the 13th can live a few more years on his sister's part. Now I have no other choice. , Everyone in the family is okay. "

"It's all very good, sir. Let me tell you something. Lucica is almost due. The doctor expects the child to be born in about ten days."

Gao Yang froze for a moment, because Bruce's child was about to be born.

Gao Yang raised her lips and smiled, "How is Lucica?"

"Very well, the doctor said she is in good condition."

Gao Yang sighed and said helplessly: "When the child was born, everyone couldn't go back, it's a pity, but I will go back, I must go back, I must go back!"

Downey Jr. said embarrassedly: "Lucica told me not to say anything, but I think I should tell you, but, in the current situation, I think you are better not to come back, too dangerous!"

Gao Yang laughed: "As the godfather of Bruce's children, I have to go back, and it won't be too dangerous. Well, I'll finish the things here, let Eliza hurry up, goodbye.

Gao Yang's mood suddenly became very good, and the birth of a new life always made people happy.

Back in the living room, Gao Yang beckoned to Taylor, and then whispered in Taylor's ear: "Lucica is about to give birth. The child is expected to be born ten days later."

Taylor's surprise on his face, said with a trembling: "Really? Great!"

The only reason Taylor joined Satan is because Bruce ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Bruce died, but he left a child. Naturally, both Gao Yang and Taylor regarded this child as the continuation of Bruce in this world.

The two were very happy. On the 13th, they couldn't help but wonder: "You guys look happy, what happened?"

Gao Yang laughed: "It has nothing to do with you, wait patiently, maybe we will get the desired answer soon."

After speaking, Gao Yang looked at Osha Road: "Anyway, it's too late now, should you go home?"

Osage shook her head and said in a deep voice: "It is indeed too late now, so I decided that you will not leave today. Leonard said there are extra rooms here."

Gao Yang gazed at Osage for a long time, and finally shook his head helplessly: "Okay, I said it doesn't matter anymore, then do whatever you want. Seriously, I never thought that there would be a hostage like you in the world . "

Instead of taking care of Osage and Thirteen, Gao Yang and Taylor went to another room to talk about Lucica ’s children. Anyway, it was unlikely that Thirteen would actually kill Osage before the matter ended. Right. (To be continued.) SJGSF0916 Baidu searches for "" to see the latest and most complete novel!

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