A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1582: con man

Gao Yang pressed the shoulder of No. 13 with his hand and said helplessly: "Brother, wake up. If you have finished asking, let her go."

After Gao Yang finished speaking, he looked at Osage, and then said with a serious face: "I do n’t want to say too much, I just remind you, forget everything that happened tonight, so it ’s good for you and us, I I do n’t want to kill you, but I just do n’t want to kill a woman that is innocently involved, and if you talk about what happened today, then you are my enemy, and I only like to die for the enemy, so for you and your father , Please be smart, well, now bring your things and leave here. "

Osage's face was inexplicable, but her movements were not slow, and she stood up and walked away.

At this moment, number 13 whispered: "Sit down and wait for nothing."

After speaking, on the thirteenth, he looked at Gao Yang thoughtfully, and then said helplessly: "She can't go yet, she is useful to me, very useful."

Osage stood blankly at the same place, waved at Osage, and whispered, "Sit down."

Osage sat down again, on the thirteenth, in a wheelchair, holding his cheek with his right hand, and said with a distressed face: "I'm thinking about how to use your value. Now it seems that I have to think carefully. "

After thinking about it for a moment, he turned to Gao Yang on the 13th and said, "Come on, can you? You are here, there are some things I don't know how to say, you know that I am used to working by someone."

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "No, I want to treat you well."

On the thirteenth, he stretched his right hand helplessly, and then his right hand was suddenly recovered, and then he suddenly waved a bit. Then, on the thirteenth, he said helplessly: "Look. If I want to kill her, then she is dead. And you have no time to stop. "

Osage covered her left face in surprise. She seemed to see something passing by her eyes just now, when he covered his face. But I found a few broken hairs stuck to my face.

Gao Yang looked at a flying knife that was trembling slightly on the wall behind Osage. He didn't know what to say at all. He could only make a helpless and painful expression, while Taylor looked at the flying on the wall. The knife looked at Osage's broken hair, and when he looked at the calm number 13 again, he extended his thumb and said, "Good flying knife."

Osage grew her mouth and pinched a strand of broken hair. Shivering: "What happened?"

On the 13th, he waved to Gao Yang again: "Let's go, I want to talk to her alone."

Gao Yang shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Don't even think about it, don't think I don't know what you think, killing her is not the key to you at all, the key is the process of killing her, you want to use The way is to slowly open her neck and enjoy the feeling of blood spraying on your face, rather than throwing the knife out and only piercing her brain, so. I will never leave! "

Osage began to tremble all over, and now she seemed to really realize who she was meeting.

On the thirteenth, he looked at Gao Yang strangely and frowned: "Where did you come from these perverted ideas?"

Gao Yang said honestly: "Watching a movie ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ I also forgot where I saw it, but I know that perverts usually do this."

On the thirteenth, he frowned: "Nonsense, I won't do that. You said it was abnormal."

On the 13th, he turned around and said to Osha: "Looking at my eyes, do you think I'm like a pervert?"

Osage and No. 13 glanced at each other for a long time, and then cried, "Not like it."

Nodded on the 13th. Shen Sheng said: "Yes, I believe your judgment. Because that is correct, listen to me now. We are a criminal organization, transnational, well, we mainly steal things, we just accept the commission, and then steal Some things that are impossible to buy are occasionally robbed, if they cannot be stolen. "

After he finished speaking, on the 13th, he pointed his head high and said in a deep voice: "He is our leader, he is just responsible for picking up the business, and stealing things is done by me. Ignore him, he is a mess. "

After speaking, on the 13th, a serious saying: "We also kill people, rarely, but occasionally, because it needs to be kept secret. Generally speaking, the murder is done by our boss, he does everything. No, I only kill people, and although I am good at killing people, I never kill people. As for the messy man, he is very rude, as you can see, he is the thug, and I have to give him what I ca n’t do. Robbed. "

After talking nonsense, he sighed on the thirteenth and said to Osha: "You should already know that we are commissioned to steal a shotgun from Poronishenko's house this time. It ’s valuable and meaningful, but when you see it, I get hurt, so I ca n’t steal it myself. ”

Osage seemed to be very enchanted. She suddenly said: "Why are you hurt?"

On the thirteenth, he pouted his lips and pointed to a high, helpless way: "He took the job and we traced the gun, but we really didn't expect the gun to be in Poroneshenko's hands, so we I want to give up, but the employer does n’t want us to give up, because we are the best, we are the world ’s top art thief, so the employer does not plan to find another person to replace our work, he decided to force us to give up The gun was stolen, our negotiations broke down, we died one person ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ and injured three others, I am one of them, the other two are in the hands of our employer, if we do n’t put the gun Stolen, then they will be dead, and the three of us will be dead. "

Osage nodded thoughtfully and said helplessly on the 13th: "So, you have to do something for us, I don't want to say that, but I still have to tell you, you have no choice, if If you do n’t do what I said, your father will be dead. There is no way to prove it to you, because then your father will die, or, referring to someone you hate, we will kill him and prove that we are not kidding. ,what do you think?"

Osage nodded subconsciously, but then shook his head: "No, I don't need it anymore. I didn't hate the people who wanted to kill him, uh, what do you want me to do?"

Sighing on the 13th, he answered non-questionably: "You are very much like a former girlfriend of mine. I wanted to talk to you alone, but it seems that I have no chance."

Osage was very leisurely, curious and nervous: "Like your ex-girlfriend? I guess you are not as simple as breaking up?"

On the thirteenth, he exhaled slightly, shook his head slightly, and said with a deep face: "Yes, she died. While we were on the mission together, she died, and died in my arms." (Unfinished Continued.)

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