A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1561: This is just the beginning of trouble

Taylor was coming back, and as expected, it was justified that Gao Yang didn't expect it to be so fast.

The annihilation of butter knives is just the beginning of trouble, not the end.

In all fairness, Gao Yang felt that he paid enough attention to the opponent who had always brought him great pressure. In order to avoid being hurt by the sudden appearance of the butter knife, he made all the preparations, put the black devil beside him, and prepared the mine, but That's it, Satan was nearly injured, and the Black Devil was almost destroyed.

If Gao Yang did not have confidence, he would not dare to play this kind of fishing trick, but the butter knife was indeed too powerful, and he wiped out the butter knife, but Gao Yang had no chance of evacuating immediately, and this was not within his plan.

Gao Yang's plan was to hit and ran, but now, he may not want to escape, a bunch of wounded people tied his hands and feet.

Looking for a hospital in Kiev, looking for a hospital in the United States, Gao Yang ’s phone never stopped. Andy Ho and Albert sat in the extreme of first aid on the battlefield, but the initial treatment was perfect and very effective, but it does not mean that this person It must have survived, and the real test has just begun.

Let Shava help to find a hospital, Morgan to find a hospital, and also contact Great Ivan's secret pile in Kiev to help them cover up all the actions of Satan. Only in this way, those injured people in Satan may get better treatment in Kiev. After that, you have the opportunity to move to a safer place to recuperate. If you run directly regardless of it, you may have to die on the road.

Gao Yang's efficiency is extremely high. At this time, the efficiency cannot be high. If he is too inefficient in doing things, he will die.

Gao Yang quickly found a hospital. Of course, the hospital was found by Shawa. Gao Yang just made a decision and sent the wounded to that hospital.

The hospital is in Brovary. Brovary is regarded as a satellite city in Kiev. On the east side of Kiev, it is not small in size and has a large population. There are three hospitals here. One of them is not large in size, the equipment is not advanced, and the hospital is not high in doctors. It is important that which hospital has more than a dozen qualified operating rooms. The other is that the access is very convenient, if you want to run to Donetsk. There are many roads available.

When the hospital was found, it was necessary to send all the people away, and Satan ’s wounded are now scattered. Gao Yang decided to take the risk of concentrating people in the hospital and treating them in the hospital. He had to let the angels stay and protect, and then send the wounded away in batches.

Gao Yang and Nurantowa drove to Brofalli, to his surprise. Kiev did not conduct a blockade without a city blockade, but it was right to think about it. Now the Ukrainian main palace is still busy fighting inside. Last night ’s crossfire was an opportunity to completely detonate the contradictions that have not yet broken out in the new Ukrainian main palace.

When Gao Yang took time to put on his casual clothes and arrived at the hospital. Shawa has taken people where. At this time, taking the people to control the whole hospital may cause bad things. It is better to send people by normal means. If someone calls the police, Shawa will be at the source, which is to receive the police. Where the news is directly cut off, the White Shark Gang during this time is not in vain.

Except for a few military doctors, the rest of the Angel Mercenary Corps are all waiting outside the hospital. Once there is a change, they can always enter the battle. Now there are too many things to be done by Gao Yang. Fighting in person is his The secondary task, and what Gao Yang can rely on and trust, is the Angel Mercenary Corps, which strictly speaking has nothing to do with him.

When he saw Shawa waiting in the hospital, he whispered, "What about those doctors? Are you ready?"

Shawar nodded and said in his hoarse voice: "It's settled, and sent more than twenty people to watch them. After the doctors you have taken away are also delivered, you can start. . "

Gao Yang took several other doctors to help Andy Ho, and the wounded and controlled doctors that Andy looked after would arrive at the hospital later.

Gao Yang nodded and waved his hand gently: "You are staring here, and if there is anything wrong, let me know immediately."

Shawar whispered: "Understood, I will be staring here all the time. You can rest assured that this hospital is very safe and will never go wrong in a short time."

Gao Yang patted Shawar's shoulder, walked inside the hospital building, and found Albert.

Albert is responsible for taking care of a few people with minor injuries. He is also helped by the angel ’s medical doctor. Although the injuries are relatively light, Albert is responsible for a large number of people, Satan ’s people, the black devil. The people, Polovic, and those mercenaries who were injured in the battle have to be put under his control.

Let Albert accompany, Gao Yang went to look at the injured person in turn, everyone was sleeping, and the anesthetic effect had not passed.

After looking at the wounded, Gao Yang said to Albert: "Is there any difficulty? I mean, are there any wounded who must be sent to those big hospitals?"

Albert pondered for a moment and shook his head: "Fry's injury is not very serious and should not leave any sequelae, but I think maybe he will be sent to the hospital with the best medical conditions to ensure that he will not stay Any sequelae, he is going to be a big star in the future, in case there is something wrong with his arm, regret will be late. "

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Yes, send him to the United States, and Jensen, just the two of them."

Albert looked embarrassed and whispered: "Boss, in this situation, is it appropriate to send them to the United States? We are now completely in line with the US government, if, I mean if, once we If their identity is exposed, if they are in the US ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ then it will be completely over. "

Gao Yang sighed and whispered: "If you don't have to go to the United States, you won't go, but Frye, he has to be a star to be a star. Only the United States has a major league. It ’s too conspicuous, but only Jensen and Fry are taken care of by Morgan. The United States is the safest place. "

Prior to the success of the plan, Gao Yang did not dare to send Satan ’s wounded to the United States for rest as before, unless he waited until when he was sure that Russia was firmly on the back, he would dare to return to the United States. Can only find a place to hide these wounded first.

While Gao Yang and Albert were negotiating, an angel's medic walked out and shook his head at him, whispering: "I'm having some trouble here, I think you'd better come over in person." To be continued.)

PS: I do n’t know why I was so irritable, I could n’t write it at all. Maybe it was frozen in the past two days. The state is very bad. Do n’t say more changes in these days. It feels very difficult to update normally. If it still does n’t work, I It may stop and change, forcing to write is better than resting, so as not to write a pile of garbage. I feel that the things I wrote these days are still alive, but if everyone feels bad, they will have to stop. If they feel that the quality is not good, then tell me, I stopped for two days to find the status. Enable new URL

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