A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1559: No winner

Everyone left, and Gao Yang finally took a tour, then ran back to the car parked next to him and pressed the detonator.

After a loud noise, a Nuo Da building fell to the ground and could not be said to be completely smashed, but what had collapsed could not be collapsed again. It was difficult, very difficult to find some clues in this pile of ruins.

The sky was already bright, and it was time to go, leaving only Newlandova waiting to leave with Gaoyang. When Gaoyang sat back in the car, Newlandova quickly started the car, and the small body covered with corpses Drive off quickly on the road.

The battlefield after a fierce battle flashed quickly in the eyes of the high-spirited, still smoky tanks, burned into black armored cars, all reminded how terrible last night's battle was.

The United States, Ukraine, Great Ivan, Satan, the Black Devil, the Angel, and the White Shark Gang in Kiev. This is a battle involving at least seven forces. The biggest loss is definitely Ukraine. The loss of soldiers will not be said. The most terrible is this The war caused a complete break between the new Zhengfu, which was already full of suspicions, and the old high-ranking military.

But if the quality is counted, the loss in the United States is the biggest. The butter knife is wiped out, which will not only have a big impact, but will also have a long-term effect.

Then there is the black devil. Eight of the twelve people have died, and the rest will die soon. Even if the remaining four are not dead, the black devil has already been destroyed. From then on, there will never be a black devil. Organizational activities are no longer possible.

Satan ’s losses are also great. If someone dies in the end, the loss will be unbearable. If everyone survives, the loss will be tolerable. The current final result is not good.

The loss of Da Yiwan is not small. Those who can be hired for more money will have more casualties and no impact on Da Yiwan. However, one of the most important networks of Ivan in Ukraine collapsed, losing Hagel, the highest-level core figure in the Ukrainian military, and the influence of Ivan in Ukraine was hit.

As for the angels and the white sharks of Shava. From the harvest point of view, they are profitable. But from the risk they take, the gains may be far greater than the losses.

Generally speaking, this is a war without winners.

The thoughts were so high that Gao Yang felt exhausted at this time. Many of Satan ’s members died, which made him feel tired and frightened.


Gao Yang sighed, and Nurantowa drove his head and looked at Gao Yang. Whispered: "Boss, where are we going?"

Gao Yang took off his helmet and raised his face mask, and said with a tired look: "I don't know, I'll contact you later and talk about it."

Gao Yang really doesn't know where to go. Now Satan's members are distributed in several places to prevent them from being swept away by the net, but also to get the best care. Now he really doesn't know where to go.

"Go to a safe place first. Kiev can't stay any longer, we have to leave temporarily."

Hagel has fallen, and Gao Yang can't find himself in hiding in Kiev. It may be possible to leave a few people, but it is no longer possible to place as many people in Kiev as before.

At this moment, Gao Yang heard a dull loud noise, turned his head to look back, and found that the place where he had just blasted it again had a thick black smoke.

"The Americans exploded again."

"Yes, they still sent drones."

After a brief conversation between Gao Yang and Newlandova, Newlandova suddenly said angrily: "Something!"

Gao Yang could see what was happening, and two tanks appeared on the road ahead. There were infantry sitting on top of the tank, and they were heading towards the battlefield.

Gao Yangsheng said: "Open the past."

Two tanks are at the beginning. Further back are a series of armored vehicles and trucks. The truck is full of heavily armed soldiers, and the truck is faster, so when the truck is driving on the road that is not wide to exceed the fleet of tanks and armored vehicles, they can only be forced to drive against the roadbed. .

The two people stared at each other calmly, then passed by at high speed.

Newlandova's face looked completely unstrained, but the hand holding the steering wheel was clenched tightly.

"Why did they come so late?"

Hearing the question from Newlandova, Gao Yang smiled and said: "Why else, the command is out of touch, and sending troops here is the decision of Xinzhengfu, and many people in the military are preventing Xinzhengfu from the top. When the following are preventing the troops belonging to them from coming here, chaos and confusion are inevitable. "

Gao Yang pointed to a group of tanks lying on the roadside and smiled: "Look, sending these tanks must be a command from the civil servants. They let the tank drive directly, and then they don't care. What are you doing here, do you believe they are waiting for new orders to know exactly what they should do. "

I met a lot of troops on the road, and Gao Yang estimated that there were at least two thousand people, and there were more than ten tanks, and at least one hundred armored vehicles and trucks. However, such a large army was completely lost on the road.

This result was caused by the invisible influence of Great Ivana. For decades of operation, Ukraine ’s roots have been deeply entrenched in the Ukrainian army. This is a full penetration from top to bottom. Hagel How could the collapse of high-level officials completely shake Big Ivan's presence in Ukraine.

Seeing the scene on the road, he smiled quietly, his lost confidence, and quickly returned after seeing the poor performance of the Ukrainian military.

After leaning back and leaning on ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ to make himself more comfortable, he raised his face and said with ease: "Okay, relax, no one will stop us, even if you shine the gun. will not."

The army had disappeared on the road, and the danger zone had been completely driven out. Gao Yang thought about it and said to Newlandova: "Go to our foothold."

Gao Yang's main foothold in Kiev is very secretive. In the current state, it is very suitable for where to take refuge, especially for hospitals or wounded.

Cui Bo and Raphael were there, and Gao Yang wanted to see what happened to them.

While still on the road, Gao Yang received a call from Andy Ho. Andy Ho said regretfully and tiredly: "Boss, Poggio is dead. He is too old to carry it. "

Pujajo is a black devil, and he is also quite old in the black devil. He is almost seventy years old. His injury is not the most serious, but an old man who is nearly seventy years old has a great decline in physical function and has failed to carry It's normal, and Pujacho just couldn't carry it.

Gao Yang sighed slightly, then whispered: "I know." (To be continued.)

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