A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1548: Fatal misjudgment

"According to the report sent back by our intelligence personnel at the scene, we can be sure where Da Yiwan is!"

After the intelligence director spoke the sentence to the president with great confidence, he placed a computer screen in front of the president.

The camera shakes terribly. There are successive explosions all around, wounded roars of the wounded, and rapid gunshots, all of which show that the photographer is on a very dangerous battlefield.

"Three of the six people we sent have died, and two troops from the Ukrainian side have arrived at the scene. One of them is the Ukrainian troop special forces. They also dispatched a gunship, but their attack was blocked and the helicopter was shot down. According to the firepower that has been exposed, it is proved that there are at least more than ten people in the guard, which is at least. "

The President touched his chin and said with a serious face: "If Big Ivan is there, why didn't he leave? He has time to leave, there is plenty of time."

"He may be injured, or he may be dead, or, where it is so important that he has to keep it, I personally tend to say that Ivan was injured in our attack and was seriously injured, otherwise, there will be no immediate The order to send a large amount of plasma was given to the military hospital in Ukraine. Of course, the efforts of Grand Ivan have been prevented. "

After speaking, the director of intelligence shrugged and said confidently: "He has mobilized at least a hundred men and is a very strong Russian. Our intelligence personnel at the scene have confirmed this, then, Ukraine The deployment of the army encountered great resistance, resistance from within the army, and resistance from the high level. There were even high-level personnel sending people to the war zone to participate in the war. There are various signs that the big Iwan is where it is. If it is not the big Iwan, No one can mobilize all these forces, it is impossible. "

The president nodded. He reached over and knocked on the table, then suddenly said: "This is an opportunity. Never let Big Ivan escape into Russia. I want a more intuitive perspective and use all our technical means to monitor where."

"We have four satellites monitoring Ukraine, and there is no need to adjust the orbit. There is now one satellite that can monitor the battlefield, but the satellites are currently not very useful. As for reconnaissance aircraft or drones, in order to avoid stimulating the Russians. We do not have in Ukraine. Deployment, unless, we use Polish NATO drones, but this takes time, and may irritate the Russians, if you use Ukrainian reconnaissance aircraft is possible, but can not meet your requirements. "

"The big Ivan is very dangerous, but his danger comes from his uncontrollability and unpredictability. I think that if he arrives in Russia, he will fall into the hands of the Russians. Instead, it will be more beneficial to us. Now Da Yiwan Wan is free from the world order system. If he arrives in Russia, he will indeed be sheltered by the Russians, but he will also be included in the order. Russia has absolutely no plan to fight with us in an all-round way, so Great Ivan Instead, Russia will lose its current danger. "

The President waved his hand and shook his head: "With our current relationship with Russia. Let him go to Russia? This option is absolutely unacceptable. Where did he kill him. Don't give him the opportunity to leave."

After speaking, the President said with dissatisfaction: "Great Ivan is an arms dealer. He is also just an arms dealer. He has wisely never challenged the interests of the United States. Although he occasionally offends us, he never did. Stepping on the red line, I did n’t even have this intention, but you designed it for a long time, you caught him, I can bear it, but you caught him and let him run, you completely angered a businessman who did not threaten us. Let him stand on the opposite side of the United States, and this person is more terrible than any terrorist in the world, and you, let him run! "

The President looked very angry. He waved his hands vigorously and then said firmly: "The United States can never have another 9/11 attack, and the United States cannot afford such an attack. You created a monster yourself. Then you tried to recapture or kill this monster all over the world, from the name of this person appeared on my desk until now, I have endured it for a long time, now, you must solve this monster for me, just in Today, just in Kiev, I can't bear this person escaping again, nor can he bear the possibility that he may be alive, or may have died, to see someone alive, to see a dead body, give me an accurate answer, just today!"

"Mr. President, we have DNA samples of Great Ivan. As long as there is a corpse, even if there is only a small part left, we can confirm his identity. We deploy a deadly unmanned attack aircraft in Poland and enter the Ukrainian airspace. There are no obstacles. Before the Ukrainian side was determined to be able to kill Great Ivan, I requested that the drone drone in Poland can take off immediately. If the Ukrainian side fails, Bleach can be used as the final means to solve the problem. "

The Secretary of State ’s response was very loud and loud: “But this will cause a strong reaction from Russia. Judging from the current situation, this is too radical, and it is likely to cause an uncontrollable face chain reaction. We cannot dispatch any equipment to enter directly. Ukraine."

"The Ukrainian side ca n’t be trusted because the power of the Great Ivan is too strong in Ukraine. Do n’t forget that Ukraine is the nest of the Great Ivan! If you rely solely on the strength of the Ukrainian side, there is no guarantee that you can kill the Great Ivan, we must personally If you do n’t throw a bomb from an American plane in the end, we must ensure that this option is available! "

"The United States must not directly send large equipment into Ukraine ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ This is the bottom line of the Russians and the red line we and Russia are currently observing. It is no problem to send some light-mounted special forces, but send large drones, It ’s still starting from Poland, this crosses the line! We must not cross this red line because of an arms dealer, because this will destroy our plan, but only an arms dealer will affect our strategic deployment in Ukraine, which is ridiculous. Now! "

The President waved his hand, extended a finger, and said with a somber face: "Yes, it is impossible to dispatch a drone because of a big Ivan. This is unrealistic, and it is requested that the Ukrainian side deploy any possible force to ensure that it can Talk to them about where Iwan was killed, and tell them to hurry up. "

After a few minutes, a man came to the president and said in a deep voice: "Mr. President, the Ukrainian side demands ..."

"Just say the result!"

"Yes, Ukraine decided to dispatch a tank unit stationed nearby, which could arrive within an hour. In addition, they decided to use su-25 attack aircraft to launch an air strike on the target."

"Let them hurry." (To be continued.)

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