A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1516: sense of justice

To help Adele get angry, only this time he came to Britain smoothly, but it can't be considered a trivial matter. In Gao Yang's mind, this is not a major event, but it is definitely a very important thing.

Things were going to be the same. Yelena and Adele were waiting a short distance away. Gao Yang decided to settle Orlando's affairs first, and it was not too late to ask the Madonna of Steel.

Gao Yang waved his hand and said to Yake: "Let's talk about the result first."

Yack smiled: "We started torture him, because you said he would torture him, so we didn't want to ask when we started, I just used all the tricks I knew on which bastard, of course, Leonard also used his technique again, and for the first time we exchanged their experiences on the same person. "

Andy Ho took a deep breath and made a hissing sound, then curiously said, "He is not dead?"

Yak glanced at Andy He dissatisfiedly: "Are you insulting me and Leonard? I don't care. Leonard hears you and he will discuss this issue with you."

Andy Hollen smiled while waving his hand: "Forget it, you better not tell him, I just wonder how Orlando can stand it."

Yake said indifferently: "Okay, he's not dead, he's not crazy, he just crashed over and over again, the head said he would torture him, then he must have regretted his birth in this world. , Let him know what a real demon is. "

Gao Yang laughed: "That is to say, he will definitely not go out and talk nonsense, right?"

Yak said proudly: "As long as he goes out to say a word about today's things, I will retire immediately, and I will never do this kind of interrogation again in the rest of my life. Believe me, you just killed him here. He will never say half a word. Compared to the lessons he has learned, death is a negligible price. "

Gao Yang waved his hand and smiled: "Okay. Watch the video and see what **** this guy is sitting under."

Eileen said dissatisfiedly: "You are disgusting."

Yake put the camera on the table. Then he began to watch Orlando sitting on his chair telling his proud story.

Just after watching it for a while, Irene said angrily: "This **** bastard!"

What Orlando said is not particularly excessive, that is, how to blame a few women, with the normal means of your love and my wish, and how he threatens and tempts to satisfy his expectations, but always In general, it is still within the normal range.

But after talking for a while, there was a pinch in the middle. It was Yac that they were tormenting Orlando, so when Orlando showed up again about his black history, what broke out began to sensationalize.

Gao Yang was angry and depressed: "The little girl didn't let it go, the method was so bad, scum, you should kill him!"

Orlando's self-protection scandal is not a big deal. What matters is that he starts to stab out all the things he knows. Among them, his colleagues and his boss share the same.

"Fak, they really are like this, I didn't expect it. Then the famous star host likes the little boy! Scum!"

Yake looked at Irene, who was about to breathe fire, and said: "I said, they are more interested in little boys. This is the tradition."

Cui Bo followed closely: "It is also the tradition of the British."

Yack didn't care what other people said, he just shrugged, but James said with an uneven face: "Don't say that, Fak! I'm going to slaughter that scum, I will bear all the consequences!"

Yack looked at James with surprise and said, "Wow, there is still a sense of justice, I said, man, you like this ..., oh. No wonder, the rookie just came out of the army. It doesn't matter, you are soon You will get used to this kind of thing. Don't care too much, this guy is more uncomfortable alive than dead. "

Gao Yang looked at a group of people. There were more than fifty names from Orlando's mouth. This is just what he can remember. There are more women who can't remember their names.

After watching for a long time, Orlando didn't explain his black history. Gao Yang couldn't stand it anymore. After turning off the camera, he turned to Yake and said, "Are you sure?"

Yack sighed: "You're insulting me again, and Leonard and I can't tell which ones are real and those are bullshit, we're still fucking."

Gao Yang nodded: "Okay, I will show them to Adele, how to deal with Orlando, let them decide."

Gao Yang took a camera to look for Adele, and didn't say much, just to give them Orlando's confession. Soon, the three women couldn't stand it anymore. Catherine gritted her teeth and said, "Can you go That **** was cruelly tortured again? "

Gao Yang snapped and said, "No problem."

Ye Lina pushed Adele gently and smiled, "I'm so glad you weren't taken by that bastard. Really, I'm very happy."

Adele laughed: "How could I wait for Gao to do those things, people outside Gao, I will beat them, this is what you taught me, Yelena."

Ye Lanna said angrily: "Adele, you idiot!"

Gao Yang coughed softly: "Now, how to deal with Orlando? He certainly won't tell anyone. Now, depending on how you want to deal with him, you can give this video to a competitor."

Catherine frowned: "Don't ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ There are many girls' names in it, and some are celebrities. Make this public and hurt the girls who climbed up too hard. I I do n’t think it ’s public. "

Ye Lanna frowned: "What should I do? You can't let him go so easily?"

Gao Yang laughed: "How can he let him go, his career is over, there is no doubt about it, and he has been subjected to the harshest punishment, trust me."

Adele exclaimed: "Justice must be extended, and all these **** must be made public. It's very simple. Delete the celebrities, and hide the names of those who are not famous by technical means, but let out his confession. Let these **** be punished. If any victims are willing to stand up and sue them, then they will naturally stand up. If they do n’t want to show up, no one will know how to choose them. In short, this evidence will be made public. "

Gao Yang smiled slightly and shouted: "Well, as you wish, since it made you angry, you can say whatever you want. This video will soon spread around the world." (To be continued.)

ps: Something went out and ran out, almost delayed the update, sorry.

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