A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1512: Vote

At night, Gao Yang went to the airport to pick up Yelena.

Grolyov also missed his daughter very much, but he chose to let Gao Yang pick it up in the end, lest Yeliana want to do something with Gao Yang after seeing him. Everyone would be embarrassed.

Gao Yang was holding a large bouquet of flowers and was very excited.

Xiao Biesheng is newly married. Gao Yang and Ye Lina have not only been separated for a long time, but also not married yet.

It's just that when Yelena saw him from the exit and ran up, Gao Yang was dumbfounded because Catherine followed.

Ye Lanna ran a few steps, then jumped on Gao Yang's body and then refused to come down. Yang Yang held Ye Lina, but her face was facing Catherine, and she said innocently: "I don't know you are coming, Otherwise I will prepare two bunches of flowers. "

Ye Lanna wrapped her arms around her neck and refused to relax at all. She shouted, "The flowers are for Catherine, I want you only."

Gao Yang felt that this was too much, but he still handed the flowers to Catherine, and after Catherine made a grimace, she said helplessly: "Well, then I'm going to express the welcome flowers, although all of them are rose."

After holding for a long time, Yeliana let go of Yang Yang's neck, then held Yang Yang's face, stared at Yang Yang's eyes, and whispered with her mouth pouted: "Do you miss me?"

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Thinking, thinking is going crazy."

After a snap, Yelena raised her arms, and then said excitedly: "Go, where shall we live tonight? Where is Adele? Did she not come with you?"

Gao Yang said embarrassedly: "Uh, I haven't seen her since I came to London. I dealt with some things today."

After taking a kiss on Gao Yang's face again, Ye Lina smiled and said: "Actually, you don't have to be so careful, let's go, we'll find Adele. I haven't seen her for a long time."

Gao Yang looked at Catherine and smiled bitterly: "Why are you here too?"

Catherine shrugged and shouted: "We are good friends. The best friend, if not you. She may become my girlfriend, or I am her girlfriend, whatever you want, anyway, you appear, she The goal was shifted, so we are now our best friends, and since she is my best friend, then of course I have to come out for her. "

Ye Lanna smiled proudly: "Yes. Don't be so stingy, anyway, I am the winner, and I also have confidence that you are the only one in my heart."

Gao Yang really didn't know that Catherine was back, and Yelena didn't tell him, so his plan was not easy to implement. First, he met Groelov with Yelena, and then went to see Adele with Yelena and Catherine Well, waiting for the four people to be noisy until late at night, Gao Yang was able to go to the booked hotel with Yelena.

In fact, Yelena and Catherine would come to the UK to cheer Adele together, which is quite normal. The three of them are also life-long friendships, and have experienced life and death, although the friendship between women is more peculiar. But after experiencing life and death, Gao Yang should have destroyed the friendship between the three women, and the role would not be too prominent, so Yeliana and the three of them can maintain the friendship.

Stolen for a long time, Gao Yang and Ye Lina were almost sleepless all night. They waited until the day was light before going to sleep, but Gao Yang felt that she had not slept much and was woken up by the phone.

"Hello. This is James, where should I go to see you."

Gao Yangzhu sat up at once. I looked at the watch beside the pillow and immediately said, "Where are you waiting for me in the building going to Taiwan."

Just hung up the phone. Patted Yeliana around her, whispered: "Hey, it's time to teach people, it's too late to leave."

Ye Lanna sat up in a rush, and said anxiously: "Come on, let's go quickly."

Gao Yang must be separated from Grolev, so they are not too far away, but they are certainly not close, or how can he be at ease in his heart.

When Gao Yang and Ye Lina sat in a taxi and rushed to the TV station building, all the members of Satan were also rushing to teach a rogue host, how could such a fun thing be absent.

When Gao Yang arrived, Satan didn't lack where to wait. Groelev opened his mouth and didn't speak. Only Irene complained: "You are too slow."

Gao Yang nodded repeatedly to apologize, and a group of people were waiting outside the headquarters.

Since Adele and Catherine made a guest appearance when they made a documentary, both of them received an invitation from the station, but Catherine did not work very long, and felt that working on the TV station was not suitable for her, and returned to the United States , While Adele stayed.

Adele has never been able to become a real host. The station mainly produces knowledge-based programs. Documentaries are all produced by this too, and Adele's boss is a host and producer of a documentary.

In Adele ’s temperament, it does n’t really matter whether she can be a presenter. She just became interested in the job temporarily, but she has to be a star on the TV, but her boss does n’t think so. After being tempted by the conditions and finding out that it didn't work, I wanted to come up with it. Anyway, this kind of thing is quite common.

It is a pity that Adele has a brain problem, but she is a genius girl. The most terrible thing is that she has a girlfriend, Yelena, and a friend Gao Yang, and Grolyov, who confessed that she owes her a big relationship, so, It doesn't matter if Adele's boss plays a hooligan, but he attracts the real ruthless character.

Gao Yang waited for a moment, Adele and Catherine came together. This time Adele behaved normally, but Catherine was worried, looked at the excited group of people, and knew what these people were. Catherine couldn't help saying: "What are you going to do? Will the consequences be too serious?"

Ye Lanna said with great confidence: "Just give it to the high-level processing ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ afraid of anything."

At this moment, Gao Yang saw James. James was carrying a backpack and was standing across the road looking at him. It might be that there were many people. James did not come directly to meet him.

When he found that Gao Yang noticed him, James made a quiet gesture of inquiry. Gao Yang smiled and waved his hand. After James came across the street, Gao Yang shouted: "Guys, let me introduce you, I mentioned it with you yesterday. James. "

After nodding his head to the crowd, James murmured loudly: "I am now officially working for you, what do you want me to do?"

Gao Yang pointed at the door of the TV station and smiled: "In a moment, someone will pass by here. His task is to hijack him, don't alarm anyone, don't be chased by the police, I don't care what you do, I just Can you do it? Oh, I forgot to remind you that that person is a famous host. "(To be continued.)

ps: I wish you all a happy new year.

Now I ’m taking a break on New Year ’s Day, the number of words is less, but I still have to beg for the next monthly ticket, but now it is double, so please rush the monthly ticket to me.

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