A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1510: Just pleasing to the eye

A penny can overwhelm a hero, does James have the capital to disagree with Gao Yang's proposal?

Who says there will be money if you can play? Who stipulates that it is a special elite who is unique in the world, and he can certainly make a fortune? Nowadays, making money is obviously much more difficult than fighting, okay.

Among those who have a killing stunt, there are a few people who can have a life-making skill in addition to their killing ability.

Unlike ordinary soldiers who retired after a few years of military service, for a professional soldier like James Marklein, in addition to the fairly good retirement pension, where can he get money from? What can you do to earn a lot of money in a short period of time besides selling your skills acquired from the military?

If a person like James Marklein lives steadily, he will live on that pension, but if he encounters any major changes, or has a special hobby of burning money, or he cannot leave the army. In Wu's words, those who were scrupulous and hard-working were hired as mercenaries, and those who were scrupulous and wanted to live within the rules would become regular.

It ’s okay to be a mercenary, and it ’s okay, but the question is whether you can make a lot of money by doing this? This question has been said badly. In the final analysis, mercenaries have to depend on luck to make a lot of money, and James has good luck because he has encountered high-spiritedness.

Satan may not be the most powerful mercenary group, but it is definitely one of the most profitable mercenary groups, and it is very possible to remove this one. James does not know this yet, but he will soon Can know.

"no problem!"

James McLean did n’t know what he was thinking. In short, he spoke after hesitating for a moment, and after James spoke, Gao Yang nodded and said to Yak and Thirteen: "Give your cash I."

Gary smiled: "Very good. This is a three-win result, but I want to know which mercenary group you are? Can you always tell me?"

Gary is a very law-abiding person, Gao Yang nodded and said: "Of course. We are Satan."

James didn't react much, he hadn't heard of the name. For a soldier who has just retired and has a high degree of secrecy and has been living in a closed state, the name Satan is meaningless.

But for Gary, it is different. Even if the name of the Satan Mercenary Regiment is not as permeable as the name, the famous can never run away.

"What? Are you Satan?"

After a surprised cry, Gary pointed at James and smiled, "Man. You have gone away."

After saying something with a smile, Gary didn't say anything, and Gao Yang followed James' car after paying £ 24,000 for James. Now, he can see if James has got it. The daughter of uremia.

There are scouts to discover sports stars, scouts to sing and dance, and mercenaries are doing this, there are not special spies to discover potential newcomers, but there are middlemen.

Introduced by people. Recruiting a veteran of a special force is basically one of the most common ways for mercenaries to recruit new recruits, and another. It is the same mercenary regiment that a veteran has since recommended and wants to join. This is the same as a company recruiting newcomers, and the retreat of James sbs, like a graduate of a famous university, is definitely more popular.

But for Gao Yang, he did not intend to recruit newcomers. It was a coincidence that James was encountered, and James still came out of sbs. This is like a famous college student with a professional counterpart. Sure to try it first.

Satan now lacks nothing, but lacks one in the water. If James is not a sbs person, he might not be so simple and decided to ask him.

"Why didn't you go through any investigation. You suddenly decided to recruit a new person? Although he is a sbs, but according to Satan's current reputation, you can recruit people from any unit in this world, but you suddenly decided to recruit A person you do n’t know at all, and it ’s still half crippled. "

Yake was a little puzzled, but Gao Yang said indifferently: "To be honest? Actually, I just saw him pleasing to the eye."

Yake frowned: "Just because it looks good?"

"Just because it looks good, really."

Gao Yang didn't lie. Satan's people were all recruited by him one by one, and all he recruited, the big one was that he looked down.

Satan now wants to expand too simple, but Gao Yang has no meaning of expansion. The famous Satan is still just a few people, because Gao Yang does not want to expand, because he is afraid of destroying Satan's unity.

In the circle of mercenaries, Satan is definitely a different kind, because few of the Satan mercenary regiments really come from the big special forces, and the genuine special forces come out, only Irene, Taylor, and Albert three of them. Not only did the rest come from ordinary troops, but there were even several nomads who had become monks halfway.

Gao Yang himself, Choi Bo, Frye, Raphael, Jensen, Tommy, Lucica, before they are mixed up, they will never be taken seriously to find a job in a famous mercenary group. Gao Yang is the Satan who occupies more than half of Ye Luzi, becoming the first super mercenary regiment in the industry. This is Gao Yang's ability, and he is better than his marksmanship.

Everyone in Satan is indispensable. Everyone has an irreplaceable specialty, and they are also very balanced. They can be resisted in all aspects. If they are like Gao Yang and Frye, if they are famous troops like James If the person of origin is more comprehensive, it is a joke. There is no comparison, no comparison.

Therefore, Satan wins by relying on the balance of the team, not by personal qualities, better than personal qualities, angels, or the Iron Madonna. These are all mercenary groups composed of soldiers who have retired from the big-name special forces. One came out more than most people in Satan ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ But regarding the overall comprehensiveness, Satan is not afraid of anyone.

Satan is far from perfect, but it is very balanced, and very very united. If you join a sbs, Satan will be made up in a completely strange area. With James, Satan will not be good at amphibious and underwater combat immediately. , But it will allow Satan to make no mistakes and no stranger when fighting in this environment, which is enough, not to mention that James is still a commando, and the actual commando is the position that Satan needs to supplement the most.

The reason why Gao Yang put a lot of retired soldiers of the Marine Corps not recruiting, but at the first sight, he decided to first put a left-armed James into Satan. It was really just because he was pleasing to the eye. Satan, then pull it in and try it out. It ’s just a million pounds. Satan is not too expensive. If James is really inappropriate, throw it to Somalia and use it in Yemen. Anyway, one million. Buying an sbs assaulter in pound sterling for five years is cost-effective. (To be continued.)

ps: First of all, I wish you all a happy new year and I wish you all health, safety and happiness in 2016.

No matter what the time is, there are no shortage of three chapters of commitment.

Now ask for a monthly ticket, double it.

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