A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1: Road has you, thank you for your company.

Looking back, "The War of the Mercenaries" has been written for more than two years, with more than 4.3 million words. I can't help feeling, I just want to say it is not easy.

Everyone knows that this book is covered in the skin of the city, but it is the bone of the military. To be honest, I am very satisfied that a military novel can get the current results. This is inseparable from the support of brothers and sisters.

Everyone supports this book in order to have the achievements of this book. I ca n’t name all of you, but please allow me to say thank you sincerely.

After writing this book for so long, the only thing I am proud of is that although the update is not awesome, it is stable. It has been more than two years and there is no interruption. It is easy to say that there is no manuscript at all. It's not easy to do. For me, a lazy person, looking back to think about the pains along the way, the persistence of more than two years is enough to make me proud.

For more than two years, as long as it is a common life, there is no one who is ill. What impressed me most is that this spring, I had a cold and fever and hung for a few days of water. As a result, I have been hiccuping and I have been able to stop hiccups. Injecting stomach medicine with injections and infusions, all kinds of methods have been used but it can not stop a hiccup.

Hiccups do n’t stop, you guys who have n’t tried it do n’t know what it tastes like. When I could n’t bear it, I later found that as long as I spit it out, I would n’t hiccup for fifteen minutes to half an hour, and then I used I choked my throat to make myself vomit, but I could n’t vomit, so I drank water and then plucked my stomach and then vomited again, so I was crying while I was coding. Every day, 6,000 words are guaranteed to be updated, I The only idea at the time was to know that I was lazy and could not be broken, and I became accustomed to it as soon as I broke it. Once I had the first time, I had the second time.

Didn't feel anything at the time, now think about the suffering at that time and still weep, do you believe it?

Believe it or not, only the writer knows the hardship of the writer. I have been writing for two years. I have cervical spondylosis, my weight has risen, and my physical condition is not as good as before. This is the price. It is also a common problem for professional writers.

While writing this single chapter now, I actually feel that another year has passed. What should I write to thank everyone for your support?

Next, I still have to ask for your support. What is rewarded is the extra reward for the reader ’s pleasure. I do n’t ask for it, and I ca n’t ask for it. Awesome, extra things don't dare to force, but the subscription is what I deserve.

I ca n’t understand the difficulties of the brothers who ca n’t subscribe to this money. I understand that you should n’t see this sentence. Those who have the ability to subscribe, please also subscribe to the genuine copy. I am now a professional writer.

I have to say something about the update. This is a military novel. It ’s very painstaking to write. I ’m going to write the upgrade stream. I can write faster than it is now. Everyone needs to understand that he ca n’t write quickly. Anyway, with my ability, I can't guarantee how fast the quality and quantity can be.

2015 will soon pass, 2016 is coming, thank you for your companionship, and I wish you brothers and sisters a happy new year, all the best in the coming 2016, safe and healthy. 〖To be continued〗 【】

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