A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1495: To save our gun

Having known Donny Little for such a long time, Gao Yang has never seen Little Downey become so anxious.

Gao Yang felt a very bad feeling in his heart. He stood up and shuddered: "What happened!"

Little Downey trembled: "All our equipment has been detained, all ..."

Gao Yang flickered and almost fell to the ground. After a while, all the people present except Gao Yang wailed in unison, "Fak, my gun!"

Gao Yang didn't speak, and his mouth was trembling and speechless.

When others exclaimed uniformly, all the members of Satan turned their heads together and looked at Gao Yang, and then said in unison: "Head! Your gun!"

Gao Yang covered his heart with one hand, just like a shot, shiveringly said: "My Satan blade! My Satan blade was also detained?"

Downey nodded frustratedly, trembling: "I was detained, sorry, boss, sorry ..."

Gao Yang stumbled back a few steps. After sitting on the sofa with a buttocks, after taking a hard breath, he gasped and said: "What's going on? What's going on!"

The meaning of Satan's blade is indescribable to Gaoyang. Basically, Satan's blade can be counted as a half-life of Gaoyang.

The loss of Satan's blade is tantamount to digging up the top of his heart, chopping his hand, slashing his eyes, and losing his life.

Other people ’s guns, other guns, it does n’t matter much if you do n’t find them, you can buy them, and you can let Jack do it again. Although you have lost the guns that have been used for a long time and are very affectionate, you can slowly It is the only one in the world that can cultivate a sense of gun. I don't have to do what I want to do.

Gao Yang's ability is not built on a good gun, nor is it a waste of man who loses this gun, but the blade of Satan is a weapon that allows him to exert all his strength. The blade of Satan failed to add to the high combat effectiveness, but the blade of Satan was lost. Gao Yang's long-range shooting ability can be exerted up to 70%, which means such a meaning.

Li Jinfang very cherishes his magic bar 81, so Li Jinfang hurriedly said: "What's going on!"

Cui Bo wailed, "My gun, my gun!"

Ai Lin said anxiously: "My sweetheart, what happened?"

Pavlovic said angrily: "Quickly tell what's going on, where is my gun!"

It was chaotic for a while, because these people present did not cherish their own guns. Throwing away the gun that has been used the longest is tantamount to cutting their hearts.

Not to mention that if Satan and the Black Devil were to throw away all their weapons at the same time, even if they were to match the gun as they were, the combat effectiveness would immediately drop by one level. It is not an exaggeration at all, and the combat effectiveness would be reduced by at least one level.

Downey Jr. could n’t stand, he said anxiously: "This time the equipment delivery time is too tight, I found a drug lord, he wants to ship cocaine to France, I will pay him to transport us Equipment. However, this **** has been watched by the French Anti-Drug Brigade, and their plane landed in Paris. They were immediately arrested and all the equipment was detained at the same time. Sorry, it was my fault ,Sorry……"

Of course, Downey knew what the lost equipment meant for Satan. People in their thirties were crying when they were talking.

Anyway, this responsibility is Downey Jr. ’s role as a mercenary broker. He didn't do his job well, although this cannot be blamed on him. It's just that his luck is really bad, but he can't shirk this responsibility.

The biggest loss is undoubtedly the soaring. He had difficulty breathing. He covered his heart and said hardly: "My Satan's Blade, My Ram's Horn, My Shotgun, My Night Vision, No, I want to save them! I They must be rescued! "

Gao Yang directly used the words for people. He said that they were to rescue them, not to rescue it, or to retrieve my gun.

For Gao Yang, his gun is no longer just a gun. That is his partner, his brother, and his lover. In short, there is life.

Irene hurriedly said: "Save! Save! Save!"

Pavlovic waved his hand and said angrily: "Go and save our guns! Who did it?"

Cui Bo shot Little Downey and said anxiously: "Don't patronize your frustration, just say that, who took our gun!"

Downey Jr swallowed and hurriedly said: "It was the anti-drug brigade of the French police headquarters, and our equipment was detained at Bowei Airport in the north of Paris. It was a cargo airport. It was intercepted on the spot on the plane. "

Gao Yang stood up and shouted, "Go to Paris, go to Paris! Save our guns back."

Only the thirteenth remained calm. He clapped his hands and said slowly: "So, our task has been abandoned? Djo about it?"

Gao Yang said fiercely: "Let Djo go to hell, our guns are the most important!"

Cui Bo quickly said: "Without a gun, what can you do even if you stay?"

On the 13th, he stretched out his hands and pressed down. He said calmly: "Calm down! Calm down, guys, being too impulsive is not good for you, whether you want to get your gun back or what we are doing now. It's no good, calm down and think about it. "

Gao Yang exhaled and took a few deep breaths in a row, then waved at the anxious little Downey and shouted: "Little Downey, do n’t blame you for this matter, we are just out of luck, do n’t let it go too much In my heart, but ... "

After a pause ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Gao Yang said solemnly to Donny: "Don't deal with drug lords in the future, this group of people can't be trusted, and they are all scum, scum in the scum, It ’s almost the same to see one killed, but do n’t deal with this bunch of scum anyway. "

Downey Jr. said depressed and angry: "I will never deal with this **** scum in the future, absolutely not, this **** scum will kill me!"

Gao Yang exhaled and said in a deep voice: "We have to get the gun back. Rabbit is right, without our gun, without our equipment, we can't do anything, even if we can't buy it right away. The combat effectiveness is too great, you must first find a gun. "

Andy Ho said loudly: "If we are looking for a gun, we will definitely have to go to Paris, and our equipment will inevitably be sent to the depository of the French police headquarters for storage. This is for sure, and I suggest to read the news before acting , Because of such a big achievement, it will soon be in the news. "

Gao Yang took a breath and said loudly: "Turn on the TV and wait for the news. We will go to Paris tomorrow morning. As for Djou, we will keep a few people under close surveillance. There is no way but to do so." (To be continued.)

ps: Seeking monthly tickets.

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