A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1491: inside

There was something wrong in my heart, Gao Yang woke up after about two hours of sleep.

Gao Yang pushed the door out of the room where he was sleeping and found that Yake was sitting leisurely in the living room drinking coffee. Gao Yang rubbed his eyes and sat down with a tired expression, whispering: "Are you ready?"

Yack nodded and smiled: "Yes, I am ready. In two hours, I will meet a family from the UK and accompany them to Fira Point to see if there is a suitable villa for rent. In the process, with the help of them as cover, I can go to the villa in Djow to check the situation. "

Gao Yang nodded and said casually: "What identity do you play?"

Yake shrugged: "A real estate agent can find me for renting or selling a house. Of course, I'm just a fake."

Gao Yang frowned and said, "Is it an intermediary? Can you do it?"

Yake smiled and said: "Yes, the real estate agent, but I have got the real listing information from the real agent, so all I have to do is to accompany the British family to see the house and go to see it in person. . "

Gao Yang nodded, but he immediately said: "There is a problem, how do you get into those villas, you are not a real intermediary."

Yake sighed and looked at Gao Yang with a helpless look: "Do you think there is a door lock in that villa that I can't open? It's just an ordinary villa, can you block me?"

Gao Yang smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry, I forgot that you are an excellent unlocking expert."

Yake shrugged and smiled: "When I call to tell you to rent that villa, then that villa is the best for us, so go and rent it."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "I see."

While Gao Yang was chatting with Yake, No. 13 pushed the door out, and when he saw No. 13, Gao Yang and Yack jumped up from the sofa together.

Although I know that person is the thirteenth. But Gao Yang still couldn't connect a big beauty with the thirteenth.

Hazel hair, a stylish dress, carrying a designer bag. The dress is very fashionable, not the type that looks amazing at a glance. But it's very beautiful. It's the kind of beauty that looks better and better, big beauty.

Although knowing that the woman can only be installed on the 13th, it is still difficult for Gao Yang to associate the 13th with the beauty in front of her because it is difficult to imagine.

Yake whistled and said in surprise: "Hi, Leonard, you look better than your sister."

A slightly husky voice. But it's very magnetic and very nice female voice: "Yake, tell me I will turn my face."

Yake immediately put his hands on his chest and smiled: "Sorry, I won't talk anymore, but why don't you make up a blonde girl? I like blonde girls."

On the thirteenth, he said coldly: "Because the blonde hair is too dazzling and eye-catching, I don't need dazzling, I need to give people a sense of intimacy and ease."

Gao Yang coughed softly: "Why your voice has changed, I mean. Why can't you talk to me with this voice, and now I can't even dare to recognize you."

Whispered on the 13th: "Because I used some medicine as an auxiliary means to change my voice, okay. I'm going out, keep in touch."

On the thirteenth, he walked to the door of the house. Yake whistled again behind the thirteenth, then smiled and shouted: "Beauty, goodbye."

After erecting a **** at Yake, he opened the door on the 13th and went out. After closing the door heavily on the 13th, Yake smiled at Gao Yang: "Haha, the walking posture has changed. It's really amazing."

After smiling, Yack shrugged: "I should go out too. You can't sleep now, you have to pay attention to our phone at any time. That's it, bye."

A little nervous, but also a little boring, put the phone next to her, and then Gao Yang simply turned on the TV.

After waiting for almost two hours, Gao Yang received a call from the 13th.

The tone of the 13th did not fluctuate, but what he said was very bad.

"Failed, I can't get in. I was just invited to go out on the path leading to the villa. It was very polite, but also very determined. Also, the guards guarding the intersection were armed."

Gao Yang was a bit frustrated, and was confused about the situation in the villa, which meant that the result was the same whether it was in Ukraine or Nice, that is, they could not do anything.

Gao Yangji was annoyed and pulled his hair, then he sighed: "Is there any other way?"

"No, I can no longer appear in this image. Even if I want to come again, I can only change the image in another way, otherwise it will cause doubt."

Gao Yang sighed helplessly: "Come back first, then come back and find a way."

On the thirteenth, he said faintly: "This is not without gain. I'm sure Djo is in his villa."

Gao Yang suddenly came to the spirit, shouting: "Are you sure?"

Being sure that Djoy was in his villa, rather than having left, is a great achievement in itself.

Whispered on the thirteenth: "Yes, I'm sure that if Djot was not in his villa, I would be able to go in. It was because Djoy was inside, so I was rejected."

Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Great harvest, but how do you know that you are so sure?"

"Charm, my charm will work if Djo is not there. Let's talk later, I'll hang up."

On the thirteenth, he hung up the phone, Gao Yang clenched his fists and waved a few times. Anyway, knowing that Djoy was in his villa, it was a remarkable achievement.

Confirm that Djoy is here, then the next step is to understand the situation inside the villa, as well as the terrain near the villa. No matter whether it is a strong attack or other methods, if you do n’t even know the basic terrain, you need to make a call. Fart.

The speed of coming back on the 13th is much faster ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Half an hour to the hotel in Yak, and knocked on the door, I was in a hurry to ask about the experience on the 13th, and the 13th The number is not meant to talk to Gao Yang at all, but whispered: "I will wait until I remove my makeup."

The process of removing makeup on the 13th was also very slow. Gao Yang was anxious, but he had to wait. After another half an hour, the 13th finally walked out of the room.

Seeing the 13th restored to its original appearance, Gao breathed out and smiled: "You still look better in this way, let's talk, what is the specific situation."

On the thirteenth, he whispered: "I pretended to look at the scenery and took the path leading to the Djo Villa, but I was stopped only after walking less than thirty meters."

After speaking, on the 13th, he shook his head and said softly: "In fact, there is nothing to say. The guard was very reluctant and sorry for driving me away. He said that if the boss didn't happen to come, he would definitely invite I have a drink, that's it. "(To be continued.)

ps: At the end of the year, there must be some outbreaks, starting tomorrow to New Year's Day three times a day.

Ask for the next monthly ticket in advance today.

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