A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1484: Sold

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no reason to be a thousand days to guard against thieves. Although it is quite inconsistent to find a gun for Morgan at the critical moment of the decisive battle with Germany, but Gao Yang can't bear it.

Or just let Yake and the 13th follow, and promote that if the three of them meet Djou ’s intention to block his team, it ’s dead, but after all, I ’ve got two plans for Yake and the 13th. The route, going out with makeup, must be as cautious as being a thief, and it will be recognized if it can be caught by the people of Djokovic.

Ukraine is the main battlefield of Gaoyang. At this time in Kiev, Gaoyang wanted to find out the people of Djo. It was not easy to find. If he could not find the address of a retired factory director, then something really happened.

From asking for files in Russia to knowing the address of the Akono couple, it may not have been possible for half a year before, and now everything is done in half a day.

Speaking of that, if Morgan's gun can be found, I have to thank Djoo. If it wasn't for Djoo and Great Ivan to fight, it was a coincidence that Gao Yang got the power from Great Ivan. How could it be so easy.

The three found the place according to the address. An old former Soviet-style residential area. The history is long enough. The condition of the community is not good. However, there are too many places in Kiev. A retired old factory manager lives in this way. Place is very normal.

Gao Yang felt a little nervous. After the car stopped downstairs, he took a breath and whispered: "Shall we go up like this? Should we think about how to go up?"

Yake also whispered: "The gun is likely to be here, but the owner will not hand it over easily. I think that in the end, it may be necessary to grab hard, so what you think about is not how to say, but how to do it."

Whispered on the 13th: "Maybe the owner is willing to sell it."

Yake smiled: "From my experience. This kind of stuff is generally not sold, so we have to grab it in the end."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "No matter. Go up to detect it first, and then say, if the owner is willing to sell, then everything is easy to say. If he refuses to sell, he will use the money to sell it to him!"

Yake smiled: "Why are you thinking about buying rather than grabbing?"

Gao Yang shrugged: "I am a mercenary, but not a robber. Your question is ridiculous. Let's go, let's go up!"

Gao Yang looked forward to it in his heart, but also felt a little nervous because of his expectation. He walked ahead. Finally stood in front of a door, looked at the door number to confirm that it was right, then reached out and knocked lightly on the door.

Listening carefully to the movement in the room, on the 13th suddenly said: "Someone, come to open the door."

Sure enough, after a while, someone in the room shouted in Ukrainian: "Who."

Speaking like an old lady, Gao Yang coughed softly and shouted in Russian: "Hello, Ms. Kaya. We are here to visit you."

Ilyushin ’s wife was Kaya, and because of the hasty information, Gao Yang had no time to check whether Kaya ’s husband, Yakonov, was still alive. It was precisely because he did not know much about the situation that he directly called Kaya ’s name without using any title related to Ilyushin.

The door opened and a silver-haired old lady appeared behind the door. After glancing suspiciously at the three of them, the old lady said with doubt in Russian: "Who are you? What are you looking for me for?"

Someone opened the door and half of Yang Yang's heart was put down. He smiled and said: "We, we are ..."

Patronized excited. Before Gao Yang came, he didn't think about what to say and how to enter the door. His previous habit was to break in directly, how to talk to an old lady. He is really not good at this.

In a hurry, Gao Yang didn't make a suitable nonsense, but Yake smiled directly behind him: "We are coming to have some things to deal with, and it is related to Mr. Monosa, oh, please rest assured, it is a good thing . "

The old lady was still full of doubts, but her face sank and frowned, "What is it."

Yack coughed softly and said, "What about Mr. Monosa?"

Yak's statement was a bit risky. Sure enough, the old lady frowned and said: "He died three years ago. Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Shocked and sad in Yake's face, he said in surprise: "What! Mr. Monosa passed away."

Yack's sad expression was too realistic, and the old lady's expression calmed down immediately, softly saying: "Yes, he died of a heart attack three years ago. He was very peaceful when he left us. Are you?"

With sadness on his face, Yake slowly shook his head and said: "I came too late, too late ..., alas, I used to be a colleague of Mr. Monosa, of course, at that time I was still young, Mr. Monosa is my superior, but he is very good to me, very good, and at the last moment, Mr. Monosa has pointed out the clear way of life for us, we have lost contact for many years, I have been thinking for these years Find Mr. Monosa, see him again, thank him and thank him for his teaching, but I just found some clues, but he ... "

Kaya sighed and opened the door completely, then said to Yake: "Come in, please come in, come in and say."

The furnishings in Kaya ’s house all look quite old, but the TV is very large and very new. Looking at her financial situation, it should be good, otherwise she will not intend to add a new TV.

After sitting on the sofa, Kaya trembles and wants to pour water into Yake. After Yake quickly stopped Kaya's move, he said with emotion: "Are you living here alone?"

Kaya nodded and smiled: "Yeah, the children are all married, they are busy with their work, but my body is sturdy, and it is no problem to live alone. My grandson will come to accompany me often, nor Feel lonely. "

Yak nodded and began to yell at Kaya's East, coaxing an old lady in her 80s.

I have been chatting for a full hour. From the work in East Germany, how to find Ilyushin is not available in these years. The experience has become a set of things, just like Yake is really in Ilyushin. It seems to have worked underneath.

After talking about it, and accompany the old lady with a few drops of tears, Yake finally said with emotion: "I remember Mr. Monosa loves hunting, although I did not accompany him to hunt, but I I often hear Mr. Monosa say that he has a friend and our former colleague. His name is Peter Sergeyevich. I wonder if you have heard of it? "

Kaya said with a smile: "Of course I know, Peter, his wife was introduced by me. He has a good relationship with Ilyushin. He used to come to our house often."

Yack shrugged: "It turns out that it's true. It's no wonder that Mr. Monosa said Mr. Sergeyevich's name. I still remember that Mr. Monosa not only loves hunting, but also likes collecting antique shotguns."

The flesh can be counted, and Gao Yang, who was sitting silently for a long time, could not help but froze his ears.

Kaya's regretful long sigh made his high-hearted tremors begin to tremble. He can't hear it now, because this regretful sigh is definitely not a good thing to follow.

Sure enough, after a long sigh, Kaya was very regretful: "Talking about those guns, alas, it is really the biggest regret in Ilyushin's life."

Yake said in surprise: "Oh? Why?"

After sighing again, Kaya whispered: "Alas, Ilyushin really likes guns. He likes to collect antique shotguns. He has a pair of specially cherished pistols, especially the old ones. We usually put them at home, but, In the year when the Soviet Union disintegrated, it was stolen. Alas, Ilyushin was not at home. When I told him, he was mad, and I always felt sorry for losing the gun. However, those guns were stolen. "

Kaya cried when she was talking, and after wiping a few tears, Kaya said with a sad face: "Eleusin didn't find his gun when he came back, he was almost mad, and then never Soon the Soviet Union disintegrated. He kept saying that if the Soviet Union did not disintegrate, this kind of thing would never happen, and people ’s hearts would be broken. Until death, he was still talking about these things. He said they could have done something. To prevent the disintegration of the Soviet Union, but they did n’t do anything, so they caused it, and he has always regretted it. "

Watching an elder brother cry, Gao Yang felt that it was not a taste, and then he couldn't help thinking of the two pistols hidden in his safe.

After finishing talking, Kaya shook his head and sighed: "The Peter you said, he drank every day and was drunk. The Soviet Union collapsed and died shortly after drinking."

Gao Yang suddenly interjected: "Don't Mr. Sergeyevich die in 1990?"

If you say it high, you will regret it.

Kaya glanced at him and shook his head, "I passed away in 1992, I remember very well, I can't make a mistake."

Gao Yang nodded and said nothing, he was afraid that he would turn the subject of Yak over again ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Fortunately, after Kaya sighed, he continued: "Ilyushin lost him He was very sad about the most cherished gun. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he never had the chance to get the gun back, so he simply sold all the remaining guns, so as not to see the remaining guns sad. "

Gao Yang shivered again, but this time he controlled his mouth and dared not say a word.

Yack grimaced: "Damn thief! Damn thief!"

Kaya sighed: "Who said no, I hate the thief, and Peter. He once gave Ilyushin a gun. I still remember the gun, which was left to him by Peter's father. Later, Peter gave it to Ilyushin. When Ilyushin sold the remaining guns, he wanted to return Peter ’s guns to him, but Peter said it ’s meaningless to keep them, so he sold them. The country that his father hit was not What ’s the point of leaving a gun, so Ilyushin sold Peter ’s gun, and then gave Peter the money to sell the gun. Peter did n’t want it, but he did n’t have any money after drinking. The money for selling guns was placed. "

Kaya was chattering, and the more he said the more his heart jumped, the stronger he refused to allow himself to speak, but Yak said with regret, "Is it all sold? Alas, sold it It ’s okay, it ’s okay to sell it. "(Unfinished to be continued.)

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