A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1482: It ’s still confidential this time

The most direct clue about the gun used by Princess Sissi is a picture of where Gao Yang found Dusselev. Please search! The fastest updating novel

The clues of the two people in the photo have been broken, so the third person, the person who took the photo, became the key, but this person has never been able to find it, and there is no clue, but since the two on the photo Everyone is a KGB, so the person who took the photo is also a KGB, so it is logical to speculate.

And now, the most important clues have emerged.

"I didn't really know that I would steal a KGB home. If I knew it, then I would not dare to go."

Azzaro grimaced, and after muttering to himself, Gao Yang sullenly said: "The key point, his specific address, and the owner's name."

Azzaro smiled bitterly: "I remember the general place, but I can't remember the specifics, such as the house number, the houses are the same everywhere, and even the furnishings are the same. They were originally provided by the state. It ’s. "

Gao Yang was very excited, but he had to be patient and said: "Tell me carefully from beginning to end."

"I remember when I went in and started rummaging for valuable things, I found a lot of guns in a cupboard, and the house was quite ordinary, but it seemed that there was only one person living, still a woman, because I found the most at home It ’s the women ’s clothes. Then, I was kind of impressed by the fact that there were several photos at home. In the photo, there was a group photo of a family in Berlin. It was taken at the place where the Brandenburg Gate was taken. Most people ca n’t go at all, so I ’m very impressed. "

The Brandenburg Gate is a landmark of Berlin, but after the Berlin Wall is erected, no one can go to East or West Berlin. Only East Berlin, which is the border soldiers of the East Germany side, can go to the Brandenburg Baomen took a group photo of the family, definitely not ordinary people.

Gao Yang did not interrupt Azzaro. Azzaro spread his hand and continued: "I didn't find anything too valuable at the time, so I picked up a few guns and took it away. Well, now that I think of it, the cabinet is quite large, and there should be more than a dozen guns in it. Right. After I took the gun away, I sold two guns to Oleg for one hundred rubles. At the time, I knew he had collected this stuff. Originally, I also planned to sell the remaining two to him, but I dare not sell it because the police suddenly started to track down the matter.

A police officer who knew me asked me if I stole those guns. I did n’t admit it at the time. He told me that a senior KGB home in East Germany had stolen and lost a few guns. The KGB was extremely angry, and the KGB in Kiev was also putting pressure on them to get the stolen gun back. "

Azzaro breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I didn't dare to admit that I stole those guns at the time. Fortunately, the fact that Oleg received the guns was quite secret. I was determined to hide it. After that, the situation was very chaotic. It did n’t take long for the Soviet Union to disintegrate and the KGB ceased to exist. After that, I dared to sell the gun.

It was actually an accident to sell the remaining two guns. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Oleg found me again and wanted to buy the remaining two guns from me, but I heard that he sold the guns to foreigners to earn After a lot of money, I wanted to sell it myself. You all know the rest. I sold it to the British, but I stole it back and stole all the guns from Oleg ’s house. "

Gao Yang ’s attention was no longer on the foreigner. He shouted: "The KGB, write down everything you know! Everything, his approximate address, his appearance, tell me everything, try my best. detailed!"

Azzaro said bitterly: "But I really can't remember, I can only tell you where he lives, but what is his name, and what he looks like, I can't remember it at all, I'm just looking It ’s just a photo, how can I still remember it now. "

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "Write down the address, write it quickly!"

Gao Yang is very excited, although the clues are still very vague, but no matter what, he already has the direction to search, and now the situation is different, he has the power that he did not have before, it was impossible for Morgan to do it. Things can now be done easily.

After forcing Azzaro for a long time, and confirming that he had confided everything he knew, Gao Yang turned to Shawar and said: "Interrupt him with one hand as a punishment for his last lie to me, but keep him alive, this The matter is over. "

Shawar smiled slightly and yelled at Azzaro: "You heard, congratulations, you saved a life, and you will pay me one million hryvnia every month, and this will stop here. Now. "

To be interrupted by one hand, Azzaro was grateful: "Thank you! Thank you for forgiving me."

Shawar shook his head: "Don't thank me, thank him."

Gao Yang was too lazy to bother with Azzaro. He hurriedly said: "I'm leaving first, and I will contact you back."

Gao Yang and Yake on the 13th left early. As soon as he got in the car, he immediately hurriedly said: "Shadow, what are you doing?"

Yake shrugged: "This matter can be said to have clues, but it is still difficult to deal with, unless you can find the KGB file."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Yes, the files can be transferred. At that time, the KGB stationed in East Germany, and the family was in Kiev. I think that should be the case. The address and the detailed time are available. ? "

Yake surprisedly said: "How could you get the KGB file? Oh, I forgot, when I didn't say this, then, the next thing is easy to handle, go and adjust the file."

Yack once helped Gao Yang decipher the codebook ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Although he just made a beginning, he also knew what power there was in the codebook.

To be honest, Gao Yang wanted to investigate some things of the KGB that had been disbanded more than 20 years ago. It was impossible before getting the codebook, but now, it is really too simple.

Gao Yang immediately said: "Well, I can't call up the file. This matter is already clearer. I want to do it quickly!"

Gao Yang is busy with a lot of things, but he did not hesitate to decide to put Morgan's biggest wish of his life in the fastest speed.

When he entrusted his affairs to Morgan, he answered without saying a word, and Gao Yang must find the gun for Morgan, and he found it as soon as possible.

Gao Yang took out the phone and wanted to inform Morgan of the good news as soon as possible, but after thinking about it, he decided not to tell Morgan first. Instead of wanting to surprise Morgan, he thought that this matter should be left to Morgan, or After telling Morgan, he often broke the clue, saying that it was superstition or luck, but he thought it was better to come by himself this time. (To be continued.)

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