A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1476: This is big business

The crackles on the top floor were all overturned, and everything in the hotel ran out early.

Gao Yang and they ran out of the hotel smoothly, and some people from far away hid to watch the excitement. After raising their guns and shooting a few shots, Gao Yang completely dispersed the crowd and ran away as soon as they got into the car.

Arriving in the car, Gao Yang took out the phone and turned on the phone, then called Hagel.

"Hey, this is the end of the fight, come and close."

The battle was about seven minutes from the beginning to the end. Most of the time was spent in the confrontation between Gao Yang and Knight. However, the battle was resolved in seven minutes, and three minutes were left for the clearing people so that they could It's okay to be there within ten minutes.

The time is really dragging on for too long. It's overturned here. There is no response from Zhengfu. It's too much to say, right, and ten minutes is still acceptable to most people.

After the car roared out for a while, Gao Yang said in the intercom: "Our car stopped here, I waited for angels and others to go home on their own."

After driving the car to the side of the road on the 13th, he turned his head and whispered, "Are you sure the angel will come?"

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "I'm not sure at other times. It is very certain now. I don't know how many angels come, but Knight will definitely come!"

In two minutes, another convoy roared, and one of the cars stopped directly behind the high car.

Gao Yang whispered: "It seems."

Erin said angrily: "Night this bastard!"

Knight walked down from the car. His body armor had been removed. He wore a loose tactical suit and strode to the high door of the car. He shouted, "Come down!"

Knight looked very upset, and Gao Yang pushed the door open. Standing in front of and behind Net, he also said with an unhappy face: "You shot me three times!"

Knight didn't know where the fire was coming, he seemed very angry. He seemed to be the one who was shot three times.

"Asshole! I have to do everything, but don't destroy it if you idiot jump out. If it is not a can opener, if it is not a prince, I will blow your idiot's head in one shot!"

Gao Yang said unfailingly: "You are the idiot. If it weren't for me to show mercy, half of the angels would be blown up to heaven! I asked you if you were hired by a covenant. You **** tell me what happened Alright! Keep it secret, keep it secret! "

Knight waved his hand. Impatiently said: "Don't talk nonsense, tell me what those words mean, how can Ukraine become your territory."

Gao Yang exhaled and shouted: "The head of Da Yiwan in Europe is dead, and I and Da Yiwan are allied, so now the power of Da Yiwan is under my control."

Knight frowned: "You mean, you can mobilize all his strength?"

Gao Yang bluntly said: "Nonsense, otherwise, where do you think I have confidence. Now tell me what you are going to do, I tell you clearly, now Ukraine. I am the biggest one in the underground world, I Do n’t nod, you do n’t want to do anything. "

Nete ​​opened his mouth and touched his chin with his hand, thoughtfully: "If so, it's not bad, I can consider working with you. After all, Ivan's control of Ukraine is far more than Djo, if there are any choices. I will definitely not contact Djo. Since you now take over the power of Ivan. It is indeed a better partner than Djo. "

Gao Yang impatiently said: "Hurry up and say, what the **** do you want to do?"

Nai features nodded. Whispered: "This is the case. Now the situation in Ukraine has entered a very critical moment. The eastern part has already fought. The control of the current government is greatly weakened. If you want to do something, it is now a good time. opportunity."

Gao Yang waved his hand: "Simple, don't go around."

Knight whispered: "Now Ukraine is chaotic enough, but it hasn't been completely cut off. All I have to do is to push them harder and harder on the way of the east and west of Ukraine."

Gao Yang sighed and said helplessly: "Crazy man, war mad, talk about your plan, I know this matter is part of your plan."

Nai turned his head and whispered: "Now, the angel is divided into two parts, one part plays a key arrow role in the east, the locals dare not come forward, we came forward, I secretly engaged in an armed, radical some engage in people Naturally, more and more people will join, and there is support from Russia in the east. Anyone who has a gun can easily do anything. "

Swallowing and spitting, Nete said excitedly: "There are still some problems in the west. What I want to do now is to help some people get power faster, get funds, and make them a firm, energetic new Na Cui Organization! "

Gao Yang was frightened, and then he shouted: "Fuck, you won't, do this, you won't think ..."

Nete ​​waved impatiently: "Don't treat me as an idiot. I have no interest in Na Cui. I just want Ukraine to fight it from now on."

Gao Yang frowned: "I don't understand, what good is this for you, why do you have to do this? You, forget it, I won't say it, it's useless."

Knight thumped his hand and smiled: "Now Ukraine's main house is a group of clowns performing on stage. The United States wants to teach Russia, Europe is forced to get involved. They support the west, and Russia supports the east ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ And they quickly robbed Crimea. This is the general trend, but we need to push another one, and only then can I get what I want. "

Gao Yang waved his hand weakly, but Nete was very interested in saying: "The Americans are not interested in armed Sinai, so Ukrainian Sinai cannot get assistance directly from the West, they need to do something by themselves, and I have Interested to help them, arms, funds, I help them solve! "

After speaking, Nete slapped on Gao Yang ’s shoulders and smiled, “So, I contacted them about Djoy, sold what they could sell, bought what they could buy, man, you ’re sure you can eat what they can. Are they selling? You know, they sell Ukraine. "

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "I understand, that's what happened. Did you stand with them?"

Nete ​​shook his head and smiled: "How come, I don't like this group of idiots, I just use them to make them muddy the water, these brainless cannon fodders are destined to not be eliminated, no matter who they are, in short they can't escape as cannon fodder It ’s impossible for me to stir them too deeply and throw them away after use. My main goal is still in the east. "

Gao Yang waved his hand: "Okay, tell me what they can sell and what they want to buy. I'm very interested." (To be continued.)

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