A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1467: Stand alone

"This is the situation. Shadow and Leonard have gone to scout, everyone thinks, what should we do?"

Instead of summoning Satan's people, Gao Yang notified the latest progress directly on the intercom. At the same time, on the 13th, he and Yack set out to investigate the address sent by Hagel.

Grolev whispered on the walkie-talkie: "Did the enemy get out of the den, isn't that our purpose? Now that we have found it, what else can we do, just do them!"

Gao Yang whispered: "I mean we did the job together with the black devil, or is it safer, and more manpower?"

Grolev whispered: "I still mean it. Rather, if we go it alone, we must also eliminate the risk of inner ghosts. It may not even be possible."

Li Jinfang whispered: "I agree with Big Dog's statement, I would rather go it alone than let the inner ghost have a chance."

Gao Yang exhaled and whispered: "Who has a different opinion from the big dog."

No one spoke on the intercom. Gao Yang whispered after a while, "Okay, just do it!"

The risk of doing it alone is big, very big, because no one knows how much money is around Beasley, whether there is a strong and strong team, no one knows, there are only 24 battles in total Personnel, to attack such a target that does not know the specific strength, this really does not meet the high habits.

Before making a decision, and after making a decision, Gao Yang is simply a judge.

If an action plan has not been completed. I haven't made up my mind about how to act, so Yang Yang is absolutely cautious and cautious. I like to think about everything before I make a choice. But once a decision is made, Gao Yang will firmly implement it to the end, and it will be simple and straightforward.

Since I chose to do it alone, even if there are hundreds of people, I will give up. Once this big direction is determined, what Gao Yang needs to do is how to use more than 20 people in this area to accomplish his goals.

Gao Yang thought quietly for a moment. Then whispered: "Okay, we will act as soon as possible. But we need to change the equipment. We leave here and go back to the equipment suitable for the offensive attack, if possible. Try to knock the opponents directly with heavy weapons. The result is subject. Let ’s prepare now, disperse the evacuation, and be careful not to arouse the attention and suspicion of others when we act. We meet at the meeting point, that ’s it. "

After speaking, Gao Yang said to Pavlovic in front of him: "We will do it alone, just follow us."

Pavlovic tapped his hand. Smiled: "No problem, I like this, and I'm used to it."

Gao Yang whispered: "This time the risk is great. Let's talk about the price, how much do you want?"

Pavlovic scratched his head and shouted to the people around him: "How much do we want?"

An old man said casually: "Just do it, just watch it."

Pavlovic shrugged and said to Gao Yang: "Look at it."

Gao Yang was afraid of looking at such words, such a risky task. The commission must be calculated separately, but how do you look at the price of this single task? Gao Yang has no idea.

Gao Yang frowned: "Look at it? So casual, can't that one hundred thousand?"

Gao Yang really said that such a high-risk task is also a top team like the devil. There is no market at all to the top, and there is no analogy team. Each one is 100,000 yuan. The level is high, so Gao Yang's sentence is indeed a joke under the premise that he can't look at it.

"One hundred thousand per person? OK, then one hundred thousand per person."

Gao Yang was really surprised, but since the black devil's people were so indifferent to money, and he was very close to the chief, of course, he would not cry and cry for the black devil to get more.

Gao Yang shrugged: "This price is not too high, but just like that, we will leave and go back to prepare for the attack."

Pavlovic pointed to the captive in the room and shouted: "What are you going to do with it?"

Gao Yang scratched his head and said: "Is there any use value?"

Pavlovic said, "I promise you to try him again ten thousand times, and you won't get much more."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said lightly: "We want to solve the problem as quickly as possible. It is impossible to keep people to watch them, and it is impossible to ambush here. Well, since they are useless, then kill Okay. "

Pavlovic snapped his fingers, and a group of old men of the black devil moved together, either with a knife or simply empty-handed. After a while, the eight appendices became eight corpses.

After the hands-on, Pavlovic shouted: "Sweep the traces, walk in batches, and evacuate quietly."

The old men began to clean up the traces. They watched their movements with interest, and were able to learn things with the devil. Everyone can learn things with words and deeds. Mixed together, the dark devil's person is naturally the instructor.

The old men left the apartment one by one, and then Gao Yang and Irene, when they all met at the place where they got off, it was already ten minutes later.

Back in the car, Gao Yang hurriedly said: "Guys, do we have enough inventory? Who has insufficient equipment to say quickly."

The people of Satan reported their equipment in turn, and no one lacked the equipment and ammunition they used, because during this time in Ukraine, the only thing they did not lack was the arms ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ knew the situation of Satan , Gao Yang said to Pavlovic: "What about you? Do you have any equipment that is in short supply? Or special equipment. If you have any, tell me, I will hurry and prepare."

After thinking about it for a while, Pavlovic whispered: "We don't lack anything. Well, give us the night vision devices we just captured. Maybe it will be useful."

Gao Yang said anxiously: "I have it for you, and we also have spare night vision devices to lend to you, to make up for you, and to guarantee a manpower."

Pavlovic shook his head: "No, I don't need it. I just want it, but we won't use it today. Besides, it's only two o'clock in the afternoon. As long as we move fast enough, it's best to attack during the day."

Gao Yang thought for a while and whispered, "Issue an attack during the day?"

Pavlovic nodded: "Yes, during the day, you are good at night warfare, we are good at it, and the enemy is good at it, but the mysterious team is probably also there, and they are particularly good at night combat. The key to the problem is that both you and the enemy There is a night vision device, and we do n’t, so launching an attack during the day can bring our advantages to the limit, at least we are even in the field of vision. "(To be continued)

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