A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1448: Last one

After eleven hours, Gao Yang arrived in Kiev. Given that the starting point was in Somalia, this speed was already very fast.

In a private clinic, Andre was covered in a white sheet, lying motionless on the bed, with a blood transfusion tube inserted in his body, and the upper and lower parts of his blanket were soaked in blood.

Gao Yang thought Andre was dead, but the blanket did n’t cover Andre ’s face. He walked over to the bed and looked closely. Andre ’s chest was slightly undulating, and Andre ’s clothes He even wears it on his body, which means that no one has operated on him at all.

Gao Yang turned to Andre's bodyguard and whispered angrily: "Why not save again, why! Dragon Knight, villain, come here!"

One of Andrea's bodyguards shook his head, slowly pulling away the sheets.

Gao Yang also hoped that Andy could save Andre's life, but after seeing Andre's wound, he immediately gave up the idea.

Andrea's right leg was completely gone, and he lost half of his pelvis and half of his abdominal cavity. His internal organs were wrapped in cloth, otherwise it would have been all right.

Without Andy Ho giving professional advice, Gao Yang also knew that Andre was dead, and the only thing that surprised him now was how Andre might have been holding for twelve hours without dying.

Andy shook his head, said nothing, and then turned away.

Gao Yang gasped for two breaths and said to the bodyguard standing beside him, "What's going on?"

The bodyguard whispered: "Andrea said, he must see you, he must see you before he dies."

After speaking. The bodyguard murmured in Andre's ear, "Boss, the ram is coming, the boss, the ram is coming."

Tommy and Andre are old acquaintances, and he came in with Gao Yang. At this time he stood by the bed and shouted: "Andrea, this is Tommy, I came to see you."

Gao Yang did not think that Andre had a chance to wake up, but after a long sigh, he still shouted: "Andre. I'm here."

Andre really moved his eyes, then opened his eyes miraculously.

Gao Yang stepped forward to Andre's side. Although he was very surprised that Andre could actually wake up, he still said warmly: "Andre, I'm here."

Andrea looked at Gao Yang. Then he even stretched out his hand with strength.

Gao Yang knew that Andrea would die soon, and he would die soon.

Gao Yang took hold of Andre's trembling and raised hand, and then said in a deep voice, "Do you have anything to say?"

Andrea took a breath and said in a very clear words: "I'm waiting for you, I can't die before seeing you. Fortunately, you came in time, my friend."

After taking a breath, he eased. Andre said slowly: "I'm going to die. Big Ivan gave me Europe. I can't let him lose his place in Europe. No one can preside over the situation when I die. I have someone I trust. But they are not capable enough. The only person I can trust and be capable of is you. Ram, help me. "

Gao Yang said firmly: "It is incumbent. Give it to me here."

A smile appeared on Andre's face, and he whispered: "I knew you would agree, good brother, you are such a loyal fellow. There are not many people like you in this year."

Andre grabbed Yang's hand and whispered: "Everyone else is out."

Andre's bodyguard immediately turned his head away, and Tommy nodded at Andre and whispered: "Goodbye, Andre."

Everyone left, Andreas exhaled, let go of his high hand, reached out and trembled out a small book in the palm of his clothes, and raised his handle to Gao Yang .

Waiting for Gao Yang to extend his hand, Andre placed Xiaoben in Gao Yang's hand, then took the right hand of Gao Yang and whispered: "Now, this is yours!"

Gao Yangsheng said: "What is this?"

Andrea smiled slightly, and then proudly said: "Power!"

After exhaling, Andre said hardly: "Listen to me, this is the codebook, look for" Anna Karenina "as a control, you can understand it, don't give it to anyone, Do n’t tell anyone the password control book. With this thing, you have power! ”

Gao Yangsheng said: "I remember."

Andre exhaled, and said hardly: "After I die, everything here is handed over to you, Ram, please, don't let me down, keep Ukraine, keep Europe, I don't want to die even after I die Unable to face Great Ivan, I do n’t want to let him down. "

Gao Yang nodded and said, "You can rest assured that with me, I will keep you together for you."

Andre smiled comfortably, and then whispered: "You can let them in. I have something to tell them by the way."

Gao Yang shouted: "Let everyone come in."

A group of people came in again, andre slightly turned his head and whispered: "Newlandova, Dennis, you will follow the ram in the future, listen to him, Tommy, you have followed a good boss."

Tommy grinned hard: "Andrea, you are also a good boss."

Andrey exhaled, gritted his teeth, and looked at Yang Yang with a hard way: "The ram, you have to be careful. The people of Djou are really powerful. I have made all the preparations, but I am still dead. "

Gao Yang whispered: "What the **** happened?"

Gao Yang couldn't help but ask, because some things might not be known by the bodyguard.

Andrei sighed blankly, and said helplessly: "I know Djo must come to kill me. I made enough preparations and arranged the strongest security force ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ But I was still dead By the way, they have very few people. They broke through all my defenses and gave me a shot. Ram, you have to be careful with these people. I do n’t know who they are, but they are really powerful, very powerful. "

After speaking, Andre sighed faintly and said helplessly: "Someone told me that when people are dying, they don't feel pain, nonsense! I have been painful and painful, but now I can be relieved."

Andrea's eyes are rapidly losing his spirit, and he said with a deep voice: "Brother, go all the way, I will not let you down."

After a long sigh from Andre, Andre said helplessly: "I didn't make a mistake, but I'm still dead."

Andreas was totally dependent on the belief that he must see Gao Yang before he died, and then he held a sigh of relief, only to support for twelve hours without dying, and now he had already said what he should say.

Andrea closed his eyes with a smile, Gao Yang thought he was finally dead, but then Andrea suddenly opened his eyes again, his hands raised as if to embrace something, and then he shouted: "Mom, Mom !mom……"

With two shouts of mother, Andrea's hand fell and he died. (To be continued)

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