A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1432: roll

For medium and long-distance suppression, this kind of thing is not worth mentioning specifically for Satan.

There is high, there is Grolev, there is Cui Bo, if necessary, you can add a Tommy, at close range, it may be stuck with the enemy, even if it is suppressed by the enemy, it is normal. The bodyguards of Kiev and Djo Massel did not dare to move each other. At a distance where the assault rifle and even the submachine gun could function, some disadvantages could not be reversed.

But at medium and long distances, as long as the enemy is not equipped with firepower that cannot be solved by light infantry, such as tanks and cannons, even if the number is much smaller, Satan can break the wrist with any enemy. As for the mercenary circle, Satan This ability recognizes the second, who dares to recognize the first.

The British were deliberately put on the horse, but the repression was still a little more comfortable. Satan attacked the enemy facing him a few times either to flee or avoid.

The enemy was easily suppressed, and he shouted loudly: "Blast the group, go ahead."

When he came this time, Satan was carrying all the weapons according to the maximum carrying capacity. Rafael could only carry a limited amount of scams, but someone else could help him.

Raphael shouted: "Come with me."

Raphael ran towards the gunboats, and a black devil man shouted at him: "What are you doing?"

Raphael shook the c4 in his hand and shouted, "Explode the ship."

The old man of the black devil shook his head and said: "Don't blow up, one by one is too troublesome, use a more labor-saving method."

Raphael frowned: "It's the most labor-saving way to shoot a skeleton at the bottom of the ship."

The old man waved his hand: "No, it would be too troublesome to have to release one boat after another. Wait, there might be a better way."

At this moment, gunshots suddenly came from the breakwater opposite the pier, and a series of tracers flew towards the position where they were high, but the bullets were a bit outrageous.

Gao Yang turned his head and glanced. The enemy should use large caliber machine guns such as 12.7 mm or 14.5 mm, where is the firepower point of the coast defense force.

The guns were blaring, the fire was shining, and the soldiers of the coast defense troops were dull. This should be a response. Gao Yang was determined to solve the threats brought by the coast defense troops, but the breakwater was too far away from him. The night vision device could no longer see the situation above, and his gun was out of reach.

"Worker Bee, solve the firepower point."

Tommy was already preparing, except that he fired with a mortar at night, and was on the edge of the night vision sight limit. Tommy needs much longer to prepare.

At this moment, a black devil man shouted: "Sir, it has been found that the ship has the largest reserve of ammunition, and the oil is full."

The old man of the black devil smiled and said to Raphael: "Okay, save your cheats, let's board the ship."

Raphael ’s primary goal was the Soviet-made 205p-class gunboat that the Skeleton could not handle. But the people of the black devil ran into the biggest gunboat through the springboard.

Raphael said to Andy: "I just patronized the c4, how did they get up?"

Andy Ho shrugged: "Grab the cable and go up, two people. Climb up soon."

Raphael whispered: "For the elderly, their movements can be fast enough, well, we also wear it, we have to set up c4."

Andy Ho shook his head: "I think I can wait again, obviously. These old ... people decided to use this boat."

Raphael frowned: "Will they sail?"

Andy Ho spreads his hand: "If you look at it, you will know."

Raphael scratched his head and said: "Then they can't help but have too much? They can drive this kind of big boat? What does the KGB train?"

The old man who had stepped on the bow of the boat shouted at Raphael: "Come up, where is the froze? Slow-handed. You all come up, don't waste my time."

Raphael and Andy looked at each other. Then shook his head helplessly, and then walked towards the gunboat, then the old man shouted again: "I let you all come up, everyone!"

Andy said on the intercom: "Boss, the black devil seems to be driving the gunboat. Does he let you board the ship, too?"

Gao Yang froze for a moment and said, "They drove up? Well, okay, let's get on the boat."

No wonder Gao Yang has this question, because if a navy ship can be opened by dozens of people casually, the various weapon systems on the ship can also be used casually. Well.

The entire Satan must have been able to drive away a ship with a displacement of more than 200 tons, and no one knew how to operate the naval gun.

The 205p type is a large family of small ships, including missile boats, torpedo boats, and of course special gunboats. The 205p series of gunboats developed by the Soviet Union are equipped with two ak725 type 57 mm high-level dual-purpose rapid-fire guns. This is a chain of bullets, a fully enclosed remote control turret, and the continuous firing rate of the two guns reached 200 rounds per minute.

As for which ak630 six-unit 30-mm machine gun is the main short-range anti-aircraft gun on all Soviet and Russian warships, of course, according to the custom of Maozi, all anti-aircraft guns must also be able to fire flat.

A ship, especially a military ship, is not how a professional can play it, so he did n’t even want to seize or use these gunboats, but chose to sink and pull, because even the automatic or semi-automatic control on the ship The artillery is not available to them.

This is great, a group of old men of the black devil will play with the warship.

After Gao Yang took the gun and walked on the springboard to the ship, he faintly said to the old man of the black devil: "Will you drive this ship?"

The old man said in his proper tone: "Of course, this is a Soviet ship!"

Gao Yangleng, a Soviet-made ship, so the black devil people would have to use it. What logic, he is a Huaxia, why did he never get on a Chinese-made warship, let alone a warship, give him a speedboat He ca n’t drive well either, and Grolev is also a Russian. Why would n’t he drive this boat? If he could n’t, he could n’t even move the gun on the boat.

When Gao Yang discovered that the KGB occupied the Soviet Union's resources fiercely, the black devil he cultivated was not only a group of commanders who were responsible for destruction and assassination, but also a group of super talents.

Someone was unloading the jacket of the double 57mm main gun, and the old man waved his hand high, shouting: "Don't be outside, go to the bridge."

Gao Yang felt a slight shock on the deck under his feet. He knew that this was the start of the engine on the ship.

Gao Yang walked into the bridge with the old man. There were five people in it, plus six old men, half of the black devil.

"Report that the engine has started and everything is normal."

The old man waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Check the main gun."

A man fiddled with a joystick to make the main gun of the bow swing back and forth a few times, then shouted: "The main gun is normal!"

"Tail gun."

"It is reported that the tail gun is warming up, and it is expected to be available after two minutes. The gun control radar is normal, and everything is working properly."


"Yes, anchor."

The windlass yanked the iron anchor into the cabin, and before the iron anchor was fully received, the old man shouted: "Left full rudder, back up."

"Left full rudder, back up."

A group of people in Satan were stunned for a while. The black devil was a cold-blooded killer one moment ago, and the next moment became a professional-looking crew. This change is slightly larger, and it takes some time to be accepted.

Looking at it, Cui Bo suddenly spit on the ground fiercely, shouting: "Bah! Now Wimble is also embarrassed to call the black devil?"

Albert nodded again and again: "That's right! That's right, that's right!"

Several old men looked at Cui Bo with very commendable eyes, and then the lead one looked at Albert, and pointed his finger at him, shouting: "Someone said something clearly, I appreciate you."

Cui Bo smiled and whispered: "Send with feeling, send with feeling."

The old man nodded again and again, and suddenly he shouted, "Two test shots of the main gun."

The ship had just left the fleet on the pier. It was too close to shoot the gunboats that had to be sunk, so the muzzle of the main gun was turned to a shore firepower point that was still firing. .

"Report, everything is normal!"

The old man pointed to the ship that they were shooting just now, but pointed to the radar screen, and then he said with a deep voice: "How to solve that ship? It is stated in advance that our guns are too small and it is difficult to sink."

Gao Yang immediately said: "It is enough to scare them away, without sinking, it is best not to hurt people."

The old man immediately shouted: "Shoot at that boat warning ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Tell them to sink without rolling."

Can you really sink and say another, always have to speak a little loud when warning.

Gao Yang couldn't help but whispered to the people around him: "Otherwise, let's not sink those gunboats, is it better to stay?"

Several people nodded again and again, Irene shouted: "Yes, I had to blow up in order not to leave the enemy. Now this ship is ours. What are you doing to sink those small gunboats? Too wasteful, left to Skeleton help. "

While talking, the main gun on the ship had turned to the British ship, and then the bombardment opened fire. A dozen shells, including several tracer bombs, hit the side of the British ship ’s side, arousing Tall spray.

As for the warning words, the people of the Black Devil did not use radio to contact the British ship, nor did they use loudspeakers to speak, but there were loudspeakers on the ship.

The people of the black devil chose the simplest way. They hit the light language, and when they turned over and over, they hit the light signal of a word and rolled. (To be continued)

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