A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1409: king

The search went fast because Gao Yang felt that there would be no more people in it, so the speed of cleaning was much faster.

There was a anger in Gao Yang's heart, so strong that he couldn't help but want to destroy something to vent his anger.

Gao Yang has seen a lot of dead people. He can't be said to be a heart of stone right now, but seeing a dead person really can't make him feel particularly strong. When he sees it, he sees it, and he doesn't feel anything.

Never seen a few bodies that made Gao Yang so angry. The corpses on the battlefield were either good, or the unfortunate civilian Gao Yang had seen them, but he had never seen a bunch of girls in flower season tied up. Scene of mass shooting.

Beauty is always privileged, especially for men, and the girls who were shot are indeed very beautiful. Of course, beautiful refers to their lifetime.

The girls are about the same age as Yelena. They should enjoy a good life instead of being **** and killed. No matter who does this kind of thing, it is unforgivable.

After searching for several rooms in a row, Yang Yang and several of them finally found the staircase. There was a spiral staircase in a room.

Looking at the stairs leading up, Gao Yang whispered in the intercom: "Let's go up."

Several people raised their guns at the stairs, and Gao Yang and Li Jinfang ran up and down quickly along the carpeted stairs.

I don't know if there is anyone else in the building. Just before heading out of the stairs, Li Jinfang stopped, pulled two grenades from the combat vest, put it in his hand and waited for two seconds, then gently threw it out.

The grenade exploded in the air, and Li Jinfang quickly got up and swung back and forth with his gun and scanned for a week. Low voice: "Safe."

Several people quickly went up the stairs, and Gao Yang whispered in the intercom: "The assault team has entered the second floor, and no enemy has been found."

The space on the second floor was large. There were several dead people near the window, and the upper bodies of two dead people were smashed. At a glance is Cui Bo's masterpiece.

While observing the surrounding environment, Li Jinfang suddenly raised his fist. After warning, he pointed his finger to a closed door.

A slight movement came out, and after signaling to each other, Li Jinfang kicked the door open. Then Gao Yang and Irene rushed in with their guns at the same time.

As soon as he rushed into the house, instead of shooting, Gao Yang quickly raised his muzzle, because there were four women in the house and they were not wearing clothes. In the corner between a large bed and the wall, trembling.

Gao Yang stretched out his hand and pushed forward with his palm. After making a quiet gesture, he whispered in Russian: "Quiet, don't be afraid, you are saved."

Irene quickly reached out and made a mute gesture on her lips, then whispered: "Is there anyone else here? Where are they?"

The four girls had nothing to do with them, and only shuddered in tears. But at last a girl pointed her finger silently to the door opposite.

Gao Yang immediately turned out of the door, and after making a gesture to Li Jinfang, Li Jinfang kicked again.

It looked like a door. But after Li Jinfang kicked up, he made a loud metal noise. After Li Jinfang closed his foot, he said with a deep voice: "The kick will not open anymore, it is estimated that the secret path is inside."

Gao Yang said angrily: "Explode, blow this door for me!"

After shouting, Gao Yang hurriedly said on the intercom: "Andrea. Your people are ready to evacuate, and Djoo's direct troops have already ran away. Wait a moment and we will withdraw after we figure out what happened."

Andre said in surprise: "Running? How is it possible. They have no reason to run!"

Gao Yang ignored Andre again, but hurriedly said on the intercom: "Skunk, come and open the door for me!"

Shen threw on the thirteenth: "Let me try."

Gao Yang gave way, and on the 13th stood at the door just glanced at it, then shook his head and whispered: "I can't open it, this lock is just a decoration, it should be a physical method like a big iron bolt behind the door Closed, it can only be exploded. "

Gao Yang waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Go to clean up other houses first, and then blast this door, you must figure out what happened!"

It was at this moment that someone shouted in a trembling voice: "Don't blow up! Don't blow up! I'll open the door for you, don't shoot."

Gao Yang felt that there should be no one on the second floor. Since he had lost his way, there was no reason for someone to stay, but even if there was someone inside, he even had to take the initiative to open the door for them.

After a while, there was a sound of pulling the iron bolt. Listening to the iron bolt should have been pulled away, Li Jinfang kicked and kicked the door of the room. After the iron door hit a person behind, Gao Yang hit him with his shoulder. Squeezed into the gap opened by the iron door.

I was afraid that someone might play tricks when opening the door, but after looking around with a gun for a week, Gao Yang realized that he was too worried. There were many people in the room, but they were all dead.

The ground was full of dead people, a total of eight people. Only the person who opened the door was not dead. After being knocked down by the door, he lay on the ground and stretched out his hand hard.

The room was empty, and the carpet on the ground was lifted, revealing a huge iron plate. If there was no accident, it was the secret way under that iron plate.

Gao Yang pointed his gun at the iron plate and shouted, "Where does it lead?"

The people lying on the ground shuddered: "The tunnel is below. The exit is 80 meters away. It is in the basement of the building across the street. I know this secret way, but I have never been down."

Gao Yangsheng said: "What about those people before? What happened here?"

The people on the ground looked helpless and resented, shouting: "They entered the secret way, we also have to enter. As a result, they shot suddenly, and then they entered the secret way."

"How long have they gone?"

The person lying on the ground said helplessly: "It's been ten minutes, probably, and they left shortly after the shot."

Gao Yang exhaled and said in a deep voice: "How to open this lid ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ It can't be opened, this lid has been open, but after closing it, it can only be opened from the inside. It's open."

Gao Yang immediately said on the intercom: "Big bird, use the drone to monitor the isolated building on the left side of the target building. Our opponent entered the building through the tunnel and focused on monitoring."

After speaking, Gao Yang shouted to the people lying on the floor: "Now tell me how many people they have, what weapons they use, what clothes they wear, what are their characteristics, and quickly say."

"They have twenty-two people. Oh, plus the king is twenty-three. Weapons are just some guns. I see nothing else. I wear clothes. Well, well. There are all kinds of clothes except the king. What kind of clothes do you wear? "

Gao Yang hurriedly said: "Who is the king?"

The person lying on the floor shuddered: "I don't know, those people call him king, one ..."

At this moment, Andre said in the walkie-talkie: "I'll tell you, the king is Djo Mather!" (To be continued)

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