A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1405: Ah, reinforcements!

Gao Yang called Andrea again, and then he said anxiously: "Where are you? Too slow, hurry! Hurry again."

Andre said angrily: "Man, it's only been three minutes! I'm fast enough! And, you Satan, can't you even get this little trouble?"

Gao Yang said angrily: "Small trouble with shit! We met the people of Djo, the big troops of Djo, and now the reinforcements of Djo are coming soon, man! Can you take a step before them?"

Andre said anxiously: "What? The large force of Djou? Fak! How could you get into fire with the large force of Djo? Are you not dealing with Mogilevich?"

Gao Yang said angrily: "Ask fewer questions, jerk! Use your energy to hurry!"

Hanging up the phone indignantly, Gao Yang said angrily: "How can I not find Andrea to be a curious baby before!"

Before he finished speaking, the phone in Gao Yang's hand rang. He glanced at it and found that Andrea was calling, so he connected the phone, and then said angrily, "What's wrong!" "

Andre said quickly: "Ram, I think you are in trouble!"

Gao Yang said angrily: "Nonsense, do you still tell me this?"

Andre said angrily: "No, no, you may not have figured out the situation. If you are sure that you have met a person from Djoy, then your opponent is probably the mysterious armed force of Djo."

"What do you mean? Mystery is mysterious armed?"

Andre spoke very fast and shouted: "As an arms giant, D & O must have its own force! It is impossible for an arms dealer to hand over everything to mercenaries. , Very powerful. Very powerful. If you all ca n’t manage your opponent, it must be that Djoo sent the most powerful of his people! "

Gao Yanglen said, "The most powerful person in Djo, his direct men? Fak. If this is really possible, then tell me how many people he has, what weapons he usually uses, what tactics he is good at, quick Tell me everything you know and stop saying useless nonsense! "

Andre said anxiously: "I don't know! How can I know what the core force of Djoo is. I only know that he should have and indeed have a force. How can I know the specific circumstances, in short , They are right. "

Gao Yang was indignant, crying without tears. Now angered: "What do you tell me? What's the use?"

Andre said anxiously: "I just want you to know that the decisive battle with Djo may come so early, Fak! In short, you must be careful, the speed of the big troops is fast and slow, I took my car fast People will be here soon! "

Putting down the phone, Gao Yang said in the walkie-talkie: "Guys, the opponent may be under Djo, the core part."

Frye whispered: "Boss, I thought you were just talking nonsense to make Andrea faster. Why are you sure that the people inside are under the covenant of Djou?"

Gao Yang said helplessly: "Fool, if they are under Mogilevich's staff, then Mogilevich will not die last night! Because of this. Who else can be besides Djou?"

Simple tension is enough to make people painful, and waiting under extreme tension makes people more painful. Now Gao Yang feels that the countdown is as good as before, fearing that the opponent's reinforcements will take a step first.

Finally, Tommy, who was at the rear, suddenly excitedly shouted: "Our reinforcements!"

Gao Yang turned his head and glanced back. But he immediately shouted nervously: "It may also be the enemy's reinforcements! Do a good job of dealing with the worst situation ..., my second Olympics!"

Since the shootout. There was no one left on the already secluded street, and a convoy came out of the corner. When driving on a wide street and rushing in the direction of them, they can be seen far away.

And when Gao Yang made a reminder, at a junction near them, another team suddenly rushed out.

A convoy went straight, a convoy turned and met at the intersection.

The reinforcements on both sides came, and they came together at the same time.

Both teams have different models, and there are no special signs on the outside, and they are both driving in a hurry to drive, so when the teams come together, they merge into you almost me instantly. , After I have your big convoy, they are rushing towards them at the same time.

Everyone was dumbfounded, including Gao Yang.

"What happened to Nima ..."

At this moment, the change took place again. Suddenly, some of the cars in the team flashed at the same time. Then, the two teams with the window glass were on fire.

First, they fired at a close distance, followed by a violent impact, and there were few car teams that opened the double flash, but they fired and got a certain chance, but this point was quickly caught by the other party. The number of advantages is offset.

The car turned out of control, or was knocked over to the side of the road, and some were directly turned into horse honeycombs by the car next to it.

The number of cars that could still drive quickly decreased, and then all the cars stopped. Someone directly fired in the car, and some people fired after getting off, but they were quickly knocked down.

Raphael said in a shocking tone: "Who do we support! Is this our mother on the other side?"

When they were hundreds of meters away from Gaoyang, the two teams basically had no cars to run, except for a car that ran at the front in the beginning.

The front-most car ran the fastest from the beginning, and it belonged to the side that did n’t play double-flashes. After the fight, it ran faster and shouted: "What is the front-most car?"

A few hundred meters away, Gao Yang is not a fairy, how can it be impossible to separate the model of that car ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Tommy, who is closest to the team, said helplessly: "Can't see it! Wait, wait, etc. Wait, it ’s BMW! "

Gao Yang shouted: "Model!"

"Can't see it, facing the front of the car!"

Except for the frontmost car, the two teams stopped and stopped each other, and the BMW was further and further away from the car behind them, and they were getting closer and closer to Gaoyang.

Finally, Tommy shouted: "Andre's car!"

Andre ’s car did n’t double-flash, and the one who turned on the double-flash was the enemy. He shouted loudly: “No support ... Fak!”

Andrea's car suddenly turned on the double flash, and that was all right. Gao Yang couldn't figure out where the reinforcements were and the enemy reinforcements.

I ca n’t tell the enemy, but I ’m still trying to help, but now it ’s okay, it ’s okay to be confused, because there is no car left behind the team behind Andre, and the reinforcements on both sides appear at the same time, and they immediately fight for the finishing. (To be continued)

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