A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1403: Bad fight

It ’s not ambush, otherwise the people in the small building will definitely shoot at Satan ’s people for the first time instead of the gang ’s cheers.

It was not Mogilevich's person. At the same time, he opened fire and fired his bullets. He instantly wiped out most of the people who surrounded the small building. Mogilevich's men did not have this ability.

Gao Yang climbed to the ground from the door opposite to the small building. He hid behind the car and shouted: "Block all windows, Fak, there must be something wrong! Alyosha! Get down! On the ground, stay where you are. "

With a dazed expression on his face, Alyo sat on the ground, leaning against the wheel, and quickly put the combat vest around his neck. He shouted: "There must be something wrong, Alyosha, where is this!"

Grolev suddenly hit a bullet, but before he finished it, he shrank suddenly, and then quickly climbed from the back of the car into a ditch, shouting at the same time with the sewage: " I was repressed! "

Grolyov was repressed, and Gao Yang couldn't believe his ears, because he had never seen Grolyv ever been suppressed.

Gao Yang took a few quick breaths, and then he suddenly extended his head and glanced at it, then drew back his head immediately after staying for less than half a second.

I did n’t see anyone, and it was difficult to look from the outside to the room. Moreover, if the enemy was hidden intentionally, it would be almost impossible to spot the person in the room with a brief glance.

"How did they do it!"

The enemy was observing the situation, and Grolev shot, but the people in the small building immediately launched anti-suppression at the same time when they discovered Grolev's move, and Gao Yang didn't even know what the enemy was doing.

Grolev said loudly: "The enemy had retracted when I was shooting, but someone in the window next to him flashed a shot. At least two people had fired at the same time, and I had to hide!"

Sharp marksmanship, with a tacit understanding, observe and shoot on the premise that he can absolutely protect himself, but if he succeeds, he will immediately change the battle position. The timing of any action is just right. These characteristics all show that the people inside are a group of masters, and it is not so simple as a gangster. The style and tactics can only be achieved by a long-term elite team.

Of course, there may be a large group of people. As for whether it is a mercenary, there is no way to speculate, because it is certainly not only mercenaries who can fight.

The danger of outcrop observation is too great. Exclaimed loudly: "Big bird, are you in place?"

"The big bird is in place, release the drone!"

Originally it was against some Mogilevich's men. These people are not good at fighting, and even the gang fights do not need them. And these people are probably already running, in this case, remote support firepower like Cui Bo, Jensen and Tommy are not available. So their position is very backward, but now the situation. Instead, several of them have room to operate.

After a few seconds, Jensen shouted: "The drone has been released, wait a minute. First, you can't see anyone in the building, you can't see anything."

If the drone can't see people, it means that the enemy is not observing in the window. He exhaled with a high breath, quickly turned around and glanced again, then immediately shook his head back.

Gao Yang is about fifty meters away from the small building. The shotgun can reach this distance, but it is not easy to use.

Either withdraw or fight, this stalemate is not a way, but the problem is that Gao Yang's position is not easy to withdraw. There is nothing to cover next to him. Leaving the car is equivalent to being exposed to the enemy's muzzle.

This was an encounter that ended in a stalemate. Gao Yang was sure that the people inside also asked each other in confusion, and also had a headache about how to leave the small building where they lived.

The battle must have been a bad battle. Both sides met unexpectedly strong enemies when they were caught off guard. Although it was only two rounds, when they added up to each other, they played so many dozen bullets. A deadlocked battle.

As soon as the expert shoots, he knows whether it is old oil, and at a glance he knows what happened.

However, the stalemate returns to stalemate, but Satan still has a certain advantage, that is, the people of Satan are outside, at least several people are in a zone that can be safely evacuated at any time, and the people in the small building, they are out. Not coming.

And Satan also has an advantage, that is, they can call reinforcements, even if the enemy can call reinforcements, but Satan is outside, it is definitely more convenient to merge with reinforcements

In addition, Satan has a little advantage, that is, they have heavy firepower. As for the people in the small building, Gao Yang does not believe that they will move the cannon into the house. As for the rocket launcher, the people in the small building may have, And for prudent considerations, Gao Yang had to think that the opponent ’s rocket launcher could be used in a small space, or that there was a large space in the small building enough to safely use the rocket launcher, but in any case, Satan certainly had heavy firepower, and the small The people in the building are not necessarily there.

Gao Yang whispered to Fry around him: "We took the cloud bomb, we cover it, you take it out and give it a shot."

Fry nodded: "Okay, when he bombarded him with a cloud burst, everything was solved."

Whispered on the 13th: "I open the trunk, you are ready to take it."

On the thirteenth, he quickly reached in and pressed on the left side of the steering wheel, and then the trunk popped a slit. Fry leaned on the trunk, and Gao Yang whispered: "Prepare fire cover, count down Three seconds ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Fire! "

Gao Yang turned and shot violently towards a window, no matter how nobody was there, and Fry pushed up the trunk with one hand, and went to the trunk to pick up the bazooka with one hand, while Li Jinfang was yelling. Road: "Little flies!"

Frye immediately shrank back, and then the bullets from the small building punched a few holes in the place where he had just hidden. Although the fire that covered him quickly pressed the person who shot back, Frye also lost. Take the chance of a bazooka.

Gao Yang said loudly: "No! There are twelve windows and there are at least twenty people in it. We can't hold it down!"

Satan ca n’t suppress the firepower from the small building. Although they have n’t encountered this situation before, it ’s because the opponent they met before was not strong enough, and this time the enemy is obviously strong enough, even too strong. Under the premise that the configuration and the number of people are not conducive to the blockade, it cannot be suppressed.

Satan can't suppress the people in the small building, but fortunately, the people in the small building have no chance to shoot unscrupulously, they can only remain deadlocked.

Gao Yang wiped his mouth and said in a deep voice: "No more risk, there will be big problems, we call reinforcements." (To be continued.) Launch of the new website

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