A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1399: Do good things occasionally

Shawar is alive. His injury is quite serious, but it is not particularly serious. It is a kind of serious injury that can not be killed if he is treated in time. He was close to the hospital when he was shot, but the only problem is Even if the hospital he was sent to was not good, the doctors were too poor, and the surgeon who could have been qualified would be able to perform the operation. In the end, he had to let Andy and Albert do it.

Shava's life was saved, but the danger still existed. The danger was not mainly from his injury, but from being involved in a vortex that he should not have touched at all.

In a small and very broken room, Shawar was lying on the bed and hanging water. Although thick gauze was wrapped around his neck, Shawar's eyes were bright.

Staring closely at Gao Yang, Shava waved his left hand, and Andy frowned, shouting, "Don't move, do I let you move?"

After a cough, Alyosha couldn't help but said to Gao Yang: "Last night you killed Mogilevich, even his house was flattened, Peter, I, I ..."

Alyosha's face was excited, but he was speechless. Gao Yang smiled and said, "What do you want to say?"

Alyosha slapped her legs and shouted: "You are too powerful, too powerful, but people think that the White Shark helped kill Mogilevich, and now nobody in the whole Kiev dares to provoke us. There were countless phone calls, there were small gangs, and some big guys. They wanted to ask what happened, and wanted to show us something. I do n’t know how to deal with it. "

Gao Yang shrugged apologetically and said helplessly: "This is not necessarily a good thing, because you are involved in a very dangerous war."

Alyosha said with a smile: "Mogilevich has already started against us, and Shawar has become like this. What are we waiting for without fighting? We are not afraid, we want to fight anyway, so naturally everyone is beaten. Fear of the best. "

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "No, Mogilevich is dead, but the reason why he will start against Shawar. There may be more complicated reasons. If we are not mistaken, Mogilevich should be for an arms. The predators are doing things, and now Mogilevich is dead, there may be more powerful people jumping out. "

Alyosha looked at Shawar, and Shawa waved firmly with his left hand. Then Alyosha chuckled lightly: "That's nothing, it's the same anyway, chant."

Gao Yang is very satisfied with Shawara's attitude. Since they are mixed with gangsters, they must have the consciousness of being cut. Regardless of whether you are willing to always choose one side to stand in, and both sides want to please, you can only die faster.

Nodded his head and said in a loud voice: "How is the situation during the day today, and are there any attacks?"

Alyosha shook his head and said in a deep voice: "No, now the situation is reversed, we are fighting the site and property that originally belonged to Mogilevich. This morning we have played twice, the result is not bad, we are dead One person. The other party died three or four, but we got what we wanted. "

Gao Yang frowned and said, "Have you encountered unexpected resistance? I mean, did anyone who didn't belong to Mogilevich come out?"

"No, it was Mogilevich's men. Mogilevich had not many people. Now he is dead. Those of him are messed up, but can they successfully receive Mogilevich's property. It depends on how we do things in the future, and we have to deal with many problems. "

Gao Yang remembered something. He whispered: "What industry do you plan to **** Mogilevich? What is the main fight today?"

Alyosha said excitedly: "Smuggling, money laundering, our White Shark gang is not very good at this, so now we have to control the Mogilevich's people and let them work for the White Shark gang."

Gao Yangsheng said: "Mogilevich sells humans and organs. Do you rob this business?"

Alyosha immediately said: "Oh, why not?"

Gao Yang shook his head, looked at Alyosha, and finally put his eyes on Shawa, and then said in a deep voice: "You can do any business, but don't touch these two businesses, go to Mogi Levi Qi cut this line and completely destroyed him, but you must not touch it! "

Shawar was puzzled, but Alyosha was puzzled: "Why?"

Gao Yang looked at Alyosha and said solemnly: "Because this kind of business is inhumane! You want to make money. Yes, you make black money, no problem, but don't do inhumane business, absolutely not!"

After speaking, Gao Yang waved his hand and said softly: "Money, we all love it. I did not do much to kill and set fire to make money, because I am a mercenary, and the mercenaries earn money for murder. I am not qualified to advise What money should you earn and what money should not be earned, so I am not persuading you, but warning you. "

Waving his hand, Gao Yang said to Alyosha: "We are not good people, so I will not have any expectations of your character, but remember my words, guys, remember, we can be bad people. But it cannot be a beast. Only those who are going to **** can take out those who take the organs of living people and sell them. "

Alyosha rubbed his chin, looked at Shawar, and said bitterly: "Speaking of this, the sale of organs is indeed cruel, although it is indeed very profitable."

Shawa waved his hand firmly, and Alyosha immediately smiled: "Well, we don't do these businesses, we kidnap and force those Ukrainian girls to go to Western Europe, we don't do it either."

Gao Yang nodded and said in a deep voice: "Very well, that's it. Shawa, Alyosha. After I've dealt with the matter here, I need to leave Ukraine for a few days. The length of time can't be determined. Please be careful during this time. , Um, and, before I leave, I have to clean up the forces that Mogilevich left behind ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Today we will take action in person to start the organ business for Mogilevich All of them are killed, you arrange some people to cooperate with us. "

Alyosha nodded and said: "Okay, I will arrange people here, but it is not easy to find out these people Mogilevich, maybe they have already run, we have already caught some of Mogilevich's men The key people can only ask these people now, maybe they will provide some useful information. "

After talking, Alyosha scratched his head and said with embarrassment: "Peter, I don't know how to deal with those beasts personally, well, I really didn't expect your sense of justice to be so strong."

Gao Yang smiled bitterly and sighed: "I am a mercenary, but this does not prevent me from feeling a sense of justice, nor does it prevent me from doing good things sometimes. It feels good to do good things occasionally, especially if I have done a lot of bad things. After that, so, when it is necessary to eliminate the remaining forces of Mogilevich, I am happy to personally remove the scum that I hate, and like to call this to replace the sky, in order to alleviate the occasional Guilt makes me immersed in the illusion that I am actually a good person, but maybe I am really a good person, right? "(To be continued)

ps: On the road, I have run out of manuscripts. I ca n’t drive a day and I ’m exhausted. Write less. Everyone will just watch it. When I go to Changsha today, when I settle down in Hainan, I will add more.

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