A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1395: Go to war directly

Mogilevich doesn't actually live in Kiev very much now, but he has to do some big things in Kiev, so he naturally has to live in a house in Kiev.

Mogilevich ’s home is on the outskirts of Kiev. He purchased his own land to build a villa. Although in the outskirts of the city, it is close to a main road leading to the city of Kiev. It takes only a few minutes to drive to the main road, and the most prosperous location in the city after the main road is 15 minutes.

The transportation is very convenient, which naturally provides Gao Yang with their convenience. The villa is located in the suburbs and hidden in the woods, which is more convenient. Of course, it is convenient for Satan to do it.

Drive down the road and walk a few hundred meters, it is Mogilevich's villa. At the critical moment when he has been fighting with the white sharks, Mogilevich has to arrange two people to stare at the intersection to serve as the first road. For the defensive line, although the first line of defense placed at the intersection only needs to be bypassed, it is good to put two people at least not to be rushed directly to the entrance of the villa by a convoy.

The road is very easy to go, so a few words of kung fu will soon reach the place. After opening the night vision sight on the gun, Gao Yang said to Andre: "You do n’t know, mercenaries never want Captive? "

Andrea spread his hands and said: "Yes, but isn't that what happened after the fight? Before the fight, the enemy has surrendered. Do you still want to fight?"

Gao Yang also spread his hands, and then he chuckled, "Man, you just hired mercenaries to fight for you, but you must have never fought directly against mercenaries, so you still don't understand mercenaries."

Andre smiled bitterly: "Because I am in a **** Europe, so I have no money and no one. Of course, there is no war, I can not find the opportunity to fight with people, you are right, compared to Uri Ivan and them. I really do n’t know enough about mercenaries. "

Gao Yang patted Andre on the shoulder and said in a deep voice: "Mercenaries have no chance to surrender, so mercenaries like to do things absolutely. It is one thing to hire people, and your war is another. If you are and An arms dealer. You have the opportunity to negotiate, but if you are fighting a mercenary group, then you better kill them directly, because the battle against mercenaries will be over, so stop. "

Gao Yang had been looking at the GPS, and he stopped the car when there was more than a kilometer away from the path towards Mogilevich's villa.

Andrea said with interest: "What are you going to do?"

Gao Yang stretched out his right arm and pointed in the direction of the villa, Shen said: "Put it in diagonally and leave after finishing."

Andre said with disappointment: "I thought you would drive directly to the door of Mogilevich's villa. After all, there is a rocket launcher there. Do you want to carry it?"

Gao Yang laughed: "War is a very serious matter. I am confident, but I am not arrogant. If the opponent is a gangster. I will fight the battle like a gang, then we are not Satan."

After speaking, Gao Yang said on the intercom: "Get off the car, except for the big dog, everyone will bring a bazooka, and the assault team will have Shimir. The cover team will have rpg-29. Distinguish. Bring at least four armor-piercing shells, and the rest will bring me warm pressure bombs. "

After speaking, Gao Yang suddenly said to Andre: "You want to see how we fight?"

Andrei nodded again and again, "Yes."

Gao Yang smiled and said in a deep voice, "Very well, then take you guys, go help us get the rocket launcher and follow us."

Andre held out three fingers and shouted: "I can take three people, let's go."

Gao Yang got out of the car, Fry and they had opened the door of the truck and were moving the bazooka down. The swing was on the side of the road. After one person carried the bazooka on his back, he quickly got down to the grass on the roadside.

Gao Yang was a cover team. He carried an rpg-29 on his back, watching everyone was ready, and immediately said to Andre: "Hurry up, don't make a noise, let's go."

Li Jinfang, Irene, and Taylor, the three of them walked in front, and the assault team was the three of them, because if there is no accident in this battle, the assault team is not needed.

Slanting past, it is about 2,500 meters away from the villa. The greenery in the suburbs of Kiev is quite good, so they left the road and entered the woods.

After entering the woods, Gao Yang immediately said on the intercom: "Leonard, we have entered, finished."

After speaking, Gao Yang whispered: "Rapid advance."

Li Jinfang accelerated their speed immediately. The load on Gao Yang was not very big. He only had a rifle and a base bullet. He did n’t know anything about an additional rocket launcher. Except for Grolev, the entire Satan needed to maintain a sufficient base for ammunition. In addition to the heavy load, the rest can be said to be light.

Satan's speed is very fast, but it is Andre who is following him. He still wears leather shoes. Although he is not stupid, he also wears a night vision device, but he is deep and shallow in the bushy woods. The pain of the walk was unbearable, and it quickly got behind.

"Five hundred meters from the mouse hole, finished!"

After Li Jinfang's report, Gao Yang immediately said: "Stop moving forward, wait for our audience."

After waiting for ten minutes, Andre rushed over breathlessly. After Gao Yang stopped Andre first, he whispered: "Go ahead and enter the battle on the 400-meter line."

Although he had to take care of Andre ’s drag, the speed of the trip was much slower, so Andre could keep up.

Mogilevich ’s villa is surrounded by woods, but there is a lawn around his villa ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ and it occupies a considerable area. When it is 300 meters away from the villa, At the beginning, there were cameras watching the woods.

When there was still some distance away from the edge of the woods, Li Jinfang stopped again, then raised his right arm and whispered: "Arrive at the predetermined position, finished."

Gao Yang lifted his gun and looked at it with the sight on the gun for a while, then said: "Although the sight is slightly affected, but it's okay, here, enter the battle position, prepare to attack, Leonard, hide away, Do n’t get hurt by accident. "

A group of people learned that Sosso quickly spread out along a line, exhaled, took down the bazooka on his back, found a low branch and put the gun up, then just took a look and immediately shouted: " Fire! "

Gao Yang fired the first shot, and then all the shots basically sounded, and Fry fired a rocket directly at the villa.

Andrea stood behind him, stunned and said, "Is this going to start?"

The gunshots were too loud, and no one could hear Andre ’s words. Andre shrugged and yelled at the people around him: “Okay, this is to go to war without warning or negotiation.” Continued)

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