A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1390: War loan

Li Jinfang smiled very happily, he just raised his thumbs to Gao Yang and said nothing.

Elin said with a frown: "Boss, you really will make excuses."

While Yang was eager to explain, Irene continued with a smile: "Don't say it, I like your excuse, I like it."

Gao Yang wanted to say that he was not making excuses, but after thinking about it, he smiled, and finally said nothing.

Alyosha, who doesn't understand English, was staring at Gao Yang and said: "Is it to you?"

Gao Yang nodded and said to Alyosha in a deep voice: "Yes, leave it to us, we will get rid of Mogilevich, you will only intervene in bad things, many people go to Mogilevich and only let him To be alert, if you want to get rid of Mogilevich, you have to get a fatal blow. Of course, you ca n’t be idle. Now let ’s get me clear about the situation of Mogilevich. Also, I ’ve done too much in Kiev. Is there anything wrong with it? "

Alyosha said startled: "But there are many bodyguards around Mogilevich, only a few of you, okay?"

Gao Yang smiled confidently and whispered: "Sorry, we are very good at this kind of thing. You haven't answered my question yet. What problems will there be in a large-scale fight in the urban area of ​​Kiev?"

After thinking about it, Alyosha shook his head and said: "There will be problems, but we can make up for it."

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I'll go outside and make a few calls. You are here to wait. If Shaw's surgery is over, let me know."

Gao Yang strode out of the emergency building, and after finding an open space, he took out the intercom in his ear and dialed the phone to Morgan.

Waiting for Morgan to answer the phone. Gao Yang laughed: "Hi, Morgan, tell you something, are you interested in the financial industry?"

Morgan was puzzled: "The financial industry? How do you ask this? What do you mean?"

Gao Yang laughed: "This is the case, Djo. Mather. Big arms dealer, do you know this person?"

After being silent for a long time, Morgan said in a deep voice: "Hear the name, big arms dealer, very powerful guy, but never had any dealings. What's wrong?"

Gao Yang coughed softly and said, "Djo. Marcel declared war on Great Ivan."

"Wow, the big event, the arms black market is about to be reshuffled, wait. Would n’t you be involved?"

Gao Yang coughed again and smiled, "I haven't done so yet. The point I want to say is not this. It's like this. Da Yiwan hasn't appeared yet, but the person in charge of his European region intends to fight. There is no money, so he needs to borrow. The loan amount is 100 million, and then he repays 200 million. I want to know if you are interested. "

Morgan was silent for a moment. Whispered: "Are you sure that the borrower is under Ivan?"

"Of course, I can still be sure of this."

"Then do you think Great Ivan can still appear? Are you sure he is still alive and can appear again?"

Gao Yang found this question a bit difficult to answer. After thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice: "I can't be sure that Da Yiwan is still alive, and I don't know if he can appear again. However, I think he is still alive. , Will appear in the future. But this is just my judgment, there is no reliable evidence to support my judgment. "

After Morgan was silent for another moment, Shen said, "Why don't you borrow it, but the interest is too low? I can get one hundred million, but I have to recover at least four hundred million. The principal plus interest will last for half a year. If it exceeds half a year, it will have to pay me 600 million. If it exceeds one year, it will have to pay me 800 million. If I use one more quarter, I will add $ 200 million in interest. "

Gao Yang swallowed hard and whispered, "Well, is this too cruel?"

Morgan laughed: "Cruel? Not at all. I take such a big risk. Of course, I have to get enough returns. High. The interest I request is reasonable. This is a war loan. You have to figure this out."

Gao Yang said startled, "Oh, well, I asked him if he would accept it."

Morgan laughed: "Man, if the borrower is not an idiot, he will borrow it. Is the war loan so easy to borrow? Wait, I thought of a question. Won't you already borrow the money you have? Ha, based on what I know about you, you must have lent the money, and you do n’t need interest, right? "

"Uh, um, cough, yes ..."

"Oh, you idiot, I guess so."

Gao Yang spoke up and said: "Actually, I didn't say death. If Da Yiwan intends to pay back more money, I won't refuse it. Also, I didn't ask for interest, but I have proposed that Da Yiwan and Djoo When the war started, I would do the arms business for him. "

Morgan was very surprised and said: "What? He agreed?"


Morgan was immediately excited and shouted: "That's pretty good, how much did you borrow?"

"Thirty million, so many of me."

"It's cost-effective, appropriate, and really appropriate. The arms trade right during the war, haha, well, it's worth the interest."

After talking, Morgan was very pleased and said: "You finally know what to do and know what is the most precious thing. Do it well. This is worth a big job. Oh, our diamond mines have gained a lot recently, and it belongs to you. There are 50 million copies, and we wo n’t ship it again this year, so this year is the money, um, but you do n’t want me to give you the money. ”


"It's very simple, I will give you the money, and you will lend it when you change hands. Don't admit it. For me, it's worth paying 100 million for an investment that is extremely risky but also rewarding because I have free money. It does n’t matter if you do n’t collect the money, but for you, that little money is all you have. From an investment perspective, invest all your money in a war loan that is too risky. You must be crazy. "

Gao Yang spoke up and said: "But we are all going to war, well, I know you want to say that I am an idiot, but I still decided to go to war, the reason is very complicated."

Morgan said strangely: "Why should I call you an idiot? Man, you are an adult, you are a mercenary. You are doing this business. Isn't it normal for you to enter the war?"

Gao Yang said very differently: "I thought you would say that I shouldn't participate in the battle between the two predators."

Morgan chuckled and said in a deep voice: "High risk is accompanied by high yield. The status of Big Iwan is not in vain. That is what he played step by step. I can have today. I made it, and my key One step is that I got a huge return on an investment with a very high risk. I almost lost my life, but I went from being an unknown to a big brother. People, that ’s how it is. If you want to get something, you have to pay. Order something. "

Gao Yang smiled happily, and then he said in a deep voice: "Even if the failure has to pay a great price?"

"Yes, even if the cost of failure is very high, man, a very high-risk but high-return opportunity is a step up and a loss. I want to tell you that this opportunity is not always there, maybe You can come across this one time in your life, depending on how you choose. "

Gao Yang said lightly: "I have made a choice, but I still have to thank you for your teaching and to know you. I am very lucky, thank you, Morgan."

Morgan sighed and said in a deep voice: "Gao, you made the most important investment in your life, so go ahead and get the most important return in your life. Good luck, oh, say more In short, man, I am really happy to meet you on the grasslands of South Sudan. I always thought that was my luckiest moment to date. "

Quite emotionally and unexpectedly, he hung up the phone. After standing for a while, Gao Yang picked up the phone again and dialed Andrea.

Gao Yang still feels that Morgan ’s requirements are too excessive. The principal is 100 million and the interest is 300 million. This loan shark is ridiculous, but there is no way. The only source of large funds he can find is Morgan. Although this requirement is not his Mentioned, but he felt a little embarrassed before speaking.

Sorry to say, after Andrea got the call, Gao Yang said in a somewhat erratic tone: "Man, I found some money for you, one hundred million."

"Great! Man, you're too clever to do things! I like your style!"

Gao Yang coughed and said: "Don't hurry and be happy first, the borrower has some different opinions on interest. His condition is that it will last for half a year, and he will pay him 400 million with interest. ~ Www.novelmtl.com ~ Every quarter, an additional interest of 200 million yuan is added, and one day is counted as a quarter. I ’m sorry, but the funds I can find are the conditions. "

"Well, the interest is a bit high, but this condition is very fair, man, why apologize to me? Isn't this the case with war borrowing, okay, with this condition, quickly give me the money, in addition, can you find some more money? Come? I'm afraid I won't have enough for one billion. "

Gao Yang thought about the rich man he knew, and then smiled bitterly: "I might still borrow some money, but the object of this loan is a bit troublesome. He is an intelligence dealer, but he must be rich."

"Borrow, fight a war, it was originally a matter of burning money. If you wait to borrow when you have no money, the capital chain will be broken. It will be troublesome. This battle is lost without fighting, so you have to borrow it now, and the interest rate is high. Bear with me. Anyway, as long as you win this point, the interest is nothing. If you lose, we are all dead, and the money will naturally not be repaid. The risk is high and the return is high. The interest on the war loan is higher, so it ’s fair. Dude, help me borrow some more money, oh, oh, sorry, I forgot to say, I will pay you a commission for borrowing money, um, I think this is a fair ten percent, what do you think? "

Gao Yang exhaled and said in a deep voice: "Man, if you want to talk about the commission, then let's talk about the commission given to us, not the commission to borrow money from you, but the commission to help you fight." (Unfinished Continued)

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