A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1384: Naive

With limited help, Gao Yang instantly thought of many possibilities, but did not expect Andrea to borrow money from him.

Andre has repeatedly refreshed the lower limit of Yang's understanding of arms dealers. Arms dealers who need to borrow money are counted as arms dealers, and it is called an arms dealer to borrow money from mercenaries.

Gao Yang's face is very weird. He stared at Andre for a while, but Andre's face became more and more cramped. He was uncomfortably looked at by Gao Yang.

Watching Andre touch his beard first, and then looked away, Gao Yang finally recovered, he quickly coughed and whispered, "Sorry, I'm distracted, um, you need to use money Right? How much do you need? "

Andrea seemed to be itchy on his back. He shook his shoulder hard and twisted his neck. He said anxiously, "Well, this, the more, the better, how much can you take out here?"

It ’s awkward to borrow money, and it ’s also awkward to borrow money. He also unconsciously twisted his neck back and forth, Shen said: "We took more than 20 million US dollars in cash when we came, and there are still left It ’s about 20 million. If it ’s a transfer, it ’s about 10 million. This is all our cash flow. Well, it ’s all of us can come up with. And, this, we need it now. Use money. "

Andre rubbed his chin vigorously, very embarrassedly: "This, your money is too little, I thought you could take out one or two hundred million yuan casually, I didn't expect you to have only 30 million . "

Gao Yang lowered his head and whispered: "How can there be so many, in fact, I thought you could just take out a hundred million casually, and I didn't expect you to need to borrow money."

Andre smiled bitterly: "It wouldn't work without borrowing money. I have a lot of arms, but I have no money and no one, but now the situation is that if I want to go to war with Djo Mather, I always have to find a talent line. And when looking for someone, I ca n’t always use arms as a commission. "

After talking about the support, Andre looked up at Gao Yang and said helplessly: "I wanted to sell you arms for money, but in the current situation, I have no time to run the arms thing. Not being able to ship is a problem. If you receive the money first but ca n’t give you the goods, is n’t it just smashing the credibility of Iwan and me, I might as well borrow money directly from you. ”

Gao Yang swallowed and said, "Okay. I have to help in this busy case anyway, so I will give you 20 million in cash?"

Andrei shook his head embarrassedly and said softly: "Twenty million yuan can help me a lot, but it's still not enough. Can you lend me the rest of you? Well, I don't borrow it in vain. Over the course of one month, I will give you 50 million. If I use it for a while, I will give you 10 million more without a month. "

Gao Yang said bitterly, "Here, 30 million will be given to you, I will really have no money here, I can't turn it around. Forget it, I might get a sum of money in a short time. Hello, but I have to discuss it with my brethren. You have to understand that this is the money we have collected. "

Andrei nodded. Whispered: "I thank you first."

Gao Yang sighed: "You don't have to thank me. I look at the faces of Da Yiwan and Wuliyangke. I can help this busy anyway. As long as you keep your own life well, you can save money in the future. Repay me, that, even if the interest is there, it feels weird to collect interest when friends help me. In addition, I am just curious what do you do with the money? "

Andre had some spirit, he whispered: "If you have money, you can do anything. I have no one right now, but I can find someone. Since the war started, it is to fight, and send Djo Mather. If you do n’t have any leftovers, just kill them. I ’ll kill him as much as he sends. Here, as long as there is money, who am I afraid of? ”

After speaking, Andrea, who was energetic, rubbed his beard and said cruelly: "My plan is to find about 300 people first. This number is relatively safe without knowing how many people Djou sent. , But now there is still too little money, the battle is over 30 million, it is too far away, so I have to find a way to continue to find money, ram, if you have a way, lend me some money, I pay a high interest rate , One hundred million, you help me find it, when repaying the money, I will pay 200 million even with interest. "

Gao Yang was startled and shouted, "So much?"

Andrea twisted his head and said with a bitter face: "Where is this too much, 300 people, finding those cannon fodder is not enough, it must be a good hand, and the price of a good hand is at least 5,000 yuan a day for a person. , I do n’t do anything a day and I have to pay 1.5 million US dollars, 30 million. I can support up to 20 days, but a world war can end in 20 days, I estimate that within half a year The end is good. "

Gao Yang said stunnedly: "Fak!"

Andre turned and spit on the ground, and said bitterly: "Fak!"

In addition to swearing, the two of them had nothing to say. After a while, Gao Yang sighed and said in a deep voice: "War is to burn money. This is true, okay, I can borrow it for you to try, but, Don't hold too much hope, the number you said is indeed too large. "

Andrea spread his hand and said in a deep voice: "As long as you can win, all the losses can be made up, and you can make a lot of money. If I lose, I don't need to say anything.

Gao Yang scratched his head and smiled bitterly at Andrey: "Apart from money, do you have anything else you want to borrow?"

Andrei spread his hand toward Gao Yang and said in a deep voice: "I wanted to work with you, the Satan Mercenary Corps. If I didn't want to use it, I would be a big idiot, but I didn't expect the opponent to be a Djo, It ’s not a character that everyone dares to mess with, so you can help Djo Mather, I ca n’t say that, so I ’ll just borrow some money from you. ”

Gao Yang smiled, but did not make a promise by patting his chest, because André was right, an opponent like Djoe Marsell, the Satan mercenary group could not afford it, although everyone had a lot of connections, But if Satan is only helped, he will be caught in a battle that is very likely to face the disaster, Andrea can't open this mouth anyway.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yang nodded and said in a deep voice: "Well, let's split up. I'll go to the hospital to see my friend first. By the way, ask him what happened when he was attacked. The money is all taken out. In addition, you give me an account. As long as there is no objection from my brothers, I will transfer the money to your account. "

Andre said in a deep voice: "Okay, cash will be given to me later. I will start looking for someone immediately. It is estimated that within two days, all of my people will be in place, and I will start fighting as soon as they are full. "

Gao Yang touched his neck and said in a deep voice: "Who are you looking for?"

Andrey smiled confidently, and then said in a deep voice: "The best guys in the world, Alpha, Signal Flag, Wimble, Gruu, wait and see, the Russian main palace has not put So many bloodthirsty beasts have been released at the same time, and I will use them to crush the softies under Djo! "

Andre really said some great units. Russia's most famous special units are all available. Gao Yang smiled and said: "These names sound confident, can you introduce some people to me, I There are some troubles in Somalia that need to be settled. It takes about 200 people. Oops, some troubles. I lent you the money and I did n’t pay them. Well, maybe, if I can collect some money, there are still The money paid to them is only a short-term action after all. "

Andrey tilted his head and said in a deep voice: "Ukrainian people can't do it? Old guys, not the soft guys in Ukraine now, they were cultivated by the Soviet Union. Of course, if you want to use Russian people, I can also find you Come out, two hundred people, little meaning. "

Gao Yang immediately said: "I have five An-32s. I want to send the plane to Somalia. Can you help?"

Andre didn't speak, but he only nodded after thinking for a moment: "Go through Bulgarian and Romanian airspace, refuel in Bulgaria once, and then go to Greek airspace. This section is fine, but I can't get to the Mediterranean. You have to find a place to stop for gas. "

Gao Yang excitedly said: "Syria, you can refuel in Syria, and I have a good cooperative relationship with Syria. They can definitely provide me with an airport, and then the route from Syria is no problem, Polovic can solve it. . "

Speaking of Polovic, Gao Yang and Andre were stunned, and then Yang Yang excitedly said: "Yes, Polovic, Polovic can help, he always wanted to continue to give big Ivan Doing things, at this state, is a good opportunity for him. "

Andrea looked at Gao Yang like an idiot. After frowning at Gao Yang for a long time, he said, "Man, how long have you been a mercenary?"

"Three years ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ what's wrong?"

"You are so naive, why haven't you died yet? This really surprised me."

Gao Yang was stunned for a while, then he scratched his head and said helplessly: "Uh, this, I'm just a little bit excited."

Why was Polovic swept away by Big Ivan? Because he chose to stand by when Iwan was most critical, instead of using all his strength to rescue or fight back, this behavior was not betrayal, but to be honest, it was not much different from betrayal.

Polovic chose to betray during the Great Ivan crisis, but the current situation, under the premise of the disappearance of Great Ivan, his situation is worse than last time, who can guarantee that Polovic will not betray again. , And the betrayal is more thoroughly put into Djo. Mather side.

Andre touched his beard, sighed, and said in a deep voice: "I and Polovic have known each other for many years, but now I am not sure what he will do, man, do me a favor, you and Poirot Vicky can contact, but do n’t tell him what happened here, do n’t mention a word, if you do n’t want to float the money lent me. ”(To be continued)

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