A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1374: competitor

Chapter 1,374 Contenders

In Ukraine, the supply of arms does not have to worry, the only thing to consider is who to buy from.

Gao Yang still prefers to buy from Rebrov. First of all, he has established a preliminary relationship with Rebrov and has also sent a lot of money, and it also has a relationship with the soldiers in the ammunition library. It is always the fastest and most convenient to buy from Rebrov when ammunition is urgently needed.

Just before deciding to continue business with Rebrov, Gao Yang made sure that this person did not threaten him.

Gao Yang snapped his fingers, and said to the thirteenth loud speaker sitting quietly in the corner: "Leonard, is there anything abnormal about Rebrov?"

On the thirteenth, Shen said: "I installed three bugs for him, one at home and one at the office. I couldn't install it on my mobile phone. Because there was no chance to start, there was one on him, but he had changed his clothes, so he The bug in your body has failed. As for the monitoring result, you have to ask Yake. "

Yack shrugged and smiled: "We have monitored him for more than three days, and found no anomalies, no special conversations, nor mentioned us once. After the bug on his body failed, you said there was no need to continue Monitoring, so we did n’t install bugs on him again. "

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "Very well, if there is nothing unusual, then it means that Rebrov may not be so stingy, I will say, since he is a businessman, how can he possibly be for a successful transaction It ’s always been a grudge, even if Koff Parker made the decision at that time, but that ’s not to blame us. ”

After speaking, Gao Yang picked up the phone and said in a deep voice: "I will contact him to see when it is convenient to pull the goods."

When Rebrov answered the phone, his voice sounded quite enthusiastic. He laughed heartily: "It's Peter, what's wrong, is there anything to do with me?"

Gao Yang chuckled lightly: "I'm sorry to disturb you, General, I want to buy something from you, mainly ammo, but there are some other small things, don't you know it is convenient for you?"

"Convenient, of course convenient, what is inconvenient, what ammunition do you need, go directly to 1206 reserve Kura."

Rybrov's voice and content sound normal, not as if he was holding a grudge. He lifted his heart up and said very relaxedly: "Very well, when are we going to pull the goods, um, The main thing is that I have to pay you the payment first. When will it be convenient for you? "

"Tomorrow should be no problem. We will contact you again for the specific time and meeting place. I have a meeting in the morning to attend. In the afternoon, it should be possible in the afternoon."

After hanging up the phone with satisfaction, Gao Yang chuckled slightly and shook his head and smiled, "Hey, sure enough, no one is willing to live with the money. Okay, no problem with Rebrov, then contact the transport, this The things we buy can't be stretched out, and how much we can take away depends on our capacity. "

These bullets are not comparable to missiles. Last time I bought something from Koff Parker, there were so many missiles, and they were gone after being pulled, and the bullets and the shells could not be counted at all, and they could not be pulled at all. You can get as many cars as you want.

When I contacted the transportation, I must call Major Kutcher, and when I was going to contact Yang, Irene hurriedly said: "You can let Shava and theirs help together. We have a cargo ship, don't waste it. "

Nodded eloquently, then called Kutcher.

After Gao Yang and Kutcher explained that they planned to use the car, they widened their eyes and shouted in an unbelievable tone: "What, do you have a car available?"

Kucher said in a deep voice: "Yes, I have no car available. I am delivering to an arms dealer. In a short time, I have no spare car available. Now, my car is already available. Go out and pull the goods, uh, and the things you want to pull are the ones I introduced to you today, and you did n’t want them, and now those things are bought by one person, and all I have to do is deliver them. "

Was so angry and anxious that he ran into a business robber, no, to be precise, he should have met a real arms dealer as a part-time job.

Gao Yang did not intend to buy the arms he just saw in the afternoon, but this does not mean that he does not need it in the future. Also, he may not want it, but after he was robbed, he began to want it again.

The most annoying thing is that the goods were robbed, and the guy who suddenly emerged robbed him of his most valuable capacity.

Gao Yang was anxiously corrupted, but he was still able to maintain his calmness with his angry voice.

"Who is it? Who bought those things and made you deliver them?"

"Uh, this, my friend, I don't know. After my friends sold the goods, they introduced me to the buyer. I don't know who is doing business with me, but I don't need to know, right? You did n’t buy anything today, I thought you did n’t need to use a car for the time being, otherwise I ’ll call you first to ask if you need it ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ After all, our cooperation is very pleasant. "

No matter whether it is true or not, after receiving Kuchel's answer, Gao Yang has understood that his question has actually crossed the line. Kuchel is a businessman, and the people in his team are the same to whom the goods are shipped. To make no money, he should not be able to disclose the situation of another customer to him.

Calm and calmed down, he said in a deep voice: "I understand, then, when will your car be free?"

"It's not easy to say, it may not be available in the last week. Peter, if you want to use a car, after I complete this cooperation, I will notify you as soon as I have a free car, how?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Okay, if you have the capacity to keep it for me, let me know, then that's the first thing, man, I'll wait for your call."

After smiling and hanging up the phone, Gao Yang immediately changed his face, then gritted his teeth and said: "Fak! Fak! Guys, I met a **** who robbed us to eat! The things we saw in the afternoon were bought Going away, even Kucher's team was robbed! Fak! "

Several people changed their faces, and Cui Bo said in a murderous way: "What? Encountered a colleague? Who is he dare to be so dare, make him! Kill him!"

Erin coughed softly and said, "First of all, I am in favor of killing our competitors, but one thing I must point out is that we are only going to grab food and eat as arms mercenaries. He robbed business with arms dealers, so guys, to eliminate competitors for the benefit, but you do n’t have to be so angry? "

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