A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1349: Sincerity

After chatting for a while, a car slowly approached from a distance, and turned off the lights after reaching the door of the old factory building.

Shava pointed to the car that was approaching and whispered: "Come."

Soon, a middle-aged man in his forties dressed in casual clothes came in, Shawa stood up, and whispered to the incoming middle-aged man: "Cousin."

The middle-aged man nodded, and his face did not look very good. He glanced at the standing high and made a gesture, saying: "I told you, don't see me when there are outsiders!"

Shawa ’s cousin did n’t look very good, he was not very happy. After making a helpless expression, Shawa said to his cousin: “Oh, brother, he ’s not an outsider, he ’s Mike ’s. Boss, he is my good brother, really, you should have a good talk with him. "

Kovpak Grigorievich, this is the name of Shava ’s cousin, and at the moment Kharkiv glanced up, and his face was uncomfortable. He shouted at Shava: "You fool, You were stunned by a little profit. How many times have I told you! These people ca n’t believe it! Did you take my advice to heart? Um, after the shadow of rebirth, marry the latest chapter! Bastard. "

Gao Yang immediately raised his hand and said innocently: "Brother, this is too much. I think you have misunderstood us?"

Koff Parker smiled coldly and said, "Yankees are not trustworthy, I see through! Americans are not only scammers but also scammers! Do I need to remind you to do those good deeds? In order to dismantle our aircraft carrier, register a leather bag company first Buy the boat and wait until we actually dismantle the aircraft carrier and do n’t recognize it, okay. Say something about what happened recently, you scammers, rogues, fooling the Ukrainian idiots, what toss Ukraine into. There is no such thing as joining the EU Possibly, even Crimea is gone! "

After he said bitterly, Koff Parker pointed at Shawar and said in a deep voice: "They just want to use you, kick you away like trash after I used it, I told you to be careful with them. Now you let him The boss came to see me in person, do you want to kill me? "

Donny did not say that Shawar's cousin didn't want to do business at all, so he was helpless. This is completely inconsistent with the form of previous judgment.

Shawa said embarrassedly: "Cousin, I just think you should talk to him. If you still don't think you can do business with him, then I promise that he will never bother you again in the future."

Gao Yang coughed softly, and then said: "Mr. Grigorievich, please allow me to clarify a few facts. First of all, I fully agree with you, that is, the Yankees are liars. After reaching this consensus, You should do business with me even more, because I am not an American, I am a Chinese. Although I have Americans under your hands, you ca n’t think of me as an American, right? "

Koff Parker looked at Gao Yang, then said: "Hua Xia?"

Gao Yang pointed at himself, then at Li Jinfang, and said with a smile: "Obviously, come. Mr. Grigorievich, please sit down. Let's sit down and say."

After Koff Park hesitated, Shen said, "Call me Koff Park. In addition, the Mike said you are American."

Gao Yang waved his hand and smiled: "I just live in the United States, man, for people like us, any corner of the world can be our foothold. I am in Ukraine, but it does not mean that I am Ukraine. People, right? "

After speaking, Gao Yang continued: "We are doing business for the first time, you have doubts, I can understand, you can believe me, I understand, it does not matter, you do not need to listen to me to make any promises, I do not want to talk to you What contract is signed, the contract is signed to tear it up, man, we use facts to prove, and facts are better than anything. "

Kofpak hesitated, looked at Shawar, and then heaved a heavy breath, then said in a deep voice: "Yes, let the facts be okay, now there are Russians looking for me, hoping to buy something from me , I prefer to trade with the Russians. "

After he finished speaking, Koff Park seemed to have made up his mind. He looked up and said in a deep voice: "I am a Russian, and the current Xinzheng Palace is very unfriendly to the Russian. I am very likely to be washed out of the Ukrainian army. At least, I will also be transferred from my current position, so I am in a hurry. I am not a businessman. I am a soldier. I have no conditions to mention. If you speak with facts, then please start speaking with facts. "

Gao Yang shouted: "Very good, very good, this is my favorite way of trading."

After snapping his fingers, Li Jinfang immediately opened his briefcase on the glass table in front of the high body and opened it, revealing the full green banknotes inside.

Gao Yang turned the direction of his briefcase and pointed it at Koff Park, he said with a deep voice: "500,000 dollars, cash, now yours."

Leaving the bag with both hands, Gao Yang leaned back and said to Cof Parker, who was sitting diagonally on the single sofa: "Don't get me wrong, this is not the full amount, this is a gift for meeting."

Shava and Koff Park were both stunned, and then Koff Park said absently: "Meeting ceremony? Just meeting ceremony?"

Gao Yang laughed: "Yes, it's just a gift, I said, let's talk with the facts."

Shava reached out and dragged his briefcase, dragging it directly from the coffee table to the front and back of Cove Parker, patting Cove Parker on the shoulder and laughing: "Cousin, I said, the Rams are very friends. Yes, this sincerity is enough to explain the problem? Haha, cousin, you listen to me, the Russians are also not credible. The Russians ’style is not so much a business as a robbery. How much do they give you?"

Koff Park stared at the briefcase and said staringly: "Two hundred thousand dollars, I have no time, and they know that I have no time to regenerate the little pepper."

Shava put his face in one hand and exaggeratedly said: "Oh, 200,000, 200,000!"

After talking, Shava took the briefcase and started to draw out money from the inside. One bundle, two bundles, and two large bundles of banknotes were taken out. Shava pushed the money to the front of Cove Park and then shouted. : "The price the Russians gave you, uh, let me see how much is still in it? Oh, God, there are three bundles of banknotes in this bag. What are the three bundles of banknotes? Three hundred thousand? Oh, my God, He even gave you half a million dollars? What is this? This is a gift? Am I right? "

Shava cooperated very well, Gao Yang smiled and said: "Yes, this is a meeting ceremony."

Koff Park swallowed and said, "This fact is persuasive enough, well, let those Russians go to hell."

Shava slapped Koff Parker's shoulder again and smiled: "Brother, don't say brother I will hurt you, you should listen to what other benefits the Rams have for you."

Gao Yang laughed: "I heard that you are worried about the safety of your family, so you can't make a decision right now? No problem now, I'll solve your worries."

Gao Yang recruited, and Irene took out a ladle passport from her bag and gave it to Gao Yang. After Gao Yang took it, she put it directly on the glass table and pushed towards Cove Parker, laughing: "This is Mike. Work, do n’t ask him how he got the photos of your family. In short, these are American passports. You can send your whole family to the US plane tomorrow. As for whether these passports can be used, Shava can tell you . "

Shawar said with a smile: "Cousin, I sent two people to the United States to travel. They have arrived today and they are having a good time. You should not believe me."

Kofpak took the passport, opened it and looked at it in surprise, "How did you take the picture? How did you do it?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Small tricks, not worth mentioning, you just need to know that we are not malicious, just want to solve your worries, these things are also to meet, even if you do not plan to do business with me, it does not matter, just give me Gift, if you plan to do business with me, you can wait for your family to come to the United States before proceeding. I ’m not in a hurry. Please look again. If you lack someone ’s passport, tell me, I will catch the time I will do it for you. "

After taking a look at the passport in turn, Cove Parker shot his hand on the passport and said in a deep voice: "Okay, no need to say, I will send the family away tomorrow, I will go after you pull things away, I Now I am happy to do business with you, but you have to hurry, only three days, only three days! If you are late, I am worried that I can no longer do business with you ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Now the upper level has started to clean up, My mid-to-low-level officers will not wait too long. "

Gao Yang was relieved, and it was better to wave cash than anything else. Koff Parker was anxious. He was even hurry than Koff Parker.

Nodded, Gao Yang smiled and said: "No problem, within three days, we started shipping, but I still have a question, Koff Parker, who are the Russians who want to do business with you? You know their names And origin? "

Koff Park said in a deep voice: "The person I contacted was called Paul. I came from Moscow. I do n’t know his origins, but he claimed to be not an arms dealer. Before, he did n’t. He just felt the opportunity came and wanted to start now. I just made a fortune in the situation, and I do n’t know the rest. Oh, he promised me two hundred thousand dollars and escorted me and my family safely to Moscow or Crimea, of course. Although I do n’t like Americans, I think it might be safer to go to the United States. "

Knowing that the Russians who were in contact with Kovpak were not arms dealers before, Gao Yang was relieved. He was afraid that he would rob business with the people of Grand Ivan, which would not be appropriate.

Gao Yang waved his hand and smiled: "Very good, can you tell me the arsenal you are responsible for, or, what goods can you get shipped?" (To be continued)

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