A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1312: End this 1 cut

If Gao Yang couldn't use a pistol, no one in the world would use it. Even if he closed his eyes, he wouldn't fly the bullet. ↑,

So when Gao Yang fired, the bullet wiped Davidson off, of course he did it intentionally.

It ’s almost the same as pretending, Yake can control a place at most, and then take pictures on the wall, Yake ca n’t rush to kill people.

Gao Yang looked a little excited, nervous excitement, he swayed the muzzle to Davidson sitting on the ground, shouting: "Go left, hurry, go left."

Davidson slumped on the ground, his lips trembling with words were unfavorable, and he could move his position.

Just when he was going to drag Davidson on the 13th, Gao Yang pouted and said with disappointment: "No, don't move Mr Davidson, otherwise it will be boring."

Gao Yang sat back on the sofa, supported his chin with his left hand, and held a gun in his right hand, a pensive look. At this time, Davidson shouted: "Let me go, I said I gave up, I really gave up Now. "

Gao Yang shook his head and said in a deep voice: "No, you have to figure out, I came to play to kill you, whether you give up, it is not important to me, playing to you, and fun to play, this is important. "

After talking lightly, Gao Yang snapped his left finger and smiled at No. 13: "Give me another drink, maybe I will have a new inspiration after drinking some wine."

On the 13th, he turned into a bartender again, and Gao Yang stared at Davidson staring blankly. Davidson said desperately: "What the **** do you want!"

Gao Yang raised his hand and shot at the ceiling, causing Davidson to close his mouth, and then placed a cocktail on the 13th in front of him.

Gao Yang took a sip. Frowning frown, he looked at the photo wall. Take a look at Davidson sitting under the wall of photos. Suddenly his eyes lit up, put the wine glass on the table, and shouted: "I thought of it!"

Like a kid who found a beloved toy, Gao Yang stood up happily and hurriedly said to Davidson: "I thought of an interesting idea! I started to randomly take pictures on the wall, hitting who died, you care Are they right? If you ca n’t stand the people you care about to die one by one, then stand up. In this way, I may hit you instead of hitting the photo on the wall, and our game will remain until you die. , When did you take the initiative to die for those people, and luck was good enough to be really hit by me, then you are lucky, I withdrew my people, this matter is so, what do you think? "

Davidson said dull: "You are a lunatic, you are perverted."

Gao Yang said shyly: "Did you find it? Everyone says so about me. It doesn't matter, you can say whatever you want. As long as you are happy."

With a long exhalation, Gao Yang resembled a child showing off his toys, and said loudly to the thirteenth, "How do you feel? My idea is not bad?"

On the thirteenth, he gave a thumbs-up and smiled: "Sir, this is a great idea. Playing with people is nothing. Playing with people's hearts is the highest level. You will stimulate Mr. Davidson to collapse."

Gao Yang hurriedly took a sip of wine and hurriedly said: "Very well, let's get started."

Raised the pistol, pointed the gun at the photo wall, then covered his eyes with his left hand and pulled the trigger high.

After shooting, Gao Yang lowered his hand to cover his eyes, then frowned, and muttered to himself: "Oh, oh, I didn't want to play this step so early."

Davidson couldn't help turning his head to look back. When he saw a picture of a bullet hole, he couldn't help but screamed: "No, don't!"

The person in the picture is in the house. The reason is very simple. Only two people can be controlled by Yake. If Gao Yang hits other people, he ca n’t pretend to be fooled, so he can only choose one person in front of him to play tricks. Go on.

Gao Yang turned his muzzle and said regretfully: "I really don't want to be here this early."

Gao Yang pointed the gun at the little girl who was tightly embraced by Mrs. Davidson.

Mrs. Davidson screamed and turned around. Davidson got up from the ground with a crawl, and quickly stood in front of his wife and children, opened her arms and shouted: "Don't hurt her, fight Die me! Let it all end! You madman! "

Gao Yang sighed and said, "It's a shame, I haven't played enough yet."

The regretful Gao Yang fired, and Davidson closed his eyes, but this time he didn't fall. After a moment, when he opened his eyes again, he saw Gao Yang's stunned face, staring at him in a daze.

Finally, Gao Yang smiled bitterly, raised his hands up, and then faced Davidson with a helpless face: "I'm sorry, the marksmanship is too bad, missed."

Escaped from the dead, Davidson couldn't help but sigh of relief, but he was tense again, and Gao Yang turned his eyes, and then said with a happy face: "Great, I shot, you are not dead, so We can continue to play this game, the results are very happy! "

Gao Yang immediately turned his eyes back to the photo wall and said anxiously: "Tell me quickly, what is Mr. Davidson's most cherished person next?"

Walking to the photo wall on the 13th, he pointed to a photo and said, "He, the eldest son of Mr. Davidson and his ex-wife, I personally think it is him."

Gao Yang raised his pistol, closed one eye, and then held the pistol with both hands. "Very well, this time I aim a little bit and hit again."

Davidson frantically ran to the photo wall and blocked his son's photo with his own body, exclaiming: "Damn, you better aim a little, kill me, and let everything end quickly!"

Finally collapsed, Yang Yang raised his face, and said seriously to Davidson: "You made a choice, although this is not interesting, but I don't have to take a photo, I want to play wherever I want. , You have to be able to stop it, haha! "

Gao Yang laughed madly, and then stretched his hand for a shot. After waiting for the shot, he shouted: "Quick, look at who I reached this time."

Davidson was completely helpless. He was willing to sacrifice himself to stop it, but he had to be able to stop it.

On the thirteenth, he walked to the wall of the photo wall. After searching for a moment, he finally found a small bullet hole. He reached out and wiped the bullet hole. After a closer look, the thirteenth turned to Gao Yangyi. The face said carefully: "I'm sorry sir, that picture was not hit, you hit the gap between the two pictures."

Gao Yang said angrily: "Which one does it even if it is rubbed?"

After turning around on the 13th and glancing at it again, he said very seriously: "It really didn't happen."

Gao Yang shrugged and said helplessly: "This time I can't blame my marksmanship, because it's harder to hit than to hit, but it doesn't matter if I don't hit, I don't limit the number of shots. Okay, you let go, we will come again. "

When the 13th flashed aside, Davidson rushed to the front of Gao Yang. When the look on the 13th was cleared, when he was about to start his fight with Davidson, Davidson stood in front of Gao Yang and blocked it with his body. muzzle.

Gao Yang waved his hand and let No. 13 holding Davidson's neck go away, then he said to Davidson: "You are fouled, back away, you can only move in front of the photo wall, not block my gun. Earlier, I have made it very clear. "

Davidson's body was trembling violently, his arms were open, and he looked desperately crying: "You killed me, I beg you, you killed me and then end all this, please!"

Gao Yang said with a calm face: "No, I don't want to end like this, because it's boring to end like this."

Davidson roared: "What the **** do you want! What do you want!"

Gao Yang said seriously: "You threatened me before, I hate threats, although I know that killing you will cost me a diamond mine, but the money is not attractive enough for me, so I want you to look at me One by one kills the people you cherish most, none of them let go, but I will not kill you, I want to keep you alive, otherwise, this game is boring. "

Davidson cried to the air and said: "Please, don't do this, I don't want anything, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, I destroy all the evidence, I won't even keep the diamond mine secret even if I die Leaked out, you killed me, then let it all end, kill me, let others go, I promise no one will know that diamond mine. "

Gao Yang sighed and shouted: "Keep off."

Davidson said desperately but firmly: "Never, kill me, please kill me!"

Gao Yang shot the gun on the table and said helplessly: "This game is boring."

Mrs. Davidson rushed over holding her baby, kneeled to Gaoyang, and stood between Gaoyang and Davidson, crying: "Let us go ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Don't do that, please, don't such."

On the 13th, he leaned over and said, "Sir, do you want me to drag them away?"

Gao Yang waved his hand and whispered: "It's boring, forget it, I lost interest in this game."

On the 13th, he respectfully said: "If the game is over, can we kill them now?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said in a deep voice: "No, this result is not interesting. You just said that playing with people's hearts is the most interesting."

After speaking, Gao Yang leaned down slightly, leaned forward, stared at Davidson, and said in a deep voice: "You start to make me bored, but I don't want to kill you now, because killing you is the most boring result. . "

Davidson seemed to grab the life-saving straw. He widened his eyes, and said weakly: "I dare not fight you, never dare, absolutely dare, I would rather die, and never be against you. , Please believe me, I am willing to prove by death, you killed me, end all this. "(To be continued ...)

ps: At the last minute, ask for monthly tickets. u

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