A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1309: Feel at home

If it were n’t for the high performance, he would be able to negotiate with Demp ’s family member Tim Davidson on the day he arrived in Antwerp. Unfortunately, his acting could not meet the requirements, so he could not start formal negotiations the next day after arriving in Antwerp. .

Gao Yang finally opened the box he brought, took off his suit jacket, carefully clamped a tie clip to the tie, put a headphone with a built-in ear canal into his ear carefully, and then pointed to the box Pistol, said to the thirteenth: "Will you bring me or bring it by myself?"

"You don't need to bring it, but I know you have no sense of security without a gun on your body, so you can bring it."

Gao Yang smiled, put the armpit gun on his body, put the jacket back on his body, and then pushed his hair back, sighed: "We set off, I can't wait to be an acting school."

Waving his hand on the thirteenth: "Wait a moment, I have to change my clothes."

On the 13th, he left. About three minutes later, the 13th, who was still in a jacket and jeans, was already a suit and leather shoes, and even his hair was fixed with hairspray.

Gao Yang dumbfounded: "Thirteenth, I know you eat fast, but I really don't know how fast you change clothes, how do you do it?"

A cold, thirteenth Shen said: "Professional expertise, do you want to learn? You will be as fast as me in about five years."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Oh, on the 13th, you are getting more and more humorous, let's go."

The two men in suits and trousers slowly walked out of their foothold. Gao Yang empty his hands. On the 13th, he carried a huge briefcase. It looked like two businessmen were going to complete a negotiation. Of course, Gao Yang was willing to put His meeting with the president of Depp Group is called negotiation. It's just that in the eyes of the man named Tim Davidson, it certainly wouldn't look that way. Threatening should be a more accurate word.

Get in the car. After walking for about twenty minutes, they were brought up to the front of a manor on the banks of the Nesshel in Antwerp. There is an iron fence in the shade of trees, and behind the iron fence is a very large lawn and garden. Behind the lawn is a house with a large area.

"The target doesn't like to make his home look like a fortified fortress, and he doesn't want his house to be like a prison, so there are eight bodyguards here, but they don't appear in front of us immediately, and nobody Come out to meet the goal. This is good news, even if no one comes to meet the goal, it wo n’t look anything unusual. "

On the thirteenth, he drove directly to the gate, and Gao Yang couldn't help saying: "Man, are we going to drive directly in this way?"


On the 13th, the car drove to the iron gate and slowed down. When the front of the car was still four or five meters away from the iron gate, the iron gate began to open automatically and slowly glide to the sides.

Gao Yang is like a curious baby, surprised and said: "How to do it?"

"Electronic access control. And we have access permission, it can be done by simple means. If you plan to set up a safer door for your house in the future, you must not use electronic access control."

On the thirteenth, he lightly stepped on the accelerator and the car slowly entered the courtyard. Gao Yang said slightly uneasy: "A lot of surveillance cameras, is that okay?"

Lightly said on the 13th: "Where do you think the monitoring pictures on our computers come from?"

"I didn't look carefully. I have been trying to make my acting meet your requirements. How can I have time to watch those monitoring pictures."

The car drove to the front of the house, and then went to the side of the house and stopped. On the thirteenth, it murmured into the air: "We have entered."

After speaking, the thirteenth reached Gao Yang and reached out. Whispered: "You can get off, please."

Get off the car on the 13th. After opening the door, he took his briefcase from the back seat and walked in front to open the side door of the house. Facing Gao Yang slightly: "Please come in."

Gao Yang shrugged: "Thank you, don't be so polite."

Smiling on the 13th: "From now on, I have entered the role, so I am now your follower, please, sir."

Suddenly on the 13th, he began to act like a capable bodyguard or assistant. Even the expression on his face changed from a careless poker face to a vigilant look, looking like a cautious bodyguard.

Gao Yang walked into the door. After entering, it was a big lounge, but there was no one in it.

Gao Yang reached out and said: "What about the target guards?"

On the 13th, I walked two steps forward. After unscrewing the door handle of a door again, I bowed slightly to Gao Yang: "Please come in, sir."

Gao Yang once again walked through a door, and then saw a row of monitoring displays placed inside, as well as eight people lying on the ground, two people in security uniforms, and six people in suits.

Gao Yang stood on his feet and pointed at the eight people standing side by side on the ground. He said to Shen Shen on the 13th, "Dead?"

"No, they just fell asleep. If they die, Mr. Davidson ’s aftercare work is not easy to do. As a friendly negotiation object, and to show our strength, these people just passed out, now, only They need to get them to sleep more. "

Speaking on the thirteenth, he opened the briefcase in his hand, took out a syringe from the inside, and after taking off the protective sleeve, took a syringe and put a needle on the neck of eight people in turn.

Gao Yang looked at the thirteenth. After completing the injection on the thirteenth, after putting the syringe in the protective sleeve and putting it back in the briefcase, he walked two steps and stood in front of a door. Shen said: "Mr. open This door is the home of Mr. Davidson. If Mr. Davidson is in any danger, the bodyguards here will rush through the door immediately, but now, no one will go out of this door, except you."

After finishing speaking, the thirteenth opened the door, first a narrow aisle, and then another door, waiting for the thirteenth to open the door at the end of the aisle, a magnificent hall appeared in front of the high.

Gao Yang sighed and smiled, "I will really enjoy it."

Waiting for Gao Yang to step on the carpet in the hall. After closing the door on the 13th, he raised his hand and pointed at the sofa. Shen said: "Sir, you can wait for Mr. Davidson to come back here, but this meeting room is a bit too big. If Mr. Davidson wants to enjoy a warm moment with his family members, he usually chooses the second floor, where there is a much smaller living room. "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Do you have to talk like this?"

On the 13th, he respectfully said: "Sir, I am your bodyguard and assistant. This is my attitude. In addition, I suggest that you should be in a state now."

Gao Yang shrugged helplessly: "Well, okay, well, I want to go to the second floor. As a pervert, I should do something that makes him collapse in the most warm place that Mr. Davidson thinks. assistant!"

On the 13th, he said slightly: "Please follow me, sir."

On the thirteenth, he began to move forward. Gao Yang followed behind on the thirteenth. The court walked on the stairs leading to the second floor.

The house was big, there were many rooms, Gao Yang passed through several doors, he did n’t know where they were behind those doors, and on the 13th, like entering his home, he opened the door naturally and stood Gao Yang said to the door: "Please come in, sir."

A much smaller living room, with a big TV in front of the big sofa, and a set of high-pitched stereo speakers, wait for Gao Yang to stand in the middle of the living room, then close the door on the 13th and then face Gao Yangdao : "Please sit down, what would you like to drink?"

Gao Yang sat on a large and comfortable sofa, and walked straight to the thirteenth road next to the bar: "What can I drink?"

"Whiskey, champagne, brandy, vodka, vermouth, we have base wine and liqueur that can make cocktails, there is a refrigerator, beer and juice and ice cubes in the refrigerator, red wine in the wine cellar, you need what?"

Gao Yang put his hands behind his head and smiled: "You make me feel like going home, although my house doesn't have these, well, the doctor won't let me drink hard liquor, so please give me a cocktail It ’s a base wine with a lower alcohol content. "

Gao Yang deliberately embarrassed the 13th, but the 13th was slightly indifferent: "Okay, sir, cocktail."

Gao Yang was a little convinced, but he tried to make the final struggle, so he immediately said: "If you can, please give me a rainbow cocktail, I like to see the rich colors and layered things."

Bowed on the thirteenth: "Sir, please wait."

Gao Yang's eyes straightened, and after watching the thirteenth place a seven-layer cocktail in front of him, it made him feel unreal.

"Sir, Bird of Paradise, please."

Looking at the cocktail in front of him, Gao Yang suddenly said, "What do you call this wine? Is the bird of paradise? Well, it looks great, I am reluctant to drink it. You can appreciate it for a while, and by the way, let Mr. Davidson also appreciate it. "

Shen said on the 13th: "This is instant drinking, sir."

Gao Yang regrettably took the wine glass and smiled, "Well, then drink it, in addition, are we waiting here right?"

On the thirteenth, he looked at his watch and said in a deep voice: "In twenty to twenty-five minutes, Mr. Davidson should be back. If there is no accident, he will come back with him and his second wife and daughter."

Gao Yang took a sip of wine and said with admiration: "Ah, this tastes good, I like it, you have good craftsmanship, if you plan to change business, I suggest you can be a bartender."

Lightly said on the 13th: "Thank you for your compliment, sir, I don't think you have entered the state yet. I suggest that you should enter the state as soon as possible. A small amount of drinking is a good way to relieve tension."

Gao Yang exhaled and muttered, "I'm not nervous, Leonard, it's not nervous, I'm just a little bit emotional, I feel at home now, and I'm curious if you have anything. ? "(To be continued)

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