A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1302: Who is the horse?

Gao Yang chatted with the thirteenth for a while, but did not chat for long. When Karima and Yelena came back, the two stopped talking.

While waiting for Yelena and Karima to push them back again, Gao Yang couldn't help but say to the thirteenth, "Can those two horses really not be considered?"

On the 13th, he said, "If you give me the full power of this matter, you can't move those two horses. If you decide to take back the dominance, you can do whatever you want, let alone two horses." , Even if you want to cut off the heads of all 14 horses in the racecourse, I can do it for you. "

Ye Lanna frowned: "What are you talking about? Horse? Cut off the horse's head? Why do such cruel things?"

Karima also whispered: "Yes, the horse is so cute, why do such cruel things?"

Gao Yang coughed twice and said, "Don't take it seriously, I just said it. Haha, haha, the rich Dutch people seem to like horses. I knew one, and he also raised in South Africa. Two horses. "

No. 13 whispered: "Oh, was that vulture in Somalia that you were pushed downstairs by a grenade and broke your head?"

Yang was unwilling to let Yelena and Karima hear these **** and cruel things, he said helplessly: "Who told you? It must be Frye, I said, if you know it, why not say it?"

Tilted his head on the thirteenth and said, "Why do you miss those two horses?"

Raised his lips and said: "Godfather!"

"Oh, you said it was a novel."

Gao Yang sighed: "Fool, the godfather is a movie made based on a novel of the same name. I like the godfather. Both the novel and the movie like it. They both make me deeply influenced and make me unable to extricate myself, can't I?"

No. 13 shrugged: "You are more and more like a godfather, by the way, which movie do I like."

Karima smiled and said, "I like it too."

Ye Lanna sighed: "I also like it very much, but I still think it is cruel to cut off the horse's head, high."

Waved his hands helplessly: "Forget it, forget it, you all object, then forget it, alas, the lens of my fantasy since I was a child, it is so broken."

Waiting a little bit in front of the automatic door, after the door opened, Ye Lanna pushed Gao Yang into the house, raised her hand and looked at the table below, and said in a loud voice: "It ’s time to arrive, everyone should arrive, do n’t go back to our room. , Just push us to the meeting room. "

Pushed Gao Yang and No. 13 into a conference room with a circular conference table. Ye Lina said softly: "You should take the medicine. Wait here. I will ask the nurse to get the medicine ready for you."

Gao Yang The place where they are located is not a hospital, but an ultra-luxury rehabilitation hospital integrating medical treatment and convalescence. The scale is not large, but the facilities are luxurious. The equipped medical staff can also be described as luxurious. The people who can live are not rich but expensive. This kind of rehabilitation hospital also has the advantage that even the conference room is prepared, which is used by the wealthy people who live in it.

Gao Yang and No. 13 sat at the conference table, and Yang Yang said boringly: "Hey, No. 13, can you tell me your life experience now? Do you know that I have a problem, and my curiosity is too heavy point."

No. 13 Shen said: "Wait for Karima to tell you, I am not a storyteller."

Exclaimed helplessly: "You are a boring person, hey, on the 13th, now Yeliana they are not here, you tell me, there is really no room for the operation of the horse head? There is no possibility at all?"

Thirteenth impatiently said: "Why are you so troublesome?"

Gao Yang said angrily: "Nonsense, this is my complex! Do you understand the complex? I thought about it when I was a kid. When I became a big man one day, I must do like the godfather. Now I am not a big man. I have a chance to do this. "

Sighed on the thirteenth, and said, "It is impossible for me to call the shots. You can call the shots at your own discretion. With this answer, please don't bother me anymore! Finally, don't bother me with this question anymore!"

Yang Yang said with a lip: "Forget it, forget it! Tell you this person who has no sentiment at all that these are a waste of time!"

On the thirteenth, with little emotion, he turned his head to look at Gao Yang and said angrily: "You have to cut off the heads of two pure-blooded horses! Then put them on the plate **** and put them on the bed of others! You tell me this Is this kind of sentiment? Is this sentiment? Hmm? You and Yelena rode a horse on your ranch and called it sentiment. You cut off the horse's head and it was called ruined sentiment! I am a killer, not a butcher! I am a killer, not representative I do n’t know what it means to be sentimental! You psychologically distorted pervert! "

"Hi, Leonard, who are you talking about?"

On the thirteenth, someone knocked on the door, and then a nurse pushed Raphael on the bed and came in, followed by Albert with one foot in a wheelchair.

After was pushed to Gao Yang's side, Albert looked at the 13th with curiosity, wondering who was the pervert in his mouth.

After being scolded as perverted, the black line raised his face, and after Albert ’s wheelchair was pushed into position, he grabbed the hand of the little nurse who was pushing him, and said sadly: “We have to open Yes, it won't be too long, good boy, I'll go find you later. "

The nurse did not resist her hand being grasped by Albert. After she whispered in Albert's ear, she left the meeting room gently.

Arrogantly said: "Asshole, get up so quickly! Your feet are all right now? What to pretend? Shameless!"

Raphael was very dissatisfied and said: "The medical staff here is strictly forbidden to have any relationship with the patient. Unless she wants to be dismissed, I will not understand. Villain, you are old and ugly or bald, why can you get yours done? Care worker, but I am so young and handsome, but I ca n’t get it? "

Albert brushed his bald head with a smug expression: "Charm! Inner beauty, and personality charm."

Irene pushed in the door and came in. After patting Gao Yang on the shoulder, he immediately sat next to Gao Yang, and then looked at Raphael with disdain: "Do n’t listen to him, the villain just leans on shameless and Compared to his sweet words, you're tender like a newborn baby. "

The people who came in from behind began to sit down along the conference table. The people of Satan were all there, except for Downey Jr., and Albert said at this time: "Hi, boss, what you said is that the head of the horse is cut. What's going on? Tell me. "

Irene curiously said: "What horse head?"

Cui Bo also curiously said: "Chopping the horse's head? Who is the horse? What is his real name? Who are we going to kill?"

Gao Yang patted the table with his hands and shouted: "Shut up, shut up, there is an important thing to do to call you, we are going to start a business, we will hold a meeting to decide how to do this business . "

Fry shouted: "What business?"

Gao Yang laughed: "Big business, arms business, and we already have buyers, haha."

Li Jinfang said with a deep voice: "Did you come out of the Ukrainian arms? Isn't this already settled? Donny did not do a good job wherever you are. What do you say, just do it? We don't do business like this Understand, who is the horse? "

Grolev said in a deep voice: "Yes, the business is handed over to Downey Jr., we don't understand anybody, Gao, do you have a task to do? I think the business is handed over to Downey Jr. Let ’s just concentrate on the task. If the horse is a person ’s nickname, who is this person? Assassination or live capture? How much is the commission? Is there a time limit? "

Elin clapped her hands and shouted: "Task task! I like the task, the business is given to the professionals to do it, and the task is given to us! Boss, let's talk, what task?"

Gao Yang's mouth twitched all the time, and then he shuddered: "You bastards! I said, this man ... Ma, ya, Ma is not a nickname, this is not a task! Ma is Ma Ma, Yuck, a horse is a horse, a real horse! A horse with four hoofs, a horse race, a thoroughbred horse! "

Waved his hand impatiently and exclaimed angrily: "Don't talk about horses anymore! I'm just going to scare someone with the thirteenth, maybe kill him, damn, don't talk about **** horses anymore!"

Grolev frowned, "Who threatens or kills, then do it well, why do you get involved? What does this have to do with horses?"

Gao Yang patted the table helplessly: "The man has two horses! He loves the two horses! We are going to use the horse to threaten the guy, that's it!"


A group of people gave a long sigh in unison and exhaled with a loud voice ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ said: "Okay, let's continue to talk about Ukraine ..."

Fry reached out: "Wait, wait, you said you want to cut off the horse's head, why?"

Exclaimed helplessly: "Why don't you ask who I am going to scare or kill, but ask the horse?"

Fry said stunnedly: "Because I am totally not interested in killing anyone, but I am curious about why you want to kill two horses, so why should you cut off the horse's head?"

Gao Yang said angrily: "Because I want to threaten that person! And I think it's a deterrent to cut off his beloved horse's head and put it on his bed! But the thirteenth rejected my proposal. ! Well, we are in a meeting, not to mention the **** horse! "

Irene reached out and said: "Wait! Why can't you cut the horse's head? I think this is a good idea."

Grolev rubbed his chin and said, "Well, this idea is good, very interesting, I think it is very interesting."

Li Jinfang said in a deep voice: "Although I think it is a bit cruel to do this, but I think this idea is indeed good. I have seen such a thing in a martial arts novel I have read. I am very impressed."

Jensen and Taylor said in unison: "What is a martial art novel?"

On the thirteenth, he stretched his hand on the conference table, and the muscles on his face trembled uncontrollably, and said angrily: "Enough! I'm going to cut off the horse's head!" Continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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