A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1288: All carried away

It is of course the best to miss a shot, but if you have to choose one of several bullets to make yourself a hit, it must be that the smaller the power, the better, right.

The ppk pistol is short, lightweight, and reliable. It is suitable for people who need to carry a gun in secret. However, the gun is small and the bullet is small. The bullet is small, and the power is certainly small.

It is one of the bullets that ppk can use. This bullet is characterized by low recoil, low sound, and low power. The instantaneous cavity and permanent cavity caused by the bullet hit the target, even 9 mm Parabellum There is not a quarter of the bullets, that is to say, this gun is either accurate or good luck, otherwise it is really difficult to kill people instantly.

It was unlucky to get two shots, but the two shots were all ammunition, which is a great luck in misfortune. If Gao Yang gets two .45 flower bombs that he usually uses, his stomach will be a mess.

Albert was very excited, and after throwing the warhead aside, he said cheerfully: "Good luck, it is so good, the bullet hardly rolls, the right abdomen is very invasive, and it is easy to solve!"

The two wounds on the belly remained unchanged, and Albert immediately took the third knife. This time, Gao Yang finally felt no pain, but the sound of the belly being cut by the knife was terrifying.

Gao Yang was no longer energetic, he was about to faint, and after a nervous examination of Gao Yang for a moment, he finally exhaled and shouted: "The 9mm bullet was penetrated by the armor bullet and the bullet between the lung and the liver. The diaphragm, the lung lobes are not damaged, and a small part of the liver is injured. I want to perform emergency suture and hemostasis on the liver, big dog, these are all told to the Dragon Knight. He will know what brought it, is there a problem? "

After receiving a reply, Albert immediately began a stressful operation. In this case, Gao Yang was not dizzy.

Raphael turned his head and said, "Is the boss's situation okay? He must be fine, right?"

Albert whispered: "Brother. He got three shots and three shots. The situation is not bad, but there is no problem. I can't talk about it anyway."

Raphael sighed and said, "Well, as long as you can guarantee that your boss won't die, everything will be yours."

Albert didn't answer. He was kneeling on the floor to perform an operation on Gao Yang. This posture was uncomfortable. But Albert, who was born as a medical soldier, was already used to kneeling on the ground for treatment. On the battlefield where artillery was flying, he would not provide an operating bed for the wounded.

Raphael hurriedly said on the intercom: "Skunk calls the Dragon Knight, please answer, and Skunk calls the Dragon Knight, please answer."

After calling several times in a row, without receiving an echo, Raphael immediately said on the intercom: "Big dog, have you contacted the Dragon Knight. When will they arrive?"

"They are coming all out, but it will take an hour at the earliest!"

Raphael gasped: "It's too slow. I'll contact the Dragon Knight. They have to be faster."

Before he had finished speaking, Grolev yelled at the intercom: "Be careful, they will attack!"

Raphael hurriedly said: "Beware of the latest chapter of Nanyang!"

After receiving the prompt, Raphael and several of them immediately raised their attention to prevent someone from rushing in through the gate, but after two explosions outside, there were several screams, and then there was no movement.

Cui Bo said on the intercom: "The threat is lifted, they can't attack. But I'm worried ..."

Raphael hurriedly said: "Stop! Don't say rabbit, let the big dog talk!"

"We are worried that people outside will use heavy weapons like rocket launchers."

The power of the rabbit's crow mouth cannot be underestimated. After Grolov finished speaking, Raphael gasped. Whispered: "It shouldn't be there. This is a resort, and the security in Austria has always been very good. I think Prince Suharitan will not bring a rocket launcher when he comes here for a vacation. In fact, they even have rifles and submachine guns Very few. "

After speaking, Raphael said to Clooney: "Will Suharitan's guards carry heavy weapons?"

Clooney shook his head and said in a deep voice: "No, the Prince's personal guard will not carry any heavy weapons."

Raphael's heart relaxed a little, and he immediately reached out and signaled the 13th and Cronidoga to pay attention to the situation at the door, and took out a satellite phone to call Andy Ho.

Waiting for the call to connect, Raphael hurriedly said: "Guys, when will you arrive?"

Andy said angrily: "I'm running up the mountain. Now I have a question. Can the boy be lifted down by a stretcher?"

Raphael shouted at Albert: "Can you hold your head down?"

Albert didn't lift his head and said in a deep voice: "No, and don't forget that you and Leonard also need to be lifted down. You don't think you can go in your own situation? In fact, you need to be lifted down Also includes me, my feet are twisted, and it's quite serious. "

Raphael sighed and said in a deep voice: "Bad news, you need to bring a stretcher, boss, villain, me, Leonard when we come, we can't walk."

Clooney said frowningly: "Man, don't forget me. Although I am a gun in my shoulder, you won't let me go on."

Raphael sighed: "And Clooney, we have five people who need to be carried away. In addition, the villain said that the situation of the boss could not lift him down the mountain."

To carry five people away, at least ten people are needed. If someone is needed to act as a guard, more manpower is needed. Obviously, even if Gao Yang can be carried away, Satan is seriously understaffed.

Raphael was silent for a moment and exhaled: "Understood, we will find another way to pick you up and hold on."

Clooney said weakly again: "Can I remind you ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ In addition to people, there is a lot of money to be taken away, 150 million US dollars, no, 149,900 Wan, your friend just burned about a million dollars. "

Raphael looked at the banknotes piled on one side and said with a frown: "We still have a lot of money to take away, can you think of a way?"

Andy said anxiously: "How much does it need to find a way to take it away, is it not enough for the two to mention?"

Raphael said weakly: "150 million cash, I don't know what the weight is, but there are thirty bags, big bags ..."

Andy He whispered a few words to the person next to him, and said on the phone, "Okay, I understand, let's try our best, hold on, we will pick you up soon, soon! We There is a new plan, go up within ten minutes at the fastest, and the slowest will not exceed half an hour. "

Raphael hurriedly said: "What new plan?"

"Helicopter, rescue helicopter, we plan to hijack the rescue helicopter and fly directly to save you, but this must first deceive the rescue helicopter, in short, hold on." (To be continued)

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