A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1286: avalanche

It was very cold hiding in the snowdrift, although it was still cold in the thick winter clothes, but when it was found that the smoke column in the chimney appeared five times in a row, and then returned to a continuous green smoke, Cui Bo only felt that he was on his body Blood is clotting.

"Wu Daoyan, No. 5 emergency contact code, the leader is killed! The leader is killed ..."

When trembling while speaking the words on the intercom, Cui Bo shivered as a whole, but his hands did not tremble, and he remained stable, ready to fire a bullet at any time.

Grolev trembled: "Are you mistaken, are you sure five times?"

Raphael's soul didn't keep his way: "Five times, that's five times. Here again, count carefully."

After a while, Raphael said desperately: "Five pillars of smoke, repeated, this is the specific contact code, number five, the leader is killed ..."

Cui Bo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Brother Yang can't die. I know he can't die. I'm going to save him."

Cui Bo said very firmly and very plainly, but even if the sword was in flames, he was going to break into it.

Grolyov suddenly said: "Army, Gao is definitely not killed. No one except him knows our emergency contact code. The signal is definitely sent under the signal of Gao, absolutely! Gao is definitely not dead!"

Raphael stood up suddenly from the hiding snowdrift, exclaiming excitedly: "Yes! There is no option to seriously injure in our extremely urgent contact code, the head is not dead, but he sends a signal of death, There is only one explanation. He must have been seriously injured and he needs first aid! "

After speaking excitedly, Raphael shouted angrily: "Villain, look at you, rush in! Rush in to save our boss. Rabbit, big dog, two of you cover! Contact our people. Let them Hurry up and save, the villain and I rushed over! "

Grolev said in a deep voice: "You two can't rush through. There are at least nearly a hundred people, only you two can't. I'll go too, and it's enough for the rabbit to leave a cover."

Raphael hurriedly said: "No! We need to be fast! You can't keep up with the speed of the villain and me with your machine gun. You leave the cover, and the two of us can rely on you if you can rush in! The villain, we set off. "

Raphael and Albert are lower than Tribble, but also on the ridge. There is also a straight line distance of about 500 meters from the resort. If you rush over at a normal speed, it will take at least ten minutes to disperse the fairy.

Raphael was putting a snowboard on his feet. He turned to Albert and said: "You are slow, I will go down and wait for you first, build a cover for you, no matter how I am, you just rush into that room, Understand?"

Albert pouted: "Even if you get shot?"

Raphael nodded steadily and said in a deep voice: "Yes. Don't worry about anything! Even if you look at death in front of you, Satan can be without me, but he can't be without a head."

Albert said in a deep voice: "I see. I won't care about you."

Raphael took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Man, it's up to you this time, let's run away with milk!"

Albert stood up from the snow, and after looking down, he gritted his teeth and said helplessly: "I have to rush into the enemy's heap, and I have to crawl over from his mother's snow, you This is letting me die! There is no way. Who will let me be a medical soldier, man. Let ’s go, I wo n’t be late than you. "

Raphael was ready to slide out. After hearing Albert's words, he said in shock: "What do you want to do?"

Albert took a deep breath and shouted, "I'm going to slide over, ahhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

Albert leaped forward and jumped from the ridge. After falling five or six meters down on the snow under the cliff, he screamed in horror and sat on the snow. Slid out.

At the beginning, Albert was still sitting, but he quickly lost control. He tried to make himself lie down on the snow, but when sliding to the middle, the snow in front of him began to rumble. There was a noise, and then it began to collapse at a position under his feet.

"Fak! This idiot, this is a snowy mountain, not a dune!"

After angrily swearing, Raphael jumped down and glided down the snow quickly.

Albert caused a small avalanche, and he was dragged into the falling snow and rushed down with him.

The consequences of the avalanche are terrible. It was washed down by a large-scale avalanche and buried in a snowdrift. Even if it did not fall to death during the rolling process, it would inevitably escape the suffocated end.

However, Albert ’s situation is not so bad, because if he is on a safe route, he will probably walk a few hundred meters, but if he slides down a straight line from the ridge, it is at least 200. When you come to the rice, you will reach a flat ground leading to the resort.

The scale of the avalanche is not large, but there is still a pile of snow at the height of three or four meters on the flat ground in front of the mountain resort.

Albert really arrived faster than Raphael, but he was buried in a snowdrift.

Raphael slid down the mountain quickly, and then he shouted as he approached the snowdrift that had just fallen off: "Villain, where are you fucking, make a noise!"

Raphael slid the snowboard in front of the snowdrift, tossed the snowboard aside, and after holding the rifle on his back in his hand, he began to listen to any movement in the snowdrift.

Rafael is only a hundred or ten meters away from the resort ’s gate, basically at the place where the cable car is lowered, and the movement caused by the avalanche attracts people from the resort.

Cui Bo and Grolev's shooting quickly knocked two people who could threaten Raphael to the ground, and Raphael listened to the sound of the snow pile.

As if hearing a trace of movement, Raphael hurriedly said: "Where are you? Loud, a small space comes out in front of your nose. Can you hear it?"

At the end of the shout, Raphael suddenly heard several dull gunshots. After judging the approximate location, he immediately flew and climbed onto the snow pile, digging desperately, about a meter or so After the pothole, a leg suddenly kicked from the side of the snow cave to the ancient midwife.

The snow was not strong enough, Raphael couldn't grab Albert's leg and drag him out, so Raphael began to dig along the leg, waiting for a swaying hand, he grabbed Al Burt's hand pushed Albertra out of his head and foot.

Albert's hat fell off, revealing his bald red head, and as soon as he came out of the snowdrift, Albert immediately took a long breath and then shouted, "Stop me!"

Raphael slapped his hand on Albert's bald head and yelled angrily: "You idiot, who made you jump down, do you want to die? You are the only medic, you are dead What to do! "

Albert touched his bald head and said helplessly: "Walk so far, and slide so close, OK, let's go now, the head is still waiting."

Raphael hurriedly said: "Hurry up and try if you can still be active!"

Albert moved his hands and feet, and then hurriedly said: "It's just a little painful, active, it's okay."

Raphael and Albert turned over from the snowdrift and rushed towards the seemingly empty resort. Raphael held the gun, while Albert had only one m9 pistol in his hand.

"I should have brought a rifle!"

Albert limped and ran, but his speed was not slow, and Raphael said sadly: "You didn't say that when you climbed the mountain just now!"

The resort has no walls and no doors, only scattered houses. If you do n’t want to be hit by Choi Bo and Grolev, Suharitan ’s guards and attendants have to hide behind the house, and the two people who came out to check the situation were Killed in the open space after losing the shelter.

The two quickly ran to the back of the moving house outside, one side, hiding behind the sides of the house, Albert lowered his voice and said: "How do we act?"

Raphael pointed his finger at a house opposite him and whispered: "There are a lot of people in it. There must be some people in that house. There should be about a hundred people in this resort. How many people are there and what guns do not know. So, only luck. "

Gao Yang and Raphael once painted the topography of the resort, and through the combination of tourist introduction and satellite maps, although Albert has not been here, he also knows what the general terrain should be.

After a brief talk, Raphael turned his heart and whispered: "I'm in front, you follow me, and I rush inside, anxious, no matter what happened, don't care about me, your There is only one task, rush in, understand? "

Alber nodded characteristically and said, "I think this plan is stupid, but you are the commander, you have the final say."

Put the two pistols in front of you ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Albert whispered: "I hate the small pistol, it's useless at all, well, let's get started!"

Raphael said in a deep voice: "That's because you can't use a pistol, prepare, go!"

Raphael rushed out and Albert immediately followed, but the two just flashed out and found that there were several guns facing each other, and they immediately flashed back again.

Although he was forced to retreat back and incurred a flurry of rain, but it was not a bit of a harvest. The two of them finally knew how the people inside stood.

"Boss! We are here, can you hear it inside? Try to cover it!"

After screaming with all his strength, Raphael took down the only two grenades on his body, nodded at Albert, and then reached out and threw a grenade to Albert. The two pulled out the grenade. The insurance on the road, after signaling to each other, raised the hand to throw the grenade out at the same time.

After hearing the explosion, the two rushed out again. Raphael started shooting while rushing out, and Albert rushed out with a pistol and opened fire. (To be continued)

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