A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1250: Vigorously

Satan is the first among the ultra-small mercenary regiments, and the Iron Madonna is among the medium-sized mercenary regiments. Although the size of the two mercenary regiments is very different, the first of the two ranks will come to the final battle. The big event is definitely a super big event for the mercenary circle.

Now, Gao Yang intends that the first in the small mercenary regiment will also be dragged into a big chaos and turn the struggle between the two powers into the killing of the three kingdoms.

The reason for dragging angels into the water is too simple. First of all, there are many steel virgins and they are also powerful. Even if the first two fights took advantage, it was not a normal state, it was an extraordinary battle. Can continue to prevail, and the mistake that the Madonna of Steel can make, Satan can't make it. The two consecutive defeats of the Madonna of Steel are only partial, and there is no injury to the bones. As long as Satan makes a mistake, it means the end.

Since it is more difficult to face the Iron Madonna alone, then the situation will be different when you pull in the angels. With the help of angels, even if the Iron Madonna needs to fight back after being hit again, at least multiple comrades will fight together. Also, when Satan and the angels joined forces, this scene was so high that it felt beautiful just to think about it.

There is another reason why Gao Yang wants to drag the angels into the water. Anyway, the relationship between Satan and the angels is not bad. Let the angels bear the blame for Satan. After all, it is a thing that Tomler did, and Satan is completely It doesn't matter, but when the Iron Madonna wants to destroy the angel as her goal, the angel doesn't know it, this is dangerous.

Gao Yang wanted to inform the angels to make them more vigilant, regardless of the reason why they were stared at by the Iron Madonna. The angels could not be indifferent. They had to fight back. Since this is the case, it would be better to simply join hands and count.

"We inform the Angel Mercenary Corps. Let them know what will happen, and then invite them to fight against the Iron Madonna. In addition, the angels can also cooperate with us to fool Suharitan. Right?"

Clooney and Raphael were a little surprised by Gao Yang ’s words. After a moment of thinking, Clooney raised his hand in a hurry: “No, wait a minute, there ’s a critical issue here, if you let the angels know they were It ’s been time and time again, and they will still be good-tempered to cooperate with you? I do n’t think this plan is feasible. I think it ’s better to let the angel carry this black pot for us without any knowledge. ”

Gao Yang laughed: "You can rest assured. I am sure that the angels will cooperate with me to kill the Madonna of Steel. I am very confident about this. The only price I need to pay is to redistribute the commission to the angels. Well, I think They will do 40 million, and we and the angels will set up an ambush, so that the Iron Madonna can send more people. "

Although some of the benefits need to be divided, it is much more cost-effective to get than to lose. capable.

Clooney frowned: "I have absolutely no contact with the angel. I am more worried about being retaliated by the angel."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "I have a friendship with the angel, so rest assured. I will get the job of the angel, you can only make sure you can get the money."

Clooney hesitated again and again, and finally nodded: "Okay, after the deposit is paid, I will give you the money immediately, but I have to leave 10 million to pay the deposit to Our Lady of Steel. I ’m not sure yet, I ’ll ask them where they are. Then you can arrange traps in a targeted way. "

Gao Yang nodded: "The plan is like this, but the plan can't keep up with the changes. Maybe the Madonna of Steel refuses to deal with the angels, if that's the case. We have to make new plans again, so you have to complete the most important work first and get it done. Our Lady of Iron and Steel, when they accept the mission, I will contact the angels and finally make a concrete action plan. "

"Okay, I will contact Our Lady of Steel today and I will notify you of any new developments immediately."

In battle, it is unrealistic to expect the enemy to act exactly as he wants. If a commander really formulates tactics in the most ideal state, then he must be stupid and not far from death.

Formulate a plan and then strictly implement it in the end. The end of this is usually very miserable. The battle is always adjusted according to changes in the situation, looking for a plan that is most beneficial to you and then implementing it. Otherwise, how can you reflect the famous The value comes.

Our Lady of Steel is in Ukraine. If you want to set the trap in Ukraine, they are not very far away. They have to prepare quickly. As long as the Lady Our Lady takes over the task, then Satan has to be in just two or three days. Only to arrive in Ukraine.

The specific details need to be studied, but the general direction is set.

The whole plan is more blunt, but in the final analysis, this is actually the case. The five forces are involved, and the three parties immediately go into battle, actively or passively using the name of an angel, so that the angel mercenary corps will slam the back.

I slapped my hand and shouted loudly: "Let's act now. After I know the location of the Iron Madonna, I will notify me immediately. In addition, I have to contact the Angel Mercenary Corps as soon as possible. This is a big play. There are no angels."

Clooney nodded and said: "In fact, there is another thing. This is the core of our plan. It is based on the fact that Suharitan is a fool, but Suharitan is actually not a fool. He is just too lazy to personally. To ask, or to be too lazy to monitor and verify the authenticity of the whole thing, so we have to consider the possibility that Suharitan will become diligent one day ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Highly waved: "It does n’t matter, you do n’t have to Worrying too much, anyway, when we get to the Madonna of Steel, we will immediately prepare to kill Suharitan's business, just when we have done you a favor, don't thank us. "

Clooney shook his head and said, "No, it doesn't mean that. I think since you have to kill Suharitan anyway, it would be too wasteful to simply kill him. I mean, why not let Suharitan do anything else? You die after creating some value. "

Gao Yang frowned: "What conspiracy do you have? Say it and listen."

Clooney coughed softly and said, "Suharitan has controlled the Shah Intelligence Agency for many years. He is a real power figure and has won the trust of the king. But there are actually many people who want to take over Suharitan. I am confident that I can find a few. If I can convince them and let them pay to kill Suharitan, how do you feel? Well, you can get a sum of money, and you can also find a scapegoat, Shah. If people want to check, it is necessary to check who inside wants to kill Suharitan. "

Gao Yang froze for a moment, then gave thumbs up to Clooney, and said sincerely: "Cluney, has anyone told you, you really are a genius who digs and buryes people." (To be continued)

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